"Probably by Münster" (Norwich)., Pg. no. on verso: 16., Similar to example in Norwich, but lacking pg. nos. on recto., and Text on verso: Quarta Aphricae tabula ...
Appears in Bünting's Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae., In top margin: 20 -- 21., Includes ill., Latin, German., Relief shown pictorially., Sheet measures 32 x 39 cm., and Text on verso.
"Cum priuilegio.", Hand col. Sheet measures 47 x 57 cm., Includes text and ornamental cartouche., Latin, French., Pg. nos. on verso: 61, 64., Relief shown pictorially., Running title on verso: L'Afrique., and Signature on verso: Q.
Hand col. Sheet measures 47 x 58 cm., Has watermarks., Includes decorative cartouche and ill., Latin, with French text on verso., On verso, right top margin: 313., Relief shown pictorially., and Signature on verso: Xxxxxx.
Includes col. ill. of ships, monsters, etc., Possibly from the 1639, 1641, or 1642 ed. of the author's Noveau theatre du monde ou nouvel atlas, or from the 1646, 1647, or 1649 ed. of J. Jansson's Nouvel atlas ou theatre du monde., and Relief shown pictorially.
"Cum privilegio ad decennium.", Appears in C. and J. Blaeu's Novus atlas of 1641-1642, J. Blaeu's Novus atlas of, Includes col. ill. of ships, monsters, etc., and of African peoples and 9 city views in border., Signature on verso: A., and Title on verso: Africa.
From Ogilby's Africa, being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid. 1670., Includes decorative title and blank dedication cartouches and ill., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 47 x 59 cm.
Printed by T. Johnson for the author [i.e. J. Ogilby],
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Africa, being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid