"London Mission Bungalow where I spent July and August. LMS (London Mission) bungalow 1898." Missionary families pose on a porch of a house at the mission. Several men with queues are seen on a lower level.
"Missionary Wedding - in 1890's, Chungking [Chongqing]. Back row - 4th from left - W. E. Manly, 2nd - Spencer Lewis. Next to him, 3rd from left - Mrs. Curnow ("Jeanie"). Front row, 2nd & 3rd from right Mr. & Mrs. Myers. Far left, seated next to balustrade - Dr. Edmonds. (Note that a number of the men have shaved foreheads in Chinese style. Some used artificial queues)."
"Project: Model of float with water wheel, to develop electric power. Designed by W. E. Manly." A wooden model of a water wheel suspended off the back of a rectangular shaped float is shown.
"Travelling on roads of North China. Imagine Mrs. Wang as one of these. 1927." People are shown walking and being transported in small carts resembling wheel barrows on a road in the countryside. They are protected from the sun with large brimed hats or umbrellas.
"Priests at Kuanshien on Omei." Two Buddhist monks are depicted in front of two larger than life statues outside the temple on Mount Omei [Mount Emei].
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Buddhism; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"Graves of priests - Omei. Urns for ashes." A large stone grave marker is shown on the hillside near other tombstones. Large stone urns hold the remains of monks at Mount Omei [Mount Emei].
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Monuments; Buddhism; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"Group of Priests at Jiu Lao Dong. Mt. Omei. W. China. 1906." Buddhist monks pose outside a temple at Mount Omei [Mount Emei]. A monk wearing a hat and several long prayer necklaces, possibly the temple leader, sits at the center of the group.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Temples; Buddhism; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"Church at Tien Ku Chow. Monument erected to martyrs by church members shows at right." A tall stone marker is shown on the grounds of a small country church.
"Modern: probably late 1930's motor road above Chungking [Chongqing]. Circles hill twice to get elevation." A paved road is shown winding around a hilltop with elevated portions built of stone.
"Mountain hut and basket maker." An older man is shown sitting on a log weaving straw. A small shelter with a grass roof can be seen behind him and kindling wood is piled in the foreground.
"Mountain people and their shacks." A young woman and child are shown under a tree outside their rural home. The roof of their simple A-frame dwelling is comprised of vines and grasses. A shallow metal basin is seen on the rocks behind them.
"Tribes people." Rocks on roof are to keep boards from blowing away." Two people pose outside their home on a mountainside. Corn plants can be seen in the foreground.
"Back carriers for mountain roads." One man is shown with his back pack full of supplies. The basket pack is attached to a pole at the bottom which supports the weight when the carrier stops to rest.
"Panoramic view of Jin Fuh San, a cliff bound mt. and approach to same. The mountain is about 7,000 ft. above sea-level. In Szechuan [Sichuan] Province, West China. W. E. Manly, Plainfield, Brewer Co., Iowa." The high rugged mountain peaks are shown above the steep mountains below.
"Am quite sure you would like to have been in this camping party on the way up the [indecipherable]. Imagine you would have been among the coolies watching the pot boil. Mr. & Mrs. Dye, & Dr. Crook are in the background. Father's oil silk coat and sack with map board are hanging up. Do you see the [undecipherable] cover, the wash basin, the cup the milk tin? And I'm sure you will notice the bฤ dล in front. What a fine lot of wood & fire all night." Travelers and their porters are shown at a campsite on route up a mountain.
"Tzechow. Pagoda and road up the city wall to temple on top." The upper levels of a pagoda are shown on a mountainside. A stone paved road is seen leading up the hill.
"Bamboo house on the Summit. Jin Fu San." A man and child pose at the gate to their home built at the top of a mountain. A long grass roof adjoined to a circular structure are visible above a tall bamboo fence with vines.
"Down river junk- Loaded. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A junk is show filled to capacity with goods and people on a river. Long oars can be seen in and above the water. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Mr. Hart (Canadian Mission) with the old priest at Omei [Emei], Dat Wuh Ze." A distinguished looking missionary holding a fan poses with an elder Buddhist monk. The monk wears a long chain of large beads.
"Small church in Tzechow District. W. E. & Mrs. Manly. Probably in 1920's." The congregation is shown seated in the sanctuary of a small church. The Manlys are seen standing by their seats.
