"To Dr. and Mrs. Manly ̶ from (CMS) C. - Song family. Bishop Song & family. Delia Song is oldest girl. Was in my English classes for two years." The Chinese Bishop, his wife and their seven children are shown in their garden.
"Missionaries who did not leave Chengtu [Chengdu] in 1926 - '27. (Earl Cranston's picture added later). Back row: Simkin, Wilford, Cranston, Mrs. Lewis, Taylor, Small, Dickinson, Miss Ellison, Sparling, Lewis. Front and middle rows: Openshaw, Mrs. Simkin with baby, Alberson (?), Miss M. Manly, Miss G. Manly, Mrs. Manly, Miss Lybarger, Manly, Miss A. Brethorst, Dye." Methodist Episcopal missionaries and family members at Chengdu post 1927 are shown together.
"Rev. W. E. Manly and family. Gracie on bei dsi, or back chair. At Elephant Bath Temple. R. C. R. W. E. M. photo." The Manly family is shown dressed in hiking clothes in a wooded area near a temple.
"Grace Manly on district work. Travel by bicycle. Followed out of village by curious children." Children of all ages are shown walking along with the missionary as she leaves the area.
"Catholic priest in Chungking [Chongqing]. Kidnapped by Yui Man-dze in 1895, precipitated international incident." The priest is shown wearing a heavy waist-length fur coat.
"Missionary Wedding - in 1890's, Chungking [Chongqing]. Back row - 4th from left - W. E. Manly, 2nd - Spencer Lewis. Next to him, 3rd from left - Mrs. Curnow ("Jeanie"). Front row, 2nd & 3rd from right Mr. & Mrs. Myers. Far left, seated next to balustrade - Dr. Edmonds. (Note that a number of the men have shaved foreheads in Chinese style. Some used artificial queues)."
"With love and appreciation to our dear friends Dr. and Mrs. Manly from John and Elizabeth Goudy. Taken Aug. 1927." Mr. and Mrs. Goudy are shown together in a courtyard.
"Bishop & Mrs. Lewis about 1907. Chung-king [Chongqing]." The Methodist Episcopal Bishop Lewis and his wife are shown together outside a building in Chongqing.
"M. E. M. conference, Chungking [Chongqing] about 1909(?)." Attendees at the annual conference are shown together on the steps of a building in Chongqing.
"Bishop Bashford, missionaries & native Christian group in Tzechow, West China 1906 or 1907." The Christian group is shown outside on a hillside. The bishop is seen in the front row.
"Methodist Annual Conference probably 1907. Bishop Lewis presiding." Conference attendees and their families are shown together outside a building. Bishop Lewis and his wife are shown in the front row.
"Methodist missionaries & church members, probably 1897. Bishop Joyce presiding over conference." A group of Western missionaries along with Bishop Joyce and Chinese Christians are shown together outside a building.
"Chengtu [Chengdu], about 1907? Front row: W. E. Manly, Bishop Lewis, Jim Yard." Chinese Christians, possibly clergy, pose with Dr. Manly, Bishop Lewis and Mr. Yard at Chengdu.
"1929? Group at West China Union Univ. Back row: Spencer Lewis, Robert Simkin; third row: Homer Brown; Foreigners in 2nd row: Lewis Havermale, W. E. Manly. Ladies in front: probably Celia Corvan, Pearl Fosnot, Florence Manly." Methodist missionaries and clergy along with local Christians are shown together on the steps at the university at Chengdu.
"Chengtu [Chengdu] Middle School, 1937, with Mr. & Mrs. Manly." A large class of young men, along with Florence and W. E. Manly, pose for a photo outside the Bashford Memorial building at the school in Chengdu.
"1929 ̶ Group in Chungking [Chongqing], probably farewell to Mother & Grace, leaving on furlough. Missionaries present: Front row ̶ Grace Manly, Dorothy Jones, Mrs. Manly, Mabel Allen. 2nd row ̶ Annie Wells, unidentified lady, Mr. Rappe, Ola Dudley, Emily Gentry." Local friends and missionaries are shown at a reception for Grace and Florence Manly.
"Methodist preachers, at least 5 or 6 of them among first graduates of Dzen Jah Ngai school, students of the Manlys in their first term. 1930's." The Chinese Methodist leaders are shown together in a courtyard.
"Preachers at a District Conference. Front row, far left, Raymond Ricker; far right W. E. Manly. 2nd row Miss Alice Brethorst. About 1908." The missionaries and local ministers are shown together in a garden outside a church.
"West China Union University. The cabinet, taken last spring with Mr. Harry Silcock - Tang Bo-chen not present for this picture. About 1938. Front row: (L to r) Ashley Lindsay, Lincoln Dzang (Dzang Lin Gao), Harry Silcock, Mr. Fang, Daniel Dye. Back row: Leslie Kilborn, Mr. Elliott, Pearl Fosnot, Mr. Albertson." The Methodist District Superintendents are shown together on the steps of a building at West China University.
