"One of first autos crossing old stone bridge." People are shown standing on the side of the bridge road to let a small van or truck pass. A water wheel is depicted at one end of the bridge.
"'Elephant's trunk' and Fu Lung Guan temple at diverging of river, Kuanshien." An interesting rock formation is shown near a temple site on the river at Kuanshien.
Several Western men and women are shown on board a small steamboat as it leaves the riverside. An American flag is seen flying on the deck along with two other flags.
"Central Avenue of Examination Halls in Chentu [Chengdu], showing entrances to cells at side." A government building for holding imperial examinations is shown from the main entrance. Individual examination cells can be seen in rows on both sides of the walkway leading up to the building.
"Probably a temple approach in Omei [Emei], in early 1900's." A missionary family in dress clothes poses along a stone walkway near tall corn plants and a wooded area.
"Traveling restaurant. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A man with a portable food service is shown set-up on a walkway or courtyard. His work area consists of two decorative square stands with drawers and trays that stand several feet apart. A small bucket and a round pot are seen suspended from a long wooden pole connecting the stands. A container with chopsticks is seen on one of the trays. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"1929 ̶ Group in Chungking [Chongqing], probably farewell to Mother & Grace, leaving on furlough. Missionaries present: Front row ̶ Grace Manly, Dorothy Jones, Mrs. Manly, Mabel Allen. 2nd row ̶ Annie Wells, unidentified lady, Mr. Rappe, Ola Dudley, Emily Gentry." Local friends and missionaries are shown at a reception for Grace and Florence Manly.
"Farm house." A dwelling on a farm in the mountains is shown near a cultivated field. A cottage garden area, possibly, is fenced from the rest of the land.
Cultivated fields are shown on a two hillsides with an irrigation canal or pond in the valley. People are seen carrying large stalk bundles along a footpath through the fields.
One person is shown running after a ball while several others stand nearby on a field with goal posts, possibly at West China Union University, Chengdu.
"Building Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist church." A cross is mounted at the front peak of the unfinished center roof. One of the side roof towers is shown in a finished state.
"Wen Miao Ho Gai." A corner of a large room is shown with a fireplace built against two walls. The sides of the fireplace walls are stepped with shelves to hold books and pottery. On top of the mantle is a shrine of a deity, possibly Buddha. A bookshelf with books can be seen against one wall.
"Guns the Chinese have for protection. Tzechow. West-China. Guns for defense against Boxers on wall of Tzechow - 1902-1904. F.B.M's [Florence B. Manly] note above. Probably mistaken. The guns are vintage, but I think this is one of the photos WEM tood at the time of the 1911-12 revolution." Soldiers are shown with mounted guns, behind a stone wall. The large guns are suppported by wooden stool-like structures that are movable.
"Men folk of Chinese family - 4 generations. Pre-1911, since the men have shaved foreheads and queues." A baby boy held by his grandfather is depicted along with his father and great grandfather, who holds a long smoking pipe and fan.
"Paper images burned at graves. (Ricker). (Tzechow was famous for this art. People in picture are the artisans. Man in robe must have officiated at the burning; he is not a priest.) 1905." Artists pose with a paper figure of a woman riding on a horse and two ornately dressed male paper figures. A small paper figure of an animal is seen in the foreground.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Handicrafts; Customs and traditions; Craft workers
"Wen Miao Ho Gai." A divan or bed is shown against a wall in a spacious room. A bookcase, decorated chest or bench and a table with a lamp are seen against the adjacent wall. Two large panels or windows are in the wall above the chest.
"Temple gateway at Kuanhsien [Guan Xian]. Kuanhsien is where they had the 'opening of the waters' in the spring ̶ allowing dammed water out into irrigation ditches. Er Lang Miao temple." The curved roof and ornately carved pillars of the temple entrance is shown on the mountainside.
"1929? Group at West China Union Univ. Back row: Spencer Lewis, Robert Simkin; third row: Homer Brown; Foreigners in 2nd row: Lewis Havermale, W. E. Manly. Ladies in front: probably Celia Corvan, Pearl Fosnot, Florence Manly." Methodist missionaries and clergy along with local Christians are shown together on the steps at the university at Chengdu.
"A gentleman's pleasure garden. Near Tze Chow." Several men are shown on a terrace gazebo and steps outside a building. Different styles of decorative planters are seen in the foreground.
"Road in the Gorge near Chung-king [Chongqing], China. Miss Collier of our mission." A river and mountain road are shown at the base of a gorge. A woman dressed in black poses on the narrow stone road.
"The Big Buddha near Kiating." The head and partial shoulder of a giant stone Buddha is shown surrounded by rock and vegetation. Part of the face appears to have been repaired.
