Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number 20,870., R. B. BONTECOU,, Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge., The temporal bone was fractured and depressed in this case., Walter Wheeler, Private Co. B. 91st N.Y. Vols., age 37, was admitted into Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital, April 19th 1865, with gunshot wound of the right side of the head. The wound was received before Petersburg, Va., April 2nd 1865. The ball entering above the anterior zygomatic articulation and passing through temporal fossa emerged just above the external meatus. April 22nd 1865 he had a slight hemorrhage from the common temporal artery which was ligated. An incision was made between the wound of entrance and exit, when it was found that a small portion of the bone at the point of exit was denuded of pericranium. A portion of bone was subsequently removed and the patient is now (June 17) fully recovered., and Walter Wheeler.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Walter Wheeler, Hospital Number 20,870
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries—Surgery, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
David R. Templeton, Private Company A, 46 N.Y. Vols., age 16, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital April 5th 1865, with gunshot wound of the head. Ball hit left temple, just back of outer angle of eye, grazing malar bone and eyeball, destroying sight; passed off producing flesh wound of the tip of the nose. Was wounded at Petersburg April 2nd 1865. He is now well, June 1st, 1865., David R. Templeton., Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number 20,407, R. B. BONTECOU,, and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, David R. Templeton, Hospital Number 20,407, Harewood General Hospital, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries—Surgery, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number 20,870., R. B. BONTECOU,, Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge., Walter Wheeler, Private Co. B. 91st N.Y. Vols., age 37, was admitted into Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital, April 19th 1865, with gunshot wound of the right side of the head. The wound was received before Petersburg, Va., April 2nd 1865. The ball entering above the anterior zygomatic articulation and passing through temporal fossa emerged just above the external meatus. April 22nd 1865 he had a slight hemorrhage from the common temporal artery which was ligated. An incision was made between the wound of entrance and exit, when it was found that a small portion of the bone at the point of exit was denuded of pericranium. A portion of bone was subsequently removed and the patient is now (June 17) fully recovered., and Walter Wheeler.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Walter Wheeler, Hospital Number 20,870
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries—Surgery, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, John Parkhurst, Private, Co. E, 2d N.Y.H. Art., aged 50, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital, April 16th, 1865, with gunshot wound, ball fracturing upper portion of frontal bone. Wounded April 7th, 1865, at battle of
Farmville, Va. Progress favorable. Transferred to U.S. General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. April 8th, 1865. Doing well., John Parkhurst., R. B. BONTECOU, and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, John Parkhurst, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries-surgery, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
[Signed.], ”Serg't, Samuel C. Wright's first enlistment was at Plymouth, Mass., May 18th, 1861. Mustered into the U. S. service May 22nd, 1861, at Fortress Monroe, Va. He was in the following engagements during his first enlistment:—Hampton Roads, Va, March 8th and 9th, 1862. Gaines' Mills, Va., June 27th, 1862. Peach Orchard, Va., June 29th, 1862. Savage Station, Va., June 29th, 1862. White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, 1862. Received slight wound in the head at Glendall, Va., June 30th, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., from Dec. 10th to 15th, 1862. Vicksburg, Miss., July, 1863. Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863, inclusive., 1st Lieut. 29TH Mass. Vet. Vols., Comd'g the Company., NATHANIEL BURGESS,, Re-enlisted Jan. 1st, 1864, at Blair's Cross Roads, Tenn., and has been in the following engagements since that time:—Bethesda Church, Va., June 1st, 1864. Shady Grove, Va., June 2nd, 1864. Cold Harbor, Va. June 3rd, 1864. Front of Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Nov. 1st, 1864, for gallantry in action July 30th, 1864., Serg't. Samuel C. Wright, Co. E, 29th Mass. Vols., aged 21, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A., Gen'l Hospital, August 1st, 1864, with gunshot wound, received June 17th, 1864, at battle of Petersburg, Va. The ball, a Minnie, struck the right orbit, fracturing the bone. The case progressed favorably, the patient making a good recovery. Discharged Feb. 13th, 1865., Serg't. Samuel C. Wright., and The following sketch was furnished by the commanding officer of the company to which he belonged:—
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Serg't Samuel C. Wright
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number 21,176., John A. Howard, Private, Co. G, 21st Pa. Cav., aged 24, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital, April 30th, 1865, suffering from sabre wound of scalp, right lateral aspect, over anterior portion of parietal bone, fracturing external table of cranium. Wounded, April 5th, 1865, at Amelia C. H., Va. On admission, the condition of injured parts and constitutional state of patient were good. Patient was doing well when discharged from the U. S. service, July 5th, 1865., John A. Howard., R. B. BONTECOU,, and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, John A. Howard, Hospital Number 21,176, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Head-Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number, 20,409., James Fergerson, age 19, Private Company G, 52nd N.Y. Vols., admitted to Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital from City Point April 5th, wounded by Minnie ball March 31st, at Gravely Run Va. ball entering anterior to right ear, passing through maxillary bones and making its exit from face under left eye. Patient made a good recovery., James Fergerson., R. B. BONTECOU,, and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, James Fergerson, Hospital Number 20,409, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Aaron Detweiler, Corp'l, Co. G, 198th Pa., Vols., aged 18, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital, April 2nd, 1865, suffering from gun shot wound of right arm, upper third, the ball injuring soft parts. Wounded, March 29th, 1865, at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. On admission, the condition of injured parts and constitutional state of patient were good. Result favorable., Aaron Detweiler., Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number, 20,278., R. B. BONTECOU,, and Surgeon U.S., Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Aaron Detweiler, Hospital Number 20, 278, Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Arm—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
David H. Key, Ser't, Co. G, 3rd N.J. Cav., aged 23, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital April 19, 1865, with gunshot wound through the mouth, the ball carrying away canine and first bicuspid teeth of right lower jaw, and first bicuspid tooth of right upper jaw, wounding tongue, passing inside of ramus of lower jaw, left side, and lodging beneath integuments posterior to angle of jaw. Also gunshot (flesh) wound right arm, middle third, anterior aspect, ball passing through from before. Wounded April 6th, 1865, at battle of Harper's Farm, Va. April 7th, 1865.—Removal of ball on the field by counter opening, half an inch posterior to angle of jaw, and one inch below lobule of ear.—Progressed favorably. Transferred to U.S. Gen'l Hospital, Newark, N.J., May 2nd, 1865. Doing well., David H. Key., Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, R. B. BONTECOU,, and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In Charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, David H. Key, Harewood General Hospital, and Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907
Subject (Topic):
Arm—Wounds and injuries, Head—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, R. B. BONTECOU,, Samuel S. S. Daggart, Serg't, Co. G, 5th Wis. Vols., aged 26, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital April 12th, 1865, with gunshot wound left shoulder, the ball entering in front, below clavicle, passing backwards and downward, making its exit from posterior of arm, upper third, (internal to humerus.) Wounded April 2, at battle of Petersburg, Va. Progressed favorably. Transferred May 21st, 1865. Doing well., Samuel S. S. Daggart., and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Samuel S.S. Daggart
Subject (Topic):
Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, Shoulder—Wounds and injuries, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs