Aphricae tabula quarta continet Libyam et duas Aethiopias
Appears in Fries' 1535 Ptolemy., Includes ill., Relief shown pictorially., Sheet measures 40 x 50 cm., Signature mark: I4., Title from caption on verso., and Watermark: Bunch of grapes.
German title and text, Latin place names., Includes text and ill., Relief shown pictorially., Sheet measures 34 x 42 cm., and Text in ornamental frame on verso: Des gantzen Landts Africe, ein gemeine beschreibung. xxv.
Appears in the author's Delle navigationi et viaggi., Covers Africa, except for the western bulge and southern tip., Has watermark., Includes text on verso., Oriented with north to the bottom., Pg. no. in upper right margin: 261., Relief shown pictorially., and Titl
G.B. Ramusio,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557. Delle navigationi et viaggi
From Ramusio's Navigationi et viaggi. 1563., Has watermark., Includes ill. of ships, sea monsters, etc., Oriented with north to the bottom., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 31 x 43.5 cm. dgvmp2008.
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557. Navigazioni e viaggi
"Cum priuilegio.", Appears in Ortelius's Theatrum orbis terrarum. 1570., At head of title: Africam Graeci Libyam app., Includes col. ill. of fish, ships, etc., Pg. no. on verso: 4., Relief shown pictorially., Title on verso: Africa., and Watermark: 2 crossed arrows.
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Theatrum orbis terrarum
"Probably by Münster" (Norwich)., Pg. no. on verso: 16., Similar to example in Norwich, but lacking pg. nos. on recto., and Text on verso: Quarta Aphricae tabula ...
Appears in Bünting's Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae., In top margin: 20 -- 21., Includes ill., Latin, German., Relief shown pictorially., Sheet measures 32 x 39 cm., and Text on verso.
"Cum priuilegio.", Hand col. Sheet measures 47 x 57 cm., Includes text and ornamental cartouche., Latin, French., Pg. nos. on verso: 61, 64., Relief shown pictorially., Running title on verso: L'Afrique., and Signature on verso: Q.
Hand col. Sheet measures 47 x 58 cm., Has watermarks., Includes decorative cartouche and ill., Latin, with French text on verso., On verso, right top margin: 313., Relief shown pictorially., and Signature on verso: Xxxxxx.
Includes col. ill. of ships, monsters, etc., Possibly from the 1639, 1641, or 1642 ed. of the author's Noveau theatre du monde ou nouvel atlas, or from the 1646, 1647, or 1649 ed. of J. Jansson's Nouvel atlas ou theatre du monde., and Relief shown pictorially.
"Cum privilegio ad decennium.", Appears in C. and J. Blaeu's Novus atlas of 1641-1642, J. Blaeu's Novus atlas of, Includes col. ill. of ships, monsters, etc., and of African peoples and 9 city views in border., Signature on verso: A., and Title on verso: Africa.
From Ogilby's Africa, being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid. 1670., Includes decorative title and blank dedication cartouches and ill., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 47 x 59 cm.
Printed by T. Johnson for the author [i.e. J. Ogilby],
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Africa, being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid
"Cum privilegio.", Author is either Justus Danckerts the younger (d. 1692) or Justus Danckerts the elder (1635-1701)., Hand col. Sheet measures 53 x 62 cm. Ms. no. on verso: 4., Includes decorative cartouche., and Relief shown pictorially.
"Avec privilege du Roy.", dgvmp2008., Hand col. Sheet measures 51 x 70 cm. Ms. no. on verso: 49., Has watermarks., Includes text, ill., and Relief shown pictorially.
Chez I.B. Nolin, sur le Quay de l'Horloge du Palais ...,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Loon, H. V. (Herman van) and Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1648-1708
"Cum privilegio potentissimorum D.D. ordinum Hollandiae et Westfrisiae.", Includes decorative cartouche., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 52 x 60 cm. Ms. no. on recto: 170. Ms. nos. on verso: 169, 172.
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Gouwen, Gilliam van der and Tidemann, Philipp, 1657-1705
" R. Spoffort Sc.", Appears in "A new sett of maps both of ancient and present geography"., Relief shown pictorially., and Shows boundaries, rivers, deserts, caravan routes, and principal settlements, with unexplored areas.
"Avec privil. du Roy.", "Dediée a Nosseigneurs, les enfans de France, par leur tres humble et tres obeiss. serviteur de Fer, geog. de Monseigr. le Dauphin.", Includes text., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 28 x 40 cm.
Chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du Palais sur le quay de l'Orloge a la Sphere Royale,
"Avec privilege pour 20 ans.", Covers Africa east of Algeria and north of the equator., Has watermark., Includes text., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 54 x 73 cm. Ms. no. on verso: 77.
Chez l'auteur sur le Quai de l'Horloge a l'Aigle d'Or,
"Avec privilege pour 20 ans.", Covers Africa east of Algeria and north of the equator., Has watermark., Includes text., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 54 x 73 cm. Ms. no. on verso: 77.