"You will be interested in this bridge which is out from Chi Chu Ho about 15 li. It is 34 dsang long and 7 dsang high. It connects the auto road from Yang Hsien to Chi Chu Ho. This picture was taken on Chinese New Year, the opening day. Modern bridge." A tall bridge supported by large pilings is shown spanning a river.
"View of Jiang Beh, across Little River from Chungking [Chongqing]. (Name means North Bank of river). Shows the part enclosed by outer wall. Built up part of city behind wall to the right." The river plain is shown in the foreground.
"Traveling down-river, rowers on front deck." Five men are shown with oars on the foredeck of a boat. Water and the surrounding shore are seen in the background.
"Oil jars at river landing." Many large earthenware vessels are shown on a dock with small boats in the background. The containers are covered with woven bands of bamboo, possibly for protection.
"Opium den. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." Men are depicted lying in a row on a long table in a room. One man is shown with a pipe in his mouth. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"The Shen Shi (Province) Guild Hall, on our street - gives name to street. Chentu [Chengdu]. The grand regional meeting complex at Chengdu is shown with clothes drying on a line outside an entrance. The roof peaks are carved and decorated with sculpture.
"This is a typical little group. Father and mother both died of dysentary at a refugee camp. The one in the center is 15 the younger brother is 12, and the 'sifu' is 13. They own 10 meo of land and the eldest has it planted; while they wait for the crops to grow and weather to clear, they live at a camp here. (At present the youngest boy is in the hospital, and is weak, and runs a temperature.) The roof of their home and the upright pillars remain and the eldest boy says smilingly that they will manage very nicely when they go home and the weather is better. Only he wishes that his little brother were stronger, but he feels he can work the land! The eldest boy worked for us at the hospital making coal balls, and washing bottles, so as to earn a little money and some new clothing." An older brother who is now the caretaker is shown with his younger sister and brother.
"Cave tombs, People lived in some of them." People are shown standing at the entrance to burial sites built in the mountains. The entranceways have been reinforced with stone or woods posts.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Monuments; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"This is the way we get most of our parcel mail when the boats are not running. These poor beasts are underfed and can only travel a few miles a day. 1893-1899 probably." A pack horse is shown traveling on a road with many bundles and packs strapped to its back.
"Dan San Dyen Pagoda." A tall cylindrical style pagoda is shown with steps leading up to the entrance. Detailed reliefs are depicted on the exterior walls of each of the levels.
"Crippled beggar." A physically disabled woman is shown sitting on the ground surrounded by a crowd of people with several small children close by. One child appears to be holding a cord tied to the woman's ankle.
"Plowing rice field with water buffalo." A man is shown standing in a field filled with water with a water buffalo harnessed to a plow. Other paddies are seen in the background.
"Finishing cloth. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A man is depicted standing on a large stone with wedge removed at the top and a curve at the bottom. The stone is shown resting on a cylinder of fabric. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Carriers, early 1900's (note queues)." Several porters stop to pose for a photo. Several carry large packs on their backs. One man with a long hair braid visible carries two baskets suspended from a pole supported on his shoulders. The men in the foreground wear sandals.
"Potters." Three men are shown working on various clay pieces at their wheels in a pottery shop. Vessels can be seen drying on wooden racks above the potters.
"Trench for foundation of Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist church. Driving piles." Workers are shown above and below the footing for the new church building. A bed of stones and timber poles can be seen in the trench.
"Garden of rich Chinese home." A large interior garden with overhead trellises is depicted. Benches holding potted containers with small trees can be seen along the paved garden walkway.
"Big graves at Dzen Jah Ngai." Three Western men are shown at a stone table near a tall grave monument in a walled cemetery. The graveyard sits below ground level.
"Methodist church, Chengtu [Chengdu], built by W. E. Manly." Supporting beams for the roof are shown being hoisted up from the ground to the roof area of the new church building. A brick wall is still under construction at the upper level.
"Methodist Church, Chengtu [Chengdu]." The beautiful wood and fine craftsmanship of the new church is depicted in the chairs and pulpit and the face of the chancel.
"Chengtu Methodist Church in construction ฬถ roof truss starting to go up. Several men are shown on the ground hauling on a rope to raise a structural piece of lumber to the top of the building.
"Foot-power irrigation, 3 relays." A man operates a conveyor belt style water wheel with his feet. Water is delivered from a lower pond to a field above.