"W. E. M. with church group, probably at Jienchow, where Mr. & Mrs. Fung lived (he at far left back row; she at far right front row)." Members of a local Methodist church group are shown together outside a church.
"Middle-class Chinese gentlemen, probably church members. Pre-1911." A group of businessmen and professionals are shown together wearing traditional clothing.
"2 Biblewomen in front row, Mrs. Lan at left, Mrs. Tsen at right. Tzechow 1905." Two women from a Methodist Bible study group are shown with five other women.
"W. E. Manly with a village group, probably church members. 1930's." W. E. Manly is depicted with a group of men, women and children from a Sichuan village.
"Olin Stockwell with Chinese Christian workers." A group of Chinese men is shown with Methodist missionary Olin Stockwell. One Chinese man is dressed in Western style clothing and several wear Western style shoes.
"Albertson & Manlys at` 1916-17. Note five-stripe Chinese flag." Wilson and Florence Manly are shown with Mr. Albertson and members of the school beneath two large Chinese flags.
"Bishop Ward, Spencer Lewis, Marian & Grace Manly; Ovidia Hansing, Ola Dudley, Pearl Fosnot, Olin Stockwell (above) with Chengtu [Chengdu] Meth. Church members 1937. Members of the Methodist church, missionaries and visiting clergy are shown together in a garden outside.
"1904 or 1905. The Tze Chow [Tzechow]Boys' School. Several girls included ̶ one standing in front of teacher on left, 5 in front row. Because of their urgent pleas, F. B. M. [Florence B. Manly] opened first girls' school in Tzechow." Boys and girls of varying ages are depicted with their teacher at the boys' school in Tzechow.
"The Pupils and Chinese Teachers in Chung king [Chongqing] Institute of which Mr. Manly has charge. The lower row are spoiled in printing. They range in age from 12 to 20 years. About 1900 (or earlier). The boy 2nd row from back, just left of pillar is Shao Yuin Shang, who was practically a son to the Manlys, lived in their home, taught in mission schools all his life. Several others became preachers."
"Chi I School of Midwifery, about 1939 or 1940. 'Han Suyin' in back row." Marian Manly poses with several student midwives outside the school. Several of the young women are seen holding infants.
"Grace Manly with primary school children in 1920's - between 1925 & 1930." Young students and their teachers are shown together outside on the steps of their school. Grace Manly is seen in the front row.
"Union group of Bible students. Chengtu [Chengdu] 1908. Canadian Meth., China Inland, & Meth Episcopal." Young college men at the West China Union University are shown together with missionaries from different missions in Sichuan.
"Tsicheo [Tzechow] Girls' School. 1906. All with bound feet except two daughters of Lin family (gentry) at right end back row." The young girls are shown together outside of a building.
"The first Boarding school in West China. A dozen of these boys have since developed into preachers or teachers. Raw material of Chinese Christian leadership. Schoolboys at Szen Jah Ngai, 1894." Boys and young men along with their teacher are shown together outside the school.
"Chungking [Chongqing]. Dzen Ja Ngai Sunday School. Deh Jin in front. Su Deh - middle row to right. Night school - upper left. Women's school - upper right. Mid 1930's." Students and teachers from various schools are shown together outside in the church school portrait.
"High official, probably Tao-Tai of Chungking [Chongqing] area. Before 1900. Note official insignia on front of gown and beads." A dignitary is shown seated, wearing a white tunic under an embroidered silk robe.
"Line-up for shots at Chi I School." Young male students are shown with their sleeves rolled up and arms ready for the vaccination. Dr. Marian Manly is probably the person administering the vaccine.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Medical treatment; Medical personnel; Students; Schools
"Women's group, probably taught by F. B. M. [Florence B. Manly] on Tzechow district. About 1905." A group of seven women of varying ages pose for their photo. All of the women are shown wearing traditional Chinese shoes and two are holding books.
"Two Preachers and their Families. Li Tien Yuen and Chang fa Go." An extended family is shown posed in a garden. An older woman is seated between two younger women with the children in front, while the men stand in the back.
"Mr. Hart (Canadian Mission) with the old priest at Omei [Emei], Dat Wuh Ze." A distinguished looking missionary holding a fan poses with an elder Buddhist monk. The monk wears a long chain of large beads.
"Shong Dau & Marian at Dzen Ja Ngar about 1898. (Me with Amah. Note windows of the school in background)." Marian Manly as a toddler is shown standing on a chair next to a family servant.
"Small church in Tzechow District. W. E. & Mrs. Manly. Probably in 1920's." The congregation is shown seated in the sanctuary of a small church. The Manlys are seen standing by their seats.
"For Dr. W. E. Manly with kind regards from Rob't E. Brown. 1926 (about). Left to right: Back row - Spencer Lewis, Bertram Rappe, Front row - Mr. Crawford, W. E. Manly." Four gentlemen are depicted in jackets and ties.
