"Satire on fashion and incompetent riding. A tall thin fashionably dressed man sits awkwardly on a dapple grey horse moving to right beside the Serpentine; inn the back round a couple rides sedately to left, and a man rides a prancing horse; beyond the river are two deer."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Macaroni taking his morning ride in Rotten Row, Hyde Park
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies., and Mounted to 29 x 39 cm.
Printed for J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside & R. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street, as the act directs
Subject (Geographic):
Hyde Park (London, England),, England, and London.
"Extravagantly dressed pedestrians promenade beside (?) the Serpentine. Almost all are arm-in-arm, an exception being an ugly and complacent woman whose face is covered by a long transparent lace veil. The women walk leaning back, as in BM Satires 14438; they point their toes as if at a dancing class, drawing up their skirts, but these are less long. A fashion for stripes for women's dresses and for trousers is apparent, and for patterned materials with scalloped flounces, furbelows, ribbons, and over-trimmed hats. Curled hair frames the face and rests on the shoulders. Waists are still wasp-like for both sexes. Men wear checked neck-cloths with high collars. Much play is made with eye-glasses and canes. Hessian and top-boots are corrugated, spurs are oddly absent. The women wear very flat slippers, tied at the ankle. Beyond the water are trees."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Numbers "3" and "5" in "1835" in imprint have been overwritten with "24" in ms., and Reissue of no. 14725 in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires / Mary Dorothy George, v. 10; originally published July 8, 1824, by G. Humphrey.
Pubd. by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket
Subject (Geographic):
Hyde Park (London, England),, England, and London.
"Promenaders in Hyde Park illustrate these titles. [1] A dandy walks, right to left, jauntily rakish, holding a lorgnette and glove in a gloved hand. He wears a large bell-shaped top-hat, beneath which projects a great tuft of curled hair. Under his arm is a rolled umbrella. [2] A Quaker, in a shallow broad-brimmed hat, walks primly (right to left) with a young (twin) daughter on each arm. He holds a large gamp umbrella, fastened and point downwards. [3] A thin man wearing a long greatcoat and seedy top-hat, walks (left to right) with an expression of acute melancholy. He trails behind him an unfastened umbrella. He faces heavy wind and slanting rain. Beside him is a small dead tree. Near each is an appropriate dog."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Premium, par, and discount
Title from caption below image.
Pubd. May 1st, 1822 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Geographic):
Hyde Park (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Topic):
Quakers, Dogs, Dandies, British, Parks, Pedestrians, and Umbrellas
"Heading to (printed) verses ... A countryman relates his adventures on a visit to London. The scene is a promenade in Hyde Park. The countryman looks askance at a young woman with a parasol on a hinged stick who has just passed, but stares back at him. The fifth of seven verses: I went one day to spy The gentry in Hyde Park, Sirs, A girl push'd rudely by, To whom I did remark, Sirs-- "Though your face be mighty fair, I've seen a bear more civil;" Then so little clothes they wear, Oh! Lunnon is the Devil. Ta, ra [&c.]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text printed in letterpress in lower portion of sheet., Imprint statement from text in letterpress printed in lower right corner of sheet., Text in letterpress following title: Tune-When I was a pure. The music published by Goulding, Phipps, D'Almaine, and Co. 124, New Bond Street., Four columns of verse in letterpress: When at home with dad, we never had no fun sirs ..., and Plate numbered '506' in upper left corner.
Published February 14, 1809, by Laurie and Whittle, 53 Fleet Street London
Subject (Geographic):
Hyde Park (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Topic):
Parks, Walkways, Umbrellas, Dogs, and Military uniforms
Title from text above images., Date based on date of Queen Victoria's coronation: 28 June 1838., Numerous small designs., "Proof" written in crayon above title., and Added in pencil along bottom edge of sheet: Doings in Hyde Park on the occasion of coronation Queen Victoria.
Title from text above images., Date based on date of Queen Victoria's coronation: 28 June 1838., Numerous small designs., and Text in lower left corner of sheet: Proof.
Title from text above images., Date based on date of Queen Victoria's coronation: 28 June 1838., Several small designs., and Text below image in lower left: Proof.