"Country hut and carriers with back-loads in front." A mountain dwelling with at grass roof blends in with the surroundings. Three porters can be seen near the paved road in the foreground.
"Farmers at work in rice fields." Nine men pause from their work in a rice paddy to pose for a photo. The workers are shown wearing short tunics or sarongs above the knee and large brimmed hats. Rice plants are seen growing up out of the water.
"Threshing rice." Workers are shown beating bundles of harvested rice straw against a tall screen fitted in a wooden box. The back and sides of the screen are made of tightly woven material to keep the grain from flying out.
"Threshing rice." Several men are shown in a rice field harvesting and threshing the plants. The straw is beaten against a woven screen to separate the grain. One man is shown carrying a small sickle.
"Boats on river near Tzechow." Inside the boat a large gear is seen on shaft attached to a paddle wheel on the side. A young man is shown at the waters edge tying up his boat.
"Kuanshien [Guan Xian] city wall & river." Portions of the stone wall surrounding Guan Xian are shown on a ridge high above a river. Several people can be seen on the rocks along the water.
" Tribes Country river." A river is shown flowing between a narrow mountain pass. A road can be seen running along a ridge of the steep mountains above the river to the right.
"A bridge at the side of the Yangtsi [Yangtze] in the gorges. Rec'd April 1906." A stone arch bridge spans a gorge on a mountainside road along the Yantze River.
"Crevices worn in rock by tracking rope. American Dispensary. Chungking, China." A ruler marks one of the concavities on the river bank rocks. The troughs in the rough rocks are polished smooth by the rope. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Sand dune in Tribes Country." A sand dune with trees growing from it is shown above a river in the border country of western Sichuan. High mountains can be seen in the background.
"Sawyers, cutting lumber for Chengtu M.E. Church." Four men are shown in a workshop cutting planks from a log. They use a two-person hand saw to make the cuts. The caption is handwritten on the back of the postcard.
"The Pupils and Chinese Teachers in Chung king [Chongqing] Institute of which Mr. Manly has charge. The lower row are spoiled in printing. They range in age from 12 to 20 years. About 1900 (or earlier). The boy 2nd row from back, just left of pillar is Shao Yuin Shang, who was practically a son to the Manlys, lived in their home, taught in mission schools all his life. Several others became preachers."
"Albertson & Manlys at` 1916-17. Note five-stripe Chinese flag." Wilson and Florence Manly are shown with Mr. Albertson and members of the school beneath two large Chinese flags.
"Chi I School of Midwifery, about 1939 or 1940. 'Han Suyin' in back row." Marian Manly poses with several student midwives outside the school. Several of the young women are seen holding infants.
"Tsicheo [Tzechow] Girls' School. 1906. All with bound feet except two daughters of Lin family (gentry) at right end back row." The young girls are shown together outside of a building.
"Makers of Idols. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A man is shown putting the finishing touches on a figurine. Several finished pieces stand on a countertop for sale. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Public pipe - The man holding the waterpipe (for tobacco), would sell 3 puffs to all comers, in public places." A young man is shown wearing a pouch for tobacco and holding a pipe for a young woman customer.
"Shoemaker, Photographed in studio by Mr. Davidson of Friends' Mission. Dates from 1890's." A man is shown at work making a shoe or boot. Stacks of cut shoe soles and lengths of cording can be seen nearby.
"W. E. M. with church group, probably at Jienchow, where Mr. & Mrs. Fung lived (he at far left back row; she at far right front row)." Members of a local Methodist church group are shown together outside a church.
"'Spirit pillars' at wayside shrine." A roadside shrine is shown on a hillside under trees. The cross like markers hold offerings or rock cairns left by people passing.
"Road up a mountain, probably Jin Fu San." A narrow stone road is seen winding up a steep mountainside. The area is densely covered in trees and vegetation.
"Property of W. E. Manly. Missionary to Western China. Please return. 7000. 14125 ft to top Baidie. 14115 ft to top of Pike's Peak." A narrow mountain valley is shown in a mountain range. A small tree and native vegetation are seen in the foreground.
A Western man poses in front of a stone building with a lean-to type of roof. Two largewooden poles, possibly torches, stand in the front on either side of the door. Part of a building is seen on one side of the structure.
"Typical 'street' children. Middle 1920's." A group of children of all ages and several adults pose on the steps of a building. Most are shown wearing heavy jackets and hats.