"With the seasons greetings from Chungking [Chongqing] Mens Hospital." The following information is handwritten on the back of the postcard: Left to right. Back row ̶ , 2nd from left Miss Collier, 4th - Dr. McCartney, 5th - Mr. Myers, 6th - Mr. Curnow, 7th - Mrs. McCartney, 8th - Mr. Peat. Far left - Mr. & Mrs. Cady. 2nd row ̶ 3rd from left - Dr. Edmonds, 4th - Dr. Lewis, Front row ̶ 2nd - Mrs. Manly, 3rd - Mr. Manly, 4th - Mr. Peat. Entire West China M. E. M. mission, 1896." The men and women of the West China Methodist Episcopal Mission are shown together in a portrait on a Christmas postcard.
Whang Mien wedding. 1935 or '36. Florence Manly behind the groom. JB." Family and friends are shown togther on the steps outside a building after a wedding ceremony.
"1908 or 1910 ̶ All mission conference, Chengtu [Chengdu]. Methodist Hospital at San Shi Kai in background. Bishop Bashford in middle of front row." The men and women of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in West China are shown in a group photo taken at a conference in Chengdu.
"Three Thibetans. Tibetans or Tribesmen. They used to come down to Chengtu [Chengdu] to trade. Also the missionaries often took trips into the Tribes Country and the C. I. M. had chapels there. Three young Tibetan men pose with their walking sticks.
"Mountain hut and basket maker." An older man is shown sitting on a log weaving straw. A small shelter with a grass roof can be seen behind him and kindling wood is piled in the foreground.
"Tribes family." Three generations of family members from the border country in western Sichuan pose on the steps outside a building. The adults wear turbans and two of the three young children wear hats.
"Tribes people." Rocks on roof are to keep boards from blowing away." Two people pose outside their home on a mountainside. Corn plants can be seen in the foreground.
"Tribesman riding pony, border country, Szechuan [Sichuan]." A man from the mountain border area of Sichuan is shown mounted on a pony outside a village wall. Two people dressed for warm weather look on.
"Missionary (Rudd?) on vacation in high mountains, stopping at crude shelter." A Western man with an open umbrella is depicted by a small lean-to on a mountainside.
"Sand dune in Tribes Country." A sand dune with trees growing from it is shown above a river in the border country of western Sichuan. High mountains can be seen in the background.
"Dr. Liljestrand treating patient in dispensary." A child is shown being examined by a doctor at the mission dispensary. An open cabinet filled with medicine bottles on a top shelf is seen against a wall.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Medical treatment; Medical personnel; Children; Women
"First baby born in Chin I School of Midwifery hospital, about 1939. The mother was one of our graduate students." A smiling mother holds here newborn outside the hospital.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Hospitals; Family; Children; Women; Medical personnel
"Church site; School. 'Out-station' on Tzechow district." Several men possibly from the mission, are shown near a stream with footbridge. A building with windows facing the stream is indicated as the mission church site, with smaller buildings next to it as the school.
"This is a typical little group. Father and mother both died of dysentary at a refugee camp. The one in the center is 15 the younger brother is 12, and the 'sifu' is 13. They own 10 meo of land and the eldest has it planted; while they wait for the crops to grow and weather to clear, they live at a camp here. (At present the youngest boy is in the hospital, and is weak, and runs a temperature.) The roof of their home and the upright pillars remain and the eldest boy says smilingly that they will manage very nicely when they go home and the weather is better. Only he wishes that his little brother were stronger, but he feels he can work the land! The eldest boy worked for us at the hospital making coal balls, and washing bottles, so as to earn a little money and some new clothing." An older brother who is now the caretaker is shown with his younger sister and brother.
"1906. Preaching the gospel at the Bright Eyes Festival. Tsicheo [Tzechow]. Preacher, Mr. Dsang standing, with accordion. My last year's teacher, now teaching in school & school boy, on far side of table. My present teacher Mr. Li, on right of picture. R.C.R. [R. C. Ricker]." Students and teachers are shown at a work table.
"Kindergarten, probably Chengtu [Chengdu], early 1920's." Little children are shown seated in a semi-circle in their classroom. Three are seen building a structure with blocks in the center area. Two teachers look on.
"Trench for foundation of Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist church. Driving piles." Workers are shown above and below the footing for the new church building. A bed of stones and timber poles can be seen in the trench.
"Chengtu Methodist Church in construction ̶ roof truss starting to go up. Several men are shown on the ground hauling on a rope to raise a structural piece of lumber to the top of the building.
"Methodist church, Chengtu [Chengdu], built by W. E. Manly." Supporting beams for the roof are shown being hoisted up from the ground to the roof area of the new church building. A brick wall is still under construction at the upper level.
"Building Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist church." A cross is mounted at the front peak of the unfinished center roof. One of the side roof towers is shown in a finished state.
The altar area of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Chengdu is shown from the back of the church during a worship service. Banners in Chinese hang on the front walls.
"Methodist Church, Chengtu [Chengdu]." The beautiful wood and fine craftsmanship of the new church is depicted in the chairs and pulpit and the face of the chancel.
"Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist church with choir. Harry Liljestrand at organ. Esther Stockwell leading choir. As remodeled about 1939." An organist and seated choir are shown in an arched alcove in the brick church.