"Stone tablets beside the main road. I do not know their purpose; they do not look like grave-stones. Perhaps someone can read the inscription. All I can make out is '23rd year, 3rd month.' Two porters or carriers are shown with their heavy baskets on a walkway near large stone slab markers.
"Entertaining guests, perhaps at New Year or other feast day." Adults and children are shown sitting on benches in a narrow room or entranceway. Various types of lanterns hang from the ceiling.
"Foot of Chin rapids. American Dispensary, Chungking [Chongqing], China." Several sailing vessels are shown anchored in the calmer waters below rapids. Several buildings can be seen on the hill above the boats.
"Pulling junk up rapids at a distance. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A long team of men are shown bent over as they strain to pull a fishing boat over rapids in a river. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"One of the few things Grace Manly collected was ferns. This appears to be a fine fern growth. JB." Chinese ferns are shown thiving in their native habitat.
"Load of Rush-light wicking. 'pith of grass'. A water skiff is shown loaded high with bales of grass. A small sailing craft is seen in the water nearby.
"High official, probably Tao-Tai of Chungking [Chongqing] area. Before 1900. Note official insignia on front of gown and beads." A dignitary is shown seated, wearing a white tunic under an embroidered silk robe.
"Family living in tomb-cave." Two men and a woman are shown eating outside the square stone entrance to a cave grave where they live. A walkway cut through stone leads down to the entrance.
"Hulling rice with stone roller pulled by water buffalo." A man holding a rake and two young men are shown at a rice mill at the edge of a field. The rice is crushed on a circular slab by a heavy stone roller to remove the hull.
"In Taoist temple at Kuanshien. Idols as seen in temples. Compare size with missionary at left." A giant Taoist idol in the form of a man is shown seated above five similar smaller idols. The idols are depicted with beards and wearing robes. A missionary stands in front of the statues for scale.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Religious practice; Customs and traditions; Clergy; Temples
"172. The big trees are the centers of village life in W. China. At Dsai Jia Tsang. Mr. & Mrs. Manly and one of our school teachers on the bridge. Only the trunk of the small tree shows in the photo." Villagers are shown gathered under the enormous canopy of a tree. People are seen on a bridge spanning a small lake or river.
"Line-up for shots at Chi I School." Young male students are shown with their sleeves rolled up and arms ready for the vaccination. Dr. Marian Manly is probably the person administering the vaccine.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Medical treatment; Medical personnel; Students; Schools
"Legless beggar. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A physically disabled man, missing portions of his legs and one arm is shown sitting on a set of steps with a small basket for donations nearby. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"First baby born in Chin I School of Midwifery hospital, about 1939. The mother was one of our graduate students." A smiling mother holds here newborn outside the hospital.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Hospitals; Family; Children; Women; Medical personnel
"Irrigation of rice fields. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." Three people power the water delivery system from a platform above a small water wheel. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"With love and appreciation to our dear friends Dr. and Mrs. Manly from John and Elizabeth Goudy. Taken Aug. 1927." Mr. and Mrs. Goudy are shown together in a courtyard.
"Crowd around plane when landed." Many people are shown gathered to view an airplane on the ground. A propeller blade is prominently depicted above the heads of the crowd. Sailing vessels on a river can be seen in the background.
"Unfinished pagoda which the fairies built ̶ Tzechow district - 1927." A squarish stone pagoda stands unfinished in the countryside. Several small trees can be seen growing from the top and side of the building.
"Terraced rice fields. American Dispensary, Chungking [Chongqing], China." The light color of the grain in the rice fields is shown in contrast to the unplanted steps between the fields.
"2 Biblewomen in front row, Mrs. Lan at left, Mrs. Tsen at right. Tzechow 1905." Two women from a Methodist Bible study group are shown with five other women.
"Another view of the Suspension bridge and the Division of the waters at the headwaters of the river which waters the Chentu [Chengdu] Plain." A cable bridge is shown spanning the wide area where a river branches.
"Chungking [Chongqing]. Lower end of Chungking [Chongqing], from Jiang Beh. Pagoda on hill top near left of picture." The steep landscape of the city and the cliffs leading down to the river are depicted along with the mountainous region on the opposite shore. People in small boats are seen out on the river.
"Lumber yard at Chengtu [Chengdu], where wood for church was bought." Stacks of large bamboo poles are shown in the lower area of a lumber yard. Rows of long bamboo poles lean against a wooden rack above a bridge near a small pagoda.
"Crippled Beggar with paralyzed leg tied up behind back, about 1895." A disabled man poses for his portrait. He is depicted wearing tattered clothing and shoeless. He is seen gripping short crutches in both hands.
A formal park with a trellis lined walkway, flower beds and rows of shrubs and trees is depicted. An automobile can be seen at the end of the walkway in the distance.
