"Foot of Chin rapids. American Dispensary, Chungking [Chongqing], China." Several sailing vessels are shown anchored in the calmer waters below rapids. Several buildings can be seen on the hill above the boats.
"Corner of city wall. Ameican Dispensary, Chungking [Chongqing], China." A crenelated stone wall surrounding a city is shown on a mountain top. A road leading to the city is shown on the side of the mountain. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"'Spirit pillars' at wayside shrine." A roadside shrine is shown on a hillside under trees. The cross like markers hold offerings or rock cairns left by people passing.
"Foot-power irrigation, 3 relays." A man operates a conveyor belt style water wheel with his feet. Water is delivered from a lower pond to a field above.
"Suspension Bridge, Kwan Shien [Guan Xian]." A footbridge suspended from tall wooden supports is shown crossing a river and flood plain. High mountains can be seen in the distance.
"Stone tablets beside the main road. I do not know their purpose; they do not look like grave-stones. Perhaps someone can read the inscription. All I can make out is '23rd year, 3rd month.' Two porters or carriers are shown with their heavy baskets on a walkway near large stone slab markers.
"From the south bank of Yangtze. Upper part of Chungking [Chongqing] that was severely bombed first week in May 1939." Terraced hills and fields are shown along the river opposite upper Chongqing.
"Rough road leading through a narrow gorge in the O. Mei Sau, a well known mountain in the far west of China Szchwan [Sichuan] Province. Black Dragon canyon near the Flying Bridges. W. E. Manly, Plainfield, Bremer Co. Iowa." A narrow gorge path is constructed of wood planks on top of tree poles that span the stream.
Several Western men and women are shown on board a small steamboat as it leaves the riverside. An American flag is seen flying on the deck along with two other flags.
"Temple guardians in Buddhist temple, probably at Kuanshien [Guan Xian]. Second from the right is Thunder god." Five life-size statues of different gods are depicted in an alcove behind a rail. A stand holding incense sticks is shown placed before the grouping.
"Urn for ashes of priest, Omei [Emei]." A tall stone tiered monument compiled of many varying shapes shown in a temple garden on a hillside. A buddha image is seen carved in the center stone.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Buddhism; Monuments; religious practice; Customs and traditions
Cultivated fields are shown on a two hillsides with an irrigation canal or pond in the valley. People are seen carrying large stalk bundles along a footpath through the fields.
A formal park with a trellis lined walkway, flower beds and rows of shrubs and trees is depicted. An automobile can be seen at the end of the walkway in the distance.
One person is shown running after a ball while several others stand nearby on a field with goal posts, possibly at West China Union University, Chengdu.
"Down river junk- Loaded. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A junk is show filled to capacity with goods and people on a river. Long oars can be seen in and above the water. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Crevices worn in rock by tracking rope. American Dispensary. Chungking, China." A ruler marks one of the concavities on the river bank rocks. The troughs in the rough rocks are polished smooth by the rope. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Crowd around plane when landed." Many people are shown gathered to view an airplane on the ground. A propeller blade is prominently depicted above the heads of the crowd. Sailing vessels on a river can be seen in the background.
"The great idol at Da O Si. Called Pu Shien [Pu Hsien], the All Virtuous. One of the three daughters of Buddha. Mt. Omei [Mt. Emei], W. China. Idols covered with gold leaf. R.C.R. W.E. M. photo. 1906." The idol is shown seated on a dais with censers and incense for offerings at her feet.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Buddhism; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"Typical village street." Clothes hang from a line draped across a village street while animals are seen wandering freely near shops. A large stone arch spans the main street.
"Place of Refuge five miles from C k. [Chongqing]." A stone arched bridge is shown spanning a mountain pass. Steep rocky slopes are seen below the road.
"A gentleman's pleasure garden. Near Tze Chow." Several men are shown on a terrace gazebo and steps outside a building. Different styles of decorative planters are seen in the foreground.
"Taken in April 1925. Compare with similar photo. (Taken in April) 1930." Four large two story buildings are shown on a campus or compound. (Possibly college buildings.)
A Western man poses in front of a stone building with a lean-to type of roof. Two largewooden poles, possibly torches, stand in the front on either side of the door. Part of a building is seen on one side of the structure.
"Traveling down-river, rowers on front deck." Five men are shown with oars on the foredeck of a boat. Water and the surrounding shore are seen in the background.