Chez l'auteur sur le Quai de l'Horloge a l'Aigle d'Or,
"According to the newest and most exact observations.", Includes views of "Cape Coast Castle on ye gold coast of Guinea," "James Fort on the island of St. Helena," and "A prospect of the Cape of Good Hope," and a plan of, and Prime meridians: London and Ferro.
Printed for H. Moll over against Devereux Court without Temple Bar, D. Midwinter at the 3 Crowns in St. Pauls church yard and Tho. Bowles print and mapseller next to the chapter house in St. Pauls church yard by Philip Overton, map and printseller near St
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Bowles, Thomas, -1767, Midwinter, Daniel, active 1698-1725, and Overton, Philip, -1751
Map of Turkey, Arabia & Persia and Map of Turkey, Arabia and Persia
Appears in Senex's A new general atlas ... London: Printed for Daniel Browne ... [etc.], 1721., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 53 x 69 cm. Cross Collection no. 104.
Sold by John Senex at the Globe against St. Dunstans Church Fleetstreet,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800, Arabian Peninsula--Maps--Early works to 1800, Iran--Maps--Early works to 1800, and Middle East--Maps--Early works to 1800
"Most humbly inscrib'd to ye most honoble. the Marquis of Annandale, kt. of the most noble & ancient Order of the Thistle.", Appears in the Senex's New general atlas. 1721., Includes ornamental cartouche., Prime meridian: London., and Relief shown pictorially.
Prime meridian: Tenerife. and Relief shown pictorially.
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Administrative and political divisions--Maps--Early works to 1800, Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800, and Arabian Peninsula--Maps--Early works to 1800
Africa accuraté in imperia, regna, status & populos divisa, ad usum serenissimi Bourgundiae Ducis.
"Avec privil[ège].", Appeared in various eds. of Cóvens et Mortier's Atlas noveau; cf. Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Coverage includes the eastern coast of Brazil., II, C & M 3 and 4., Includes four bar scales., and Relief shown pictorially.
"Cum privil. S.C.M. nec non S.R.M. Polon. et Elect. Sax. A. 1737.", Includes text and ornamental cartouche with Africans, Europeans, flora, fauna, etc., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 52 x 62 cm.
Cartouche lacks privilege., Includes text and ornamental cartouche with Africans, Europeans, flora, fauna, etc., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 52 x 60 cm. Ms. no. on recto: 58 [?].
Has watermarks., Includes text, chart showing geographical, linguistic, and religious divisions, and decorative cartouche., Prime meridian: Ferro., and Relief shown pictorially.
Has watermark., Includes "Admonitio" and 4 bar scales., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., Sheet measures 55.7 x 67.2 cm., and Shows east coast of Brazil.
Africa, plate Ist. The northwest part / examined and revised by Mr. Bolton -- Africa, plate II. The northeast part -- Africa, plate IIId. The southwest part -- Africa, plate IV. The southeast part. and Appears in Postlethwayt's Universal dictionary of trade a
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Bolton, Solomon, d. ca. 1768, Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767, Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d', 1725-1785, and Postlethwayt, Malachy, 1707?-1767. Universal dictionary of trade and commerce. 1766
Africa, plate Ist., The northwest part / examined and revised by Mr. Bolton -- Africa, plate II, The northeast part -- Africa, plate IIId., The southwest part -- Africa, plate IV, The southeast part. and Appears in Postlethwayt's Universal dictionary of trade
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Bolton, Solomon, d. ca. 1768, Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767, Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d', 1725-1785, and Postlethwayt, Malachy, 1707?-1767. Universal dictionary of trade and commerce. 1774
Africa accurate in imperia, regna, status & populos divisa, ad usum Ludovici XV Galliarum Regis and Africa accurate in imperia, regna, status et populos divisa, ad usum Ludovici XV Galliarum Regis
In French and Latin.
Chez I. Covens et C. Mortier,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Condet, Johannes, 1711-1781 and Cóvens et Mortier
"Avec privilege du Roy.", Bookplate of Carl Van Vechten on verso., In upper right margin: no. 28., Prime meridian: Ferro., and Relief shown pictorially.
Chez Lattré graveur, ruë St. Jacques au près la fontaine St. Severin, à la Ville de Bordeaux,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Lattré, Jean and Van Vechten, Carl,--1880-1964--Bookplate
"Engrav'd for Jackson's edition of Payne's new System of universal geography.", Has watermarks., Library copy attached to Route of Mr. Mungo Park., Prime meridian: London., and Relief shown pictorially.
Subject (Geographic):
Africa--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Ferguson, engraver, Jackson, Zachariah, and Payne, John, fl. 1800. Universal geography formed into a new and entire system
"Engraved for Carey's American edition of Guthrie's Geography improved.", Has watermarks., Prime meridian: Philadelphia., and Relief shown pictorially.
Has watermark., In French., Prime meridians: Paris and Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., and Title in decorative cartouche in upper left; note in smaller cartouche in lower left.
Chez l'auteur, Rue des Noyers, avec privilège d'auteur,