“Petites Sœurs des Pauvres. Zusterkens der Armen. No. 12. Madras.” A missionary sister with a cane is shown helping an elderly woman from a rickshaw. The caption and name of the publisher “Ern. Thill, Bruxelles.” are printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
“Weesjes door de Zusters v.h. Gez. J. M. M. te Guntur van hare reis naar de dorpen medegebracht. Madras – Missie.” Two missionary sisters are shown outside the mission with four orphaned children from the nearby villages. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: Ten bate der Missie der Zusters v. h. Gez. J. M. J.‘Marienburg’ ‘s Hertogenbosch.” There are a few handwritten words in Dutch on the back.
“Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission – Méliapour (Indes). Les Œuvres pour la Jeunesse – Les petites Brahmines de l’école St. Raphaël.” Brahmin students are depicted at the Mylapore mission school along with several missionary sisters. The following information is printed on the back of the card: “Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission – Annales des F.M.M. – Publication mensuelle. Edit. Ord. 6 Fr. Par an. – Edit. De luxe. 8.50 Fr. – 16 Route de Clamart – Vanves (Seine).” There is no handwriting on the back of the card.
“Méliapour (Madras) Les enfants de la Ste. Enfance. De Kinderen der H. Kindsheid.” Boys and girls of various ages are shown with missionary sisters on the grounds of the mission. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie aux Indes. De Franciscanessen Missionarissen van Maria in Indie. Ern. Thill, Bruxelles.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission. ̶ Baramulla (Indes). Soins des malades à la porte du dispensaire.” A missionary sister doctor or nurse tends a patient on a bed outside the mission clinic. Several people are shown waiting in the snow for treatment. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie– ont actuellement en pays de Misssion 145 maisons avec 156 écoles, plus 389 œuvres pour l’enfance groupant 56.000 enfants. Elles ont en outré pour les maladies 47 hôpitaux avec 71.000 malades hospitalisés dans l’année, 7 léproseries avec 1,507 épreux, 7 lazarets avec 1.873 contagieux et 107 dispensaires où 2.100.000 soins ont été donnés en 1926. Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie, 7, Impasse Reille, Paris XIVe.” Handwriting in French closely covers the back.
"Clay Modelling, Hindu Girls' School, near Madras [Chennai]." Young girls and their teacher sit in a circle on the floor and make clay models. Additional information reads, "Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Series XIII."
"14. Un mendiant à Madras [Chennai]." A beggar holds a noise-making device and a bucket. His shadow is cast on the wall behind him. Additional information indicates that this postcard was printed in Brussels, Belgium.
"Missions Salésiennes. Indes II. 3. Archidiocèse de Madras [Chennai] - La voiture du missionnaire, souvent… de l'Archevêque." Oxen pull a large, covered cart. This kind of cart is for missionaries - usually the Archbishop. One man stands near the cart, and another stands between the oxen. Additional information indicates that this postcard was published in Lyon, France.
"Les Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission - Méliapour (Indes). Les Oeuvres Pour La Jeunesse - Une des quatre écoles du Couvent St. Thomas." One of the four schools of the St. Thomas Convent is depicted with some women and missionaries standing on the steps.