Homann Erben (Firm) Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1983 Folio 23
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 50 maps, primarily by Johann Baptist Homann and/or issued by the Homann Erben
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Allemagne distingue?e en ses cercles & subdivise?e en ses e?tats, contenant son e?tendue pre?sente rectifie?e & me?thodiquement enlumine?e suivant les e?le?ments de ge?ographie de Mr. Schatz a 1741 avec privilege imperial and Imperii Romano Germanici in suos status et circulos divisi tabula generalis
[Homann Erben?]
Subject (Geographic):
Austria --Maps --Early works to 1800, Czechoslovakia --Maps --Early works to 1800, Germany --Maps --Early works to 1800, Hungary --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Poland --Maps --Early works to 1800
Homann Erben (Firm) Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
ca. 1741
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Allemagne distinguee en ses cercles & subdivisee en ses etats, contenant son etendue presente rectifiee & methodiquement enluminee suivant les elements de geographie de Mr. Schatz a 1741 avec privilege imperial and Imperii Romano Germanici in suos status et circulos divisi tabula generalis
Homann Erben?
Subject (Geographic):
Austria --Maps --Early works to 1800, Czechoslovakia --Maps --Early works to 1800, Germany --Maps --Early works to 1800, Hungary --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Poland --Maps --Early works to 1800
Homann Erben (Firm) Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1973 Folio 30
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 32 maps and 1 distance table, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Allemagne distinguee en ses cercles & subdivisee en ses etats, contenant son etendue presente rectifiee & methodiquement enluminee suivant les elements de geographie de Mr. Schatz and Imperii Romano Germanici in suos status et circulos divisi tabula generalis
[Homann Erben?]
Subject (Geographic):
Austria --Maps --Early works to 1800, Czechoslovakia --Maps --Early works to 1800, Germany --Maps --Early works to 1800, Hungary --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Poland --Maps --Early works to 1800
Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., Hand-coloring of political borders differ from 1982 Folio 10, no. 20., No. 20 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., No. 21 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:2,150,000].
William Faden
Subject (Geographic):
Europe --Maps --Early works to 1800, Germany --Administrative and political divisions --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Germany --Maps --Early works to 1800
Faden, William, 1749-1836 Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771, creator
Published / Created:
1789 June 1
Call Number:
1982 Folio 10
Image Count:
Also appeared in Faden's [General atlas. London : William Faden, 1811?]., No. 22 of 43 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:565,000].
Empire of Germany in which are distinguished the dominions of the house of Austria, the ecclesiasticall electors of Metz, Treves, and Colen ... described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
Bar scales in Italian miles, common leagues of Germany, great leagues of Germany, common leagues of France, great leagues of France or common leagues of Poland, great leagues of Poland, leagues of Hungary, and leagues of one houers travelling., Dedicated To the most serene and most sacred majesty James II ... by William Berry., Ferro meridian., No. 26 of 69 maps bound together in composite atlas., Relief shown pictorially., and Scale [ca. 1:2 100 000].
Sold by William Berry at the sign of the Globe, between Charing-Cross, and White-Hall