"Next year these young men expect to cut off their 'tails' and adopt foreign clothes. Tzechow dandies, about 1905." Two stylish young men are shown posing for a photo. One wears a Western necktie.
"Ruined arch, Szechuan [Sichuan]." The ruins of a memorial arch are seen in a clearing outside a city or village. Two solid stone columns still stand, with pieces of the structure scattered at the base. Two monks pose in front of the memorial.
"Place of Refuge five miles from C k. [Chongqing]." A stone arched bridge is shown spanning a mountain pass. Steep rocky slopes are seen below the road.
"Bamboo arch in Temple below Chentu." Gift from Harry & Ethel Liljestrand, Dec. 25, 1936." Two tall rows of bamboo form a stately arch over a stairway at a temple at Chengtu [Chengdu].
"Bamboo arched road in famous temple enclosure near Chengtu. Group at left, foreign couple in Chinese clothes, with child in foreign dress. Probably at Wu Ho Ze." Tall bamboo trees form a beautiful arch to shade a walled roadway at a temple.
"Water wheel for irrigation. Water wheel with a wall holding it from moving." A waterwheel is shown at the edge of a shallow river. A low stone wall in the water supports the wooden wheel braces.
"Bishop & Mrs. Lewis about 1907. Chung-king [Chongqing]." The Methodist Episcopal Bishop Lewis and his wife are shown together outside a building in Chongqing.
"Methodist Annual Conference probably 1907. Bishop Lewis presiding." Conference attendees and their families are shown together outside a building. Bishop Lewis and his wife are shown in the front row.
"To Dr. and Mrs. Manly ̶ from (CMS) C. - Song family. Bishop Song & family. Delia Song is oldest girl. Was in my English classes for two years." The Chinese Bishop, his wife and their seven children are shown in their garden.
"Wen Miao Ho Gai." An interior wall of a room is shown with a bookcase full of volumes. A small censer is seen on the top of the shelves and figurines are on a lower shelftop.
"Tribes family." Three generations of family members from the border country in western Sichuan pose on the steps outside a building. The adults wear turbans and two of the three young children wear hats.
"Chengtu [Chengdu] Middle School, 1937, with Mr. & Mrs. Manly." A large class of young men, along with Florence and W. E. Manly, pose for a photo outside the Bashford Memorial building at the school in Chengdu.
"Grace Manly with primary school children in 1920's - between 1925 & 1930." Young students and their teachers are shown together outside on the steps of their school. Grace Manly is seen in the front row.
"I think this is the 'Bright Eye' goddess at Tzecheo. Every year there was a festival, when thousands of people went up the hill to worship her and be healed of eye diseases. My father had a booth on the road to peddle tracts and boric acid. (I used to worry that any improvement in eye infections might be credited to the idol instead of the boric acid. ME Manly)." Enshrined in a curtained opening the female figure sits in front of another dark figure with its eyes outlined in white. There is a basin on the altar before the healing goddess. The caption is handwritten on the back of the postcard.
"1906. The big court of the temple. The room with 65 idols & 30 small ones that they don't count is the one at the rear. Big bell (cast iron) can be dimly seen). In foreground, one of the church stewards selling gospels & tracts. Bright Eyes Festival, Tsicheo. R. C. R." People gathered for the festival to celebrate the "Bright Eyes' goddess are shown in a temple courtyard.
"British gunboat on Yangtze at Chungking [Chongqing] (or patrol boat)." Sailors aboard the river vessel are shown on the top deck in their white uniforms waving.
"The great idol at Da O Si. Called Pu Shien [Pu Hsien], the All Virtuous. One of the three daughters of Buddha. Mt. Omei [Mt. Emei], W. China. Idols covered with gold leaf. R.C.R. W.E. M. photo. 1906." The idol is shown seated on a dais with censers and incense for offerings at her feet.
Subject (Geographic):
Sichuan Sheng (China)
Subject (Topic):
Buddhism; Religious practice; Customs and traditions
"Lo Han Dung. Tzechow." Buddhist Grotto." The cave is shown filled with monks in a large area behind a fence. Larger than life deities can be seen just behind the fence in the center of the photo. Two men stand in the open floor area near the fence.