"Next year these young men expect to cut off their 'tails' and adopt foreign clothes. Tzechow dandies, about 1905." Two stylish young men are shown posing for a photo. One wears a Western necktie.
"Ruined arch, Szechuan [Sichuan]." The ruins of a memorial arch are seen in a clearing outside a city or village. Two solid stone columns still stand, with pieces of the structure scattered at the base. Two monks pose in front of the memorial.
"Place of Refuge five miles from C k. [Chongqing]." A stone arched bridge is shown spanning a mountain pass. Steep rocky slopes are seen below the road.
"Bamboo arch in Temple below Chentu." Gift from Harry & Ethel Liljestrand, Dec. 25, 1936." Two tall rows of bamboo form a stately arch over a stairway at a temple at Chengtu [Chengdu].
"Bamboo arched road in famous temple enclosure near Chengtu. Group at left, foreign couple in Chinese clothes, with child in foreign dress. Probably at Wu Ho Ze." Tall bamboo trees form a beautiful arch to shade a walled roadway at a temple.