"Rev. W. E. Manly and family. Gracie on bei dsi, or back chair. At Elephant Bath Temple. R. C. R. W. E. M. photo." The Manly family is shown dressed in hiking clothes in a wooded area near a temple.
"Shong Dau & Marian at Dzen Ja Ngar about 1898. (Me with Amah. Note windows of the school in background)." Marian Manly as a toddler is shown standing on a chair next to a family servant.
"Memorial arch entrance to Lin Ngai Ze (Spirit Cliff Temple), Kuanshien, with vacationing missionary children in front. 1926." The tiered stone archway is depicted with Chinese characters on the front panels and sculpture at the corners and top of the roof.
"Old memorial arch on campus of West China Union Univ. One of the university buildings in background." The stone arch is shown with several trees growing from the top.
"1908 or 1910 ̶ All mission conference, Chengtu [Chengdu]. Methodist Hospital at San Shi Kai in background. Bishop Bashford in middle of front row." The men and women of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in West China are shown in a group photo taken at a conference in Chengdu.
"M. E. M. conference, Chungking [Chongqing] about 1909(?)." Attendees at the annual conference are shown together on the steps of a building in Chongqing.
"Preachers at a District Conference. Front row, far left, Raymond Ricker; far right W. E. Manly. 2nd row Miss Alice Brethorst. About 1908." The missionaries and local ministers are shown together in a garden outside a church.
"With the seasons greetings from Chungking [Chongqing] Mens Hospital." The following information is handwritten on the back of the postcard: Left to right. Back row ̶ , 2nd from left Miss Collier, 4th - Dr. McCartney, 5th - Mr. Myers, 6th - Mr. Curnow, 7th - Mrs. McCartney, 8th - Mr. Peat. Far left - Mr. & Mrs. Cady. 2nd row ̶ 3rd from left - Dr. Edmonds, 4th - Dr. Lewis, Front row ̶ 2nd - Mrs. Manly, 3rd - Mr. Manly, 4th - Mr. Peat. Entire West China M. E. M. mission, 1896." The men and women of the West China Methodist Episcopal Mission are shown together in a portrait on a Christmas postcard.
"West China Union University. The cabinet, taken last spring with Mr. Harry Silcock - Tang Bo-chen not present for this picture. About 1938. Front row: (L to r) Ashley Lindsay, Lincoln Dzang (Dzang Lin Gao), Harry Silcock, Mr. Fang, Daniel Dye. Back row: Leslie Kilborn, Mr. Elliott, Pearl Fosnot, Mr. Albertson." The Methodist District Superintendents are shown together on the steps of a building at West China University.
"View over roofs of Chung King. [Chongqing. Our M. E. compound in distance ̶ about 1900." The upper portions of the church buildings are shown above the rooftops in the background.
"Missionaries who did not leave Chengtu [Chengdu] in 1926 - '27. (Earl Cranston's picture added later). Back row: Simkin, Wilford, Cranston, Mrs. Lewis, Taylor, Small, Dickinson, Miss Ellison, Sparling, Lewis. Front and middle rows: Openshaw, Mrs. Simkin with baby, Alberson (?), Miss M. Manly, Miss G. Manly, Mrs. Manly, Miss Lybarger, Manly, Miss A. Brethorst, Dye." Methodist Episcopal missionaries and family members at Chengdu post 1927 are shown together.
"Bishop Ward, Spencer Lewis, Marian & Grace Manly; Ovidia Hansing, Ola Dudley, Pearl Fosnot, Olin Stockwell (above) with Chengtu [Chengdu] Meth. Church members 1937. Members of the Methodist church, missionaries and visiting clergy are shown together in a garden outside.
"Methodist missionaries & church members, probably 1897. Bishop Joyce presiding over conference." A group of Western missionaries along with Bishop Joyce and Chinese Christians are shown together outside a building.
"Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist Hospital." The hospital built in the Western style is shown with porches on the upper and lower levels and a tall clock tower over the main entrance.
"Middle-class Chinese gentlemen, probably church members. Pre-1911." A group of businessmen and professionals are shown together wearing traditional clothing.
"The first Boarding school in West China. A dozen of these boys have since developed into preachers or teachers. Raw material of Chinese Christian leadership. Schoolboys at Szen Jah Ngai, 1894." Boys and young men along with their teacher are shown together outside the school.
"Church site; School. 'Out-station' on Tzechow district." Several men possibly from the mission, are shown near a stream with footbridge. A building with windows facing the stream is indicated as the mission church site, with smaller buildings next to it as the school.
"Grace Manly on district work. Travel by bicycle. Followed out of village by curious children." Children of all ages are shown walking along with the missionary as she leaves the area.