"Load of Rush-light wicking. 'pith of grass'. A water skiff is shown loaded high with bales of grass. A small sailing craft is seen in the water nearby.
"Walled Chinese city in Tribes Country Juncture of rivers. Suspension bridges." Rooftops of buildings in the city are seen from above near a portion of the city wall.
" Tribes Country river." A river is shown flowing between a narrow mountain pass. A road can be seen running along a ridge of the steep mountains above the river to the right.
Several Western men and women, possibly missionaries, pose with two Chinese monks and some bystanders. Bundles tied for transport are seen in the background.
"Road up a mountain, probably Jin Fu San." A narrow stone road is seen winding up a steep mountainside. The area is densely covered in trees and vegetation.
"Probably a temple approach in Omei [Emei], in early 1900's." A missionary family in dress clothes poses along a stone walkway near tall corn plants and a wooded area.
"Property of W. E. Manly. Missionary to Western China. Please return. 7000. 14125 ft to top Baidie. 14115 ft to top of Pike's Peak." A narrow mountain valley is shown in a mountain range. A small tree and native vegetation are seen in the foreground.
"A bridge at the side of the Yangtsi [Yangtze] in the gorges. Rec'd April 1906." A stone arch bridge spans a gorge on a mountainside road along the Yantze River.
"Big graves at Dzen Jah Ngai." Three Western men are shown at a stone table near a tall grave monument in a walled cemetery. The graveyard sits below ground level.
"Kuanshien [Guan Xian] city wall & river." Portions of the stone wall surrounding Guan Xian are shown on a ridge high above a river. Several people can be seen on the rocks along the water.
"Water wheels at Chengtu [Chengdu]." Two water wheels are shown side by side along a river bank near rapids. Tall supports for the water pipes can be seen in the background.
"Quaker missionary group going up Yangtze after Boxer rebellion. Sitting on edge of 2nd boat is Miss Elsie M. Hunt, who was teacher in school for missionary children." Several boats are shown tied up at the edge of a river. Narrow planks are seen leading from the boat to the shore. Children of missionaries are seen at the back of one craft.
"Chengtu [Chengdu] Methodist Hospital." The hospital built in the Western style is shown with porches on the upper and lower levels and a tall clock tower over the main entrance.
"Travelling on roads of North China. Imagine Mrs. Wang as one of these. 1927." People are shown walking and being transported in small carts resembling wheel barrows on a road in the countryside. They are protected from the sun with large brimed hats or umbrellas.
"Lo Han Dung. Tzechow." Buddhist Grotto." The cave is shown filled with monks in a large area behind a fence. Larger than life deities can be seen just behind the fence in the center of the photo. Two men stand in the open floor area near the fence.
"Lumber yard at Chengtu [Chengdu], where wood for church was bought." Stacks of large bamboo poles are shown in the lower area of a lumber yard. Rows of long bamboo poles lean against a wooden rack above a bridge near a small pagoda.
"Field lookout to scare away thieves or wild boars from corn fields." A small hut with a grass roof built at the top of four tall poles is shown at the edge of a corn field.
"Guns the Chinese have for protection. Tzechow. West-China. Guns for defense against Boxers on wall of Tzechow - 1902-1904. F.B.M's [Florence B. Manly] note above. Probably mistaken. The guns are vintage, but I think this is one of the photos WEM tood at the time of the 1911-12 revolution." Soldiers are shown with mounted guns, behind a stone wall. The large guns are suppported by wooden stool-like structures that are movable.
"Road in the Gorge near Chung-king [Chongqing], China. Miss Collier of our mission." A river and mountain road are shown at the base of a gorge. A woman dressed in black poses on the narrow stone road.
"London Mission Bungalow where I spent July and August. LMS (London Mission) bungalow 1898." Missionary families pose on a porch of a house at the mission. Several men with queues are seen on a lower level.
"The best part of the many square miles of graves outside city of Chungking [Chongqing]. 1900 & before." Many large burial monuments are shown on the hillside outsdie Chongqing. Tall conical pine trees mark out the areas around the tombs.
"Central Avenue of Examination Halls in Chentu [Chengdu], showing entrances to cells at side." A government building for holding imperial examinations is shown from the main entrance. Individual examination cells can be seen in rows on both sides of the walkway leading up to the building.