Manuscript on parchment roll consisting of 2 irregularly trimmed membranes stitched together, of Constitution for the dinghof or colonge of Ingersheim in Alsace, consisting of 16 articles
In Middle High German., Script: Written in neat gothic hand by a single scribe., Paragraph mark before each article., Roll shows considerable use., and Binding: Boxed.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a portion of Wirnt von Gravenberg's Wigalois
In Middle High German., Script: written in a gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in red uncials; other 1-line initials are in black highlighted with red; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; the text is not written according to lines of verse.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Wirnt, von Grafenberg, active 13th century.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, German literature, and History and criticism
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Heinrich Seuse's Buchlein der Ewigen Weisheit; this is among the earliest known copies of the work and is written in a transitional dialect between Swabian and Alemannic
In Middle High German., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 3-line initials at the beginning of chapters are in red; 1-line initials are in black highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus and virgule.
Manuscript on paper of 1) Martinus Oppaviensis OP (Martinus Polonus, Martin of Troppau, d. 1279), Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum, with continuations up to pope Clemens VI (1342-1352). 2) Accounts and other documents from the years 1385-1403, dealing with farms in Germany
In Middle High German and Latin., Script: Art. 1 is probably copied by one hand writing Gothica Cursiva Libraria becoming more rapid towards the end. Art. 2 is written at various moments by one hand writing Gothica Cursiva Antiquior Currens in compressed and irregular lines, sometimes difficult to decipher., In art. 1 the headings have not been executed (instructions for the rubricator in the lower margins in the first quire). Neither have the 2-line initials been executed, for which there are guide letters; the first initial only (a 3-line plain initial in black), f. 1r, has been made. Art. 2 is undecorated., Many pages water-stained and damaged, especially the lower margins. F. 1 and art. 2 badly spoilt by the use of a reagent., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Quarter red leather (pigskin) and oak boards with rounded edges; the leather fixed on the boards with iron nails; sewn on three split leather thongs. Remnants of one strap attached to the rear board, with a brass pin in the front board. Part of the iron attachment for a chain preserved at the top of the rear board. Yellowish leather pastedowns, now detached.
Subject (Geographic):
Germany., Connecticut, New Haven., and Holy Roman Empire
Subject (Name):
Martinus, Polonus, -1279.
Subject (Topic):
Accounts, Farms, Manuscripts, Medieval, Papacy, and History
Manuscript on parchment of a Charter of Wenzel (1361-1419) confirming the rights and privileges granted by his predecessors to the towns of Ober- and Nieder-Ingelheim, Wynterheim and Wachenheim, granted 1398 (?).
In German and Latin. and Much of text lost at folds, especially at the one running horizontally across the center of the leaf; more loss in the same area due to water and grease stains, and holes in parchment. Square has been cut out of lower right corner of parchment; loss of a few letters of charter and part of the note on the fold.
Manuscript on paper (watermarks trimmed; unidentified) of various prayers
In German and Latin., Script: Text written in formal gothic by one scribe. Prayers added on the flyleaves, front and back, by several later hands in italic of the 17th century and later. 2- and 1-line initials in blue-grey or orange-tinted red. 1-line initials within the text, with red stroke. Extensive rubrication in orange-tinted red., and Binding: 16th-17th centuries. Sewn on three single, round, vegetable fiber cords laced into wooden boards. "Made" endbands glued on and extending onto the outer face of the boards. Red edges and numerous place marks of vellum or tawed skin on the fore-edge. The spine rounded and lined. Covered in dark brown calf with two brass catches on the upper board and brass clasps hinged to the lower. The lower board is detached and one clasp and some leather at head and tail of the spine are wanting.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustinians. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Monasticism and religious orders, and Prayers
Manuscript on paper of a miscellany. The manuscript seems to be a compilation organized, corrected and expanded by a single person specialized in pharmacology and medicine and interested in natural history, encyclopedical knowledge and history
In Latin with some Czech (?), German, and Hebrew., Watermarks: crown (var. Briquet 4616?), circles (var. Briquet 3194?), bull's head (?)., Script: Copied by various scribes, writing Gothica Cursiva Libraria or Currens in various sizes, often very small; ff. 127r-143r, 7 are in a markedly different, larger form of Gothica Cursiva Libraria., The decoration is unevenly spread: heightening of majuscules and plain initials in red. On ff. 162-170 alternance of red and green initials, on f. 162r flourished initial in the same colours. Artt. 21 and 22 are not illustrated, although the text mentions figurae., At many places the paper is deteriorated by the acidity of the ink., and Binding: Original limp parchment. A bifolium from a German manuscript in Gothica Cursiva, worn and stained, lined with a German document on parchment in Gothica Cursiva Antiquior/Recentior. Leather spine stiffener with ornamental stitching.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Alchemy, Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Manuscripts, Medieval, Medicine, Medieval, Natural history, and Pharmacology
Manuscript, on paper with a table of contents on a single parchment leaf, in a single hand, containing the "Summer" portion of this Dominican-compiled German legendary
In Middle High German., Bookseller description available., Layout: Double columns of mostly 35 lines., Script: German cursive., Decoration: some rubrication. Three-line and one-line capitals in red., and Binding: tooled and stamped brown leather over wooden boards; four-compartmented spine. Remains of metal clasps with leather straps.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Christian saints, Manuscripts, Medieval, Saints, and Lives and legends
Manuscript on paper of Konrad von Megenberg (1309-1374), Die deutsche Sphaera, an adaptation in German of Iohannes de Sacrobosco, De sphaera. With 23 verses dealing with the numerical value of the letters of the alphabet, excerpted from Hugutio of Pisa (d. 1212), Liber derivationum
In German., Script: Copied by one hand in Gothica Cursiva Libraria/Currens., The initials are not executed. Coarsely drawn diagrams; the principal ones are on ff. 2r (Earth in the middle of the circles of the elements, the planets and the heavens), 9v (a quadripartite circular map of the world, three quarters covered with sea and inhabited by fish), 10v (a circular diagram and another with "cauda Draconis" and "caput Draconis"), 11r (two diagrams showing eclipses), 11v (related diagrams)., and Binding: Yellow limp vellum too large for the present manuscript.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, German poetry, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Numerology, and Science, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment. Written as a gift for Barbara Pfintzing, who entered a nunnery in 1441 at the age of 16. The text indicates that the manuscript was produced for use in a Dominican house of nuns; liturgical directions are written in German (the feminine forms in the antiphons and prayers often bear suprascript masculine endings, in red).
In Latin and German., Script: Written by a single scribe in well formed gothic textura. Articles 1 and 6 have 4-line staves, in red, and black square notes., Uninspired blue initial, 2-stave, on f. 1r, infilled and surrounded by red penwork flourishes with blue accents. Similar plain initials, 2-line, alternate in blue, red, and black with red throughout. Running titles and headings in red., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Resewn, using original sewing holes, on three double vegetable fiber cords laced into back-cornered and indented oak boards. Endbands embroidered on a strip of vellum and adhered, the vellum extending onto the outside of the boards. The spine is square and lined all along with manuscript fragments extending to the inside of the boards. Covered in vellum blind-tooled with concentric borders containing heads in oval frames among foliage in the outer, and busts of saints in the inner. Two brass fastenings, the catch on the upper board, straps attached to the lower with a metal plate. Straps wanting and a slight crack in one joint.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Dominicans
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Dominican sisters, Manuscripts, Medieval, Monasticism and religious orders, and Processionals (Liturgical books)