Title supplied by curator., From: Sebastian Brant, De monstruoso partu...Strassburg: Johann Prüss, after 10 September 1495., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Johann Prüss
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Conjoined twins, Human curiosities, and Cities & towns
Title and date from item., Place of publication supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Zu Collen bei Johann Büssenmacher und Conrad Goltzius. Im Jar 1597
Title from item., In image: Ætatis Suæ 17., Date derived from a broadside with a similar image identifying the twins as Lazarus and John Baptista Colloredo, born in Genoa in 1620. The brothers were on tour in London in 1637, when they would have been 17 years old., Place of publication derived from language of text., Syndrome is identified as Thoracopagus parasiticus., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Thoracopagus.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Conjoined twins, and Anomalies
Title derived from text etched below image., Place of publication derived from printmaker's place of residence., Date from item., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Stone eaters.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Gastronomy, Pica (Pathology) in children, Eating disorders, Anomalies, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, Human curiosities, and Eating & drinking
Title supplied by curator., Printer's proof or restrike., Published in Ulisse Aldrovandi, Monstruorum Historia, Bononiae: Nicolai Telbaldini, 1642., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title from item., Place of publication and date from item., Sheet trimmed., Syndrome is identified as Thoracopagus parasiticus., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Thoracopagus parasiticus.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Conjoined twins, Anomalies, and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., Text in English and Italian., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Giants, Anomalies, Giants (Persons)., Human curiosities, Spears, and Clowns
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Ilona and Judit Gófitz, 1701-1723, were conjoined twins born in Szöny, Hungary., Text below image in Dutch and Latin., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title from text below image., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from language of text., Text below caption: Mag Wunder: 8s ; No. 5., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title supplied by curator., Date derived from subjects' date of death, and printmaker's statement that this was drawn from life., Place of publication derived from language of text., Ilona and Judit Gófitz, 1701-1723, were conjoined twins born in Szöny, Hungary., An English version of this poem has been attributed to Alexander Pope., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Title derived by curator from caption., Date of publication and subject's full name taken from copy in Metropolitan Museum of Art., Place of publication derived from language of text., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Liebschern, Johanna Sophia.
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Human curiosities, Handguns, Writing materials, and Hats
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from publisher's street address., Below title: Born at Augsburg. Wife to Michael Vanbeck., Pencil note in margin: copy of portrait by Isaac Brunn, 1653., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Hirsutism.
Published by Wm. Richardson. Castle Street, Leicester Fields
Subject (Name):
Van Beck, Barbara, 1629-.
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Hypertrichosis, Endocrinology, Women, Human curiosities, and Harpsichords
Title from item., Place of publication derived from publisher's street address., Date of publication supplied by curator., Inscription following title: Done from the Original Painting in the Collection of the Honble. Sr. Hans Sloane Bnt., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Printed and Sold by Thos. Bowles at the Blackhorse in Cornhill
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, Horns (Anatomy), and Human curiosities
Title below image., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: French, Elizabeth; Horns, human.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Abnormalities, Human, Horns (Anatomy), and Human curiosities
Title from item., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., See Print00308., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Pica (Pathology) in children, Eating disorders, Anomalies, Human curiosities, and Eating & drinking
Title from item., Date derived from creator's dates of activity., Place of publication derived from language of text., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Ducornet, Cesar.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, Artists with disabilities, Painters (Artists), and Palettes
Title from item., Place of publication and date supplied by curator., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Human horns.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, Horns (Anatomy), and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Date from item., Published: Kirby's Wonderful and Scientific Museum, Vol. 2, London: R.S. Kirby, 1804., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Pubd by R.S. Kirby 11 London House Yard & I. Scott 447 Strand
Subject (Name):
Buchinger, Matthew, 1674-1739.
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Place of publication derived from street address., Sheet trimmed., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Published July 20, 1813 by G. Smeeton, 17 St. Martin's Lane
Subject (Name):
Lambert, Daniel, 1770-1809,
Subject (Topic):
Obesity, Endocrinology, Anomalies, and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Date derived from text below title., Place of publication derived from publisher's known location., Sheet trimmed, upper portion cut out in outline., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pig-faced lady; Pregnancy, Prenatal influences.
Pub by McCleary [32] Nassau St.
Subject (Topic):
Urban folklore, Anomalies, Prenatal influences, Human curiosities, and Swine
Title etched below image., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., At lower right: Sold at 98, Cheapside; 50, Piccadilly; and at all Book and Printsellers., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pig-faced lady; Pregnancy, Prenatal influences.
Drawn and published by her late attendant, while at dinner
Subject (Topic):
Urban folklore, Anomalies, Prenatal influences, Human curiosities, Swine, Troughs, and Servants
Title from item., Place of publication derived from street address., Date from item., Sheet trimmed., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Published 15 Feby. 1815 by E. Williams, Strand
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Strong men, Boys, and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Date derived from printmaker's and publisher's dates of activity, Place of publication derived from publisher's street address., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Pub. by G. Smeeton, 3, Old Bailey
Subject (Name):
Buchinger, Matthew, 1674-1739,
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, and Human curiosities
Title and date from item., Below title: Dedicated (with permission) to her Royal Highness Princess Augusta., Portrait is the cover for a subscription pamphlet., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Portrait is the cover for a subscription pamphlet with handwritten letter signed by Miss Biffin.
Published June 1821; by Miss Biffin; 33 Strand
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Artists with disabilities, Anomalies, Painters (Artists)., and Human curiosities
Title etched below image., Place of publication derived from street address., Date derived from text below title., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pregnancy.
Printed by and for G. Smeeton, 15 Royal Arcade, Pall Mall
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Abnormalities, Human, Prenatal influences, Boys, Crying, and Human curiosities
Title etched below image center., Place of publication derived from publisher's place of business., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Lith. de G. Engelmann
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Abnormalities, Human, Artists with disabilities, Painters (Artists), and Human curiosities
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication from item., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Supernumerary digits.
Lith. de H. Brunet et Cie. à Lyon
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, Fingers, Abnormalities, and Human curiosities
Title from item., Date and place of publication derived from identical illustration in: The Heteradelph or, Double-bodied Boy, introduced to the public by Dr. Kahn's Museum, London : J. Gilbert, 1857., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Abnormalities, Human, Human curiosities, and Boys
Title below image., Date and place of publication supplied by curator., From: Henry Wilson & James Caulfield, The Book of Wonderful Characters ..., 1869., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Horns, human.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Anomalies, Horns (Anatomy), and Human curiosities
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Title page of 8-page pamphlet (complete)., Above title: Mother's Frights and Infant's Marks., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Published by F. Farrah 282, Strand, and A. Richie, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street
Subject (Name):
McCoy, Christine, 1851-1912, and McCoy, Millie, 1851-1912,
Subject (Topic):
Anomalies, Abnormalities, Human, Conjoined twins, and Human curiosities