Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 27th of Elul 5631 (1871) at Itsfahan. Text surrounded by a scalloped horseshoe arch, with a small arch on either side of the text. Above the text are two large green birds on either side of a blue vase. Two small green birds are on either side of the text. There are brown floral designs throughout the manuscript.
Bride: Hanah bat Me'ir. and Bridegroom: Nisan ben Yitshak.
Subject (Geographic):
Isfahan (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Hanah bat Me'ir and Nisan ben Yitshak
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Isfahan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 5th of Sivan 5634 at Itsfahan (1874). Red and green colored floral illumination surrounds the text. In the center above the text there is a large cypress tree with two lions with a rising sun behind them on either side of the tree, and with two birds above. There is a scalloped arch on the top of the document and two smaller arches framing the text. The frame of the document contain blessings for the bride and the groom. The text concludes with the tosefet (addenda) in which the groom adds to his financial commitments to the bride.
Bride: Miryam bat Nisan., Bridegroom: Yitshak Hayim ben David., and Witnesses: Yehezkel Shemu'el, Eliyahu?, Hayim?, Yehezkel Avraham, Mosheh ben Yeshu'a, Yehezkel?.
Subject (Geographic):
Isfahan (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Miryam bat Nisan and Yitshak Hayim ben David
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Isfahan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 5th be-shabat 16th [sic, i.e. 13th?] of Tishre 5639 at Itsfahan (1878). At the top of the document there is a shiviti graphic. A shiviti was traditionally designed to be hung on a synagogue wall
Bride: Le'ah bat Ya'akov., Bridegroom: Menasheh ben Rahamim., Scribe: Shemu'el ben Mosheh., and The date of the ketubah is probably incorrect because the 16th of Tishre 5639 is not a Thursday, and is a holiday. The names of the witnesses appear to be written by
Subject (Geographic):
Isfahan (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Le'ah bat Ya'akov, Menasheh ben Rahamim, and Shemu'el ben Mosheh
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Isfahan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 4th of Nisan 5646 at Itsfahan (1886). Red and light blue colored floral illumination surrounds the text. In the center above the text there is a large cypress tree with two lions with a rising sun behind them on either side of the tree, and with two birds above. There is a scalloped arch on the top of the document and two smaller arches framing the text. The frame of the document contains blessings for the bride and the groom. The text concludes with the tosefet (addenda) in which the groom adds to his financial commitments to the bride, written in Judeo-Persian.
Bride: Gavahar? bat Ya'akov., Bridegroom: Me'ir ben Yitshak., and Witnesses: Avraham ben Ya'akov, Nisan ben Eliyahu, and one more.
Subject (Geographic):
Isfahan (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Avraham ben Ya'akov, Gavahar bat Ya'akov, Me'ir ben Yitshak, and Nisan ben Eliyahu
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Isfahan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)