"Mnārat Qúdšē" (Candlestick of the Holies), also translated "Candelabrum of the Sanctuary", "Manārat al-Aqdās" (in Arabic), a theological work by Bār ʻEbrāyā (Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286), foremost representative of the Syriac renaissance of the 12th-13th centuries. Copied in the year 1901 of the Greeks (1590), at the Monastery of Mār Abḥāy (in the vicinity of Gargar, Turkey), by the Priest Mīkā bar Barṣawm, of ʻÚrboyš, later metropolitan of Gargar (pages 1-385). Followed by short pieces: 1. "Súgítā" (metrical homily, Hymn, Song), arranged alphabetically, by Jacob of Serug, 451-521 (pages 386-387). 2. On the religion of the Arabs (page 387), attributed to Saint Cyril (Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869). 3. Piece entitled "On the investigation of the chronōnkanōn" (Qrúnonqanún) or, the 532 year cycle (Taqlab), by Patriarch Ighnaṭiyus Niʻmat Allāh, 1515?-1587? (pages 388-389). 4. Note (page 389) on the date of Lent and Easter in the year 1413 of the Greek (1102), apparently an abridged excerpt from the "Chronicle" (Maktebanut zabne) of Patriarch Michael the Great (Michael I, the Syrian, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1199). 5. Another excerpt from Patriarch Michael (pages 389-390), here explicitly identified as such (Mār Míkāʼel emar), on the date of Easter in the year 881 of the Greeks (570). 6. Drawing with crosses and jottings by a later hand (page 393), including a quotation from John 10:11 and a note apparently indicating the correspondence of dates 2139 of the Greeks to 1829 and 1244 of the Hijrah. 7. Part of a lectionary (397-398). The section with number KA and heading "Qeryānā d-ʻanídē" (with reading from Matthew 9:18-) starts in the middle of page 397; the number KB is visible on page 398 which is glued to the cover and Inserted in this manuscript is Barhebraeus's book on logic "Ktābā d-bābātā" (Book of the pupils of the eye) as the second chapter of base 1 (pages 22-32). The manuscript includes a version of the map of the habitable world (page 58).
Alternative Title:
Mnorat Qúdšē
In Syriac., Title of Mnārat Qúdšē from incipit and reference sources., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit of "Mnārat Qúdšē" (folio 11b): "Prúmyún. Túb b-yad Alāhā Mārē Kul mšarénan d-nektúb Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšě meṭul šeteʼsē ʻidtānāyē men syāmē d-Qādíšā wa-lbíš l-Ālāhā Ṭúbtānā u-mabúʻā d-qadíšútā ú-núhrā šbíḥā d-yadúʻtānútā Abún Māry Grígúryús Mapryānā d-Madnḥā, Maryā nšawyúhy l-malkúteh ʻam šarkē da-gbawuhy ...", Secundo folio of "Mnārat Qúdšē" (folio 12a): aʻbed ú-emalel ú-dalmā ʼnāš men henún., 18 x 27.5 cm; written surface: 12 x 21 cm; 44 lines per page (in two columns: 5.5 x 21 cm, each)., Binding: In dark brown leather., In West Syriac script, in black ink, on cream color paper; headings in red., Pages are also numbered in Arabic numerals (1-[398]) and Syriac letters (A-ŠPZ)., Laid in: Four printouts of pages from a microfilm of the manuscript., On folio 1a: Two illegible stamps, folios 1b-4b are blank., On folio 5a: A distorted statement in mixed Garshūnī and Syriac: "Qad naẓara fī hādhā al-kitāb 'Mnārat Qúdšē' Ṭimetāwos Miṭrúpúlíṭāyā [crossed over] Apisqúpā d-Kursyā d-Mary Abḥāy ú-Urhāy, d-hú Būluṣ ʼÚrhāyā, šnat APSB Mšíḥaytā" (Ṭimetāwos, Metropolitan [crossed over] Apisqúpā of Mār Aḥāy and Edessa, who is Būluṣ ʼÚrhāyā, has looked into this book of Mnārat Qúdšē), in the year 1862 of Christ). Under it a stamp (in Arabic)., At the head of folio 5b: "Qúdíkus da-Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšē" (Table of contents of the Book of Mnārat Qúdšē). The table of contents itself (folios 5b-11a; pages 2-13)., At the end of the table of contents (page 13): "Šlem Qúdíqus awkít mḥawyānā da-Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšē ... men ʼnaš ʻalíl amnē ú-bíš dúbārē ú-marír gadē haw aynā d-bašmā man metdalal dayrāyā ú-kahnā, elā bram ba-ʻbadā dén l-rúḥqā mabʻad Míkā bar Barṣawm men Qsṭrā mbaraktā ʻÚrboyš ba-šantā ASYT d-Yawn ú AYṢYT da-Mšíḥā, b-Dayrā d-Māry Abḥay. 1901 Yú 1590 M. 1901 Yūnānī.", Translation of the end of the table of contents: "The Qudiqus, that is, what is in the book (table of contents) of 'Mnārat Qúdšē" was completed ... by a person who is stranger to the art, of ill deeds, and of bitter luck, who by name is called monk and priest, but by works is far away from them, Míkhā bar Barṣawm, from the blessed fortress of ʻÚrboyš, in the year 1901 of the Greeks, 1590 of Christ, at the Monastery of Mār Abḥāy.", Pages 391-392 and 394-396 are blank., Colophon of Mnārat Qúdšē (page 385): "Šlem ú-l-Ālahā šúbḥā l-ʻālmín.", and Translation of the colophon of Mnārat Qúdšē: "It is completed. Praise be to God for ever."
Subject (Name):
Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286., Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869., Ighnaṭiyus Niʻmat Allāh, 1515?-1587?, Jacob, of Serug, 451-521., Michael I, the Syrian, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1199., and Syrian Orthodox Church
Subject (Topic):
Doctrines, Church year, Logic, Medieval, Syriac language, Theology, Doctrinal, and World maps, Manuscript
"Ktābā d-Húdāyē" (Book of Directions), also translated "Book of Guidances/Guides, and Nomocanon", "al-Hidāyāt" and "al-Hadāyā" (in Arabic), on canon law, by Bār ʻEbrāyā (Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286), foremost representative of the Syriac renaissance of the 12th-13th centuries (folios 1a-146b (pages 1-289)), followed by 1. "Basis for calculation of inheritance according to the laws of the Arabs, and laws for manumission of slaves (pages 290-303). 2. "Laws of the victorious Christian emperors (sententiae syriacae)" (pages 303-307). 3. "Laws of the victorious Christian emperors Constantine, Theodosius, and Leo, Syro-Roman law book" (pages 307-337). Name of copyist and place and date of copying not mentioned, probably from the 17th century
Alternative Title:
Húdāyē, Ktobo d-Hudoye, Hudoye, and ܗܘ̈ܕܝܐ
In Syriac., Title from the text and reference sources, Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit: The codex starts with a table of contents, as follows: "B-yad Alāhā Marē kūl mašarénan l-mektab 'Ktābā d-Húdāyē' meṭūl qānūnē ʻidtānāyē ú-nāmúsē ʻelmānāyē men syāmē d-Abún Māry Grígúríyos Mapryānā d-Madnḥā" (By the help of God, Lord of All, we start to write the 'Book of Directions' about the eclesiastical and secular laws, which is authored by our Father, Mār Grigorios, Maphrian of the East)., 17.5 x 27.5 cm; written surface: 12.5 x 20.5 cm (in two columns; 34 lines per column)., Binding: In dark brown leather with flap., In good West Syriac script, in black ink, on cream color paper; headings in red., The pages of the codex are also numbered in Syriac letters., Laid in: Two slips of notes about the manuscript (in French)., Table of contents (folios 1b-2a)., At the end of table of contents, the following statement: "Šlem menyān qeplē d-Ktābā d-Húyāyē, d-qārēʼ hākíl nṣālē ʻlay b-ḥúbā" (The listing of the chapters of the 'Book of Directions' is completed. Let him who reads pray for me in love)., The table of contents is followed by the titles of the three supplementary works, as follows: 1. "Ḥušbānā d-yārtūtā ayk nāmúsā d-Ṭayāyē." 2. "Nāmúsā d-malkē Krisṭíyāne." 3. "Nāmúsā Krisṭíyānā d-sím men Malkā Qúsṭanṭínús ú-Tāʼúdúsíyús ú-Lā́ún Malkā Rúmāyē.", On folio 3b (in pencil): "Ktābā d-Húdāyē d-sím l-Mapryānā Bar ʻEbrāyā d-lā síqúmā" (Book of Direction authored by Maphrian Bar Hebraeus is without date)., On folio 4a: An endowment statement (in Garshūnī and some Syriac) dated 5 February 1884, as follows: "Wāqif Kānīst Mār Buṭrus wa-Mār Būluṣ bi-Ūrfah: Ṭīmutāwus Aps Būlus Úrhoyo / 5 Šbāṭ 84 M" (The endower to the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Urfa [al-Ruhā / Edessa] is Timotheus Aps. Paulus Urhoyo / 5 February 84 M)., At the end of page 337: Statement of the original endowment by the unnamed donor (in Garshūnī with some Syriac) as follows: "Lammā ḥaḍarnā fī al-Ruhā fī sanat BY Yūnānīyah waqafnā hādhā 'Kitāb al-Hadāyā' ilá Kanīsat Mār Buṭrus wa-Būlus waqfan ṣaḥīḥan. Wa-kulman yaṭmaʻ ʻalayhi wa-yukhrijuhu min al-waqfīyah yakūnu taḥta kalimat Allāh, wa-yakūnu maḥūm min fam Māry Buṭrus wa-Māry Būlus. Āmīn ú-Ābūn ba-šmāyā u-šarkā.", Translation of the original statement of endowment: "When we arrived in al-Ruhā [Urfa/Edessa], in the Greek year BY [i.e. 2012 = 1699/1700] we endowed this 'Book of Directions' to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, an authentic lawful endowment. Anyone who covets it and takes it out of its endowment location shall be under the word of God and will be excommunicated by the mouth of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Amen. 'Our Father who art in Heaven', etc.", The last five leaves of the manuscript are blank., Colophon of "Ktābā d-Húdāyē": "Šlem 'Ktābā d-Húdāyē' ú-l-Alāhā šúbḥā d-ḥayel ú-ʻadar wa-ʻlayn raḥmāwhe l-ʻālam ʻālmí. Amín ú-Amín.", and Translation of the colophon: "The Book of Directions is completed. Praise be to God who empowered and helped. May His mercies be upon us for ever and ever. Amen and Amen."
Subject (Geographic):
Islamic Empire.
Subject (Name):
Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Syrian Orthodox Church, Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Law, Byzantine, Nomocanon, Roman law, Enslaved persons, Emancipation, Law and legislation, and Syriac language