Manuscript on paper, composed of two distinct parts, of Leopold of Austria, Compilatio de astrorum scientia. Part II was copied to finish the incomplete text of Part I.
In Latin., Watermarks: Part I: unidentified letter P similar in general design to Piccard Buchstabe XIII. Part II: Briquet Coupe 4586., Script: Part I (ff. i-vi and 1-83): Written in well formed hybrida script. Part II (pp. 1-76): Written in a small gothic bookhand with many initial letters of the opening word of each section of the text written in oversize majuscules., Part I: Plain red initials, 3- to 1-line, for major text divisions. Headings, paragraph marks, initial strokes, some punctuation, marginalia keyed to art. 1, all in red. Part II: Plain initials, 3-line, paragraph marks and initials strokes in red., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Germany. Paper wrapper held by stitching at head and tail of spine and sewing around the edges of sides. Astronomical diagram and title in ink on upper side: "Astronomia Leupoldi ducis Austrie filij et cetera".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Leopold, of Austria.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Astronomy, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Ps.-Dionysius Areopagita, De caelesti hierarchia, translated into Latin by Robert Grosseteste (d. 1253), with his commentary
In Latin., Script: Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria in two sizes. The large script used for the text itself is written every two lines. The cursive r-abbreviation could point to England, the z standing on the line and the occasional use of j instead of i reminds us of Spain, the "horn" at the head of r is especially typical of German scribes., and The decoration consists of plain late Romanesque initials in red (2 lines).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. and Franciscans
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Astronomy, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholia
Manuscript on paper of Benedetto Cotrugli (Benedictus de Cotrullis, c. 1410-1469), De navigatione liber (Della navigazione). After the prologue in Latin addressed to the Doge and the Senate of Venice, the author, quoting countless Biblical, ancient, medieval and Renaissance authors and drawing largely on his own experience, discusses the oceans and seas, islands, ports, the history of ship-building and navigation, weather, and astronomy. At the end, he includes portolano maps and describes the coast of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
The author, born in Ragusa (Dubrovnik), was a businessman and humanist, from 1451 onwards in favour at the Court of Naples. His Della mercatura e del mercante perfetto, written in 1458, was for a long time considered his only surviving work. Our manuscript, written during his lifetime and no doubt under his supervision or by his hand, is the only existing manuscript of Della navigazione and it is unfinished, missing most of its illustrations and the end of the text., In Italian., Script: Written by one hand in Humanistica Cursiva close to Humanistica Textualis. Headings and opening words of chapters in pale red capitals., Heightening of majuscules and paragraph marks in pale red up to f. 10r. Space for 2- or 3-line initials at the opening of all chapters, the initials not executed. Illustration largely missing; the few that have been executed are crudely drawn., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Yellowish parchment over cardboard. Marbled paste-downs.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Cotrugli, Benedetto, d. 1468.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Italian literature, Manuscript maps, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Navigation
Manuscript on paper of Joannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera, translated into English and supplemented by Anthony Ascham. With calendar for the years 1529-35; "The Complaynt Off Sanct Cipriane, The Grett Nigromancer," a poem by Anthony Ascham. Includes individual zodiac volvelles with descriptions in Latin (several volvelles attached to the incorrect month).
In English and Latin., Watermarks: similar to Briquet Lettres et Monogrammes 9890 and Pot 12863., Script: Text written in English secretary script., Numerous explanatory drawings and tables appear throughout the manuscript, including 40 drawings of constellations; nineteen maps, accompanied by tables of longitude and latitude; nine devices that explain the movement of the heavenly bodies. All drawings are carefully drawn in brown ink, tinted with washes of green, yellow, black, brown, pink, and labelled in red or brown ink., Many leaves pasted together, some of which have become unglued. Cropped, resulting in loss of some marginalia., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brown sheepskin, blind-tooled with central panel and outer border colored dark brown. Pink spattered edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astronomy, Medieval, Calendars, English poetry, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Early maps
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Joannes de Sacro Bosco, De sphaera. 2) Unidentified Cosmographicae libellus. 3) Nicolas Oresme, Traite de la sphere, in a Latin translation apparently extant only in this manuscript
In Latin., Script: Written by one person in small fere-humanistic script bordering on cursive, verso., Simple decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, in red. Headings, paragraph marks, strokes on majuscules at beginning of sentences, and marginal notes, in red., Seventeen carefully executed astronomical drawings and two tables, in red, black, yellow and beige, accompany arts. 1 and 3., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Limp vellum case. "Tractatus spere" on tail edge.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, active 1230.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Cosmography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (one bifolium, one fragment) of 1) Hermannus Contractus, De utilitatibus astrolabii, text of bifolium not continuous. 2) Hermannus Contractus, Liber de mensura astrolabii, Book 1, portions of chs. 5-6. Annotated by several contemporary hands
In Latin., Script: Written in romanesque minuscule verging on gothic bookhand., Plain initials, 3- to 2-line, headings and horizontal lines for chart in orange. Diagram of dial on f. 2r; star chart on f. 3v., and Bifolium used as a wrapper for a book numbered "5311".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Hermannus, Contractus, 1013-1054.
Subject (Topic):
Astrolabes, Astronomy, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper containing Leonardo Dati O.P. (1360-1425), or Gregorio Dati (1362-1435), La Sfera; a Libro di ricordi (1480-1501); sermons; extracts from Brunetto Latini, Il Tesoro; magical treatise; a "Portolano"; three sonnets; and 10 maps or views in watercolor and 18 colored circular diagrams
In Italian., Script: Art. 1 in Gothica Cursiva Libraria; art. 2, in two hands, same script as art. 1; artt. 3-9, one hand, writing in Gothica Cursiva Currens (Mercantesca), and Decoration: only from f. 25r onwards: red stroking of majuscules; illustrations (watercolor diagrams and maps) to art. 6 include: sky scenes (stars; sun illuminating the earth; eclipse of the moon); maps of the earth (diagram with the equator; earth among the other elements; the horizon; the four regions, or plagae; directions of the winds); Ptolemaic system; T-O map; seas and geographic regions (unidentified sea; Black Sea and Caspian Sea; Tyrrhenian Sea; Dardanelles; Sea of Azov and Don; coast of North Africa; Mesopotamia, Arabia, Palestine; Tower of Babel; view of Tunis; western coast of Asia Minor, with burning Troy)
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Dati, Leonardo, 1408-1472., Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1435., Latini, Brunetto, 1220-1295., and Giamboni, Bono, ca. 1292.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Charts, diagrams, etc, Early maps, Italian poetry, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Italian
Manuscript on paper of notes concerning Arcturus and the Pleiades; Preface to Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus; Geoponica
In Greek., Watermark: similar to Briquet 2538., Script: Written by a scribe associated with Georgius Moschos., Decorative designs, in red, on f. 6v and 90r; headings and initials in red., and Binding: Seventeenth century. French calf with original front wrapper as flyleaf.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Greek literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper (watermarks buried in gutter) of Gregorio (or Leonardo?) Dati, La Sfera. This rhyming treatise (ottava rima) is divided into two parts: 1) a treatise on astronomy; 2) rules for navigation and the determination of the position of the sea
In Italian., Script: Written by one person in neat mercantile script., One 4-line initial, f. lr., gold capital with white-vine foliage against a blue, pink and green ground, connected to a 3/4 white-vine border with brown penwork and gold dots; a coat of arms in wreath at center of lower margin. Two 3-line initials, ff. 7r and 14v, gold, against pink and green grounds with yellow and white filigree. Folios 1r-14v illustrated in margins with astronomical and geographical diagrams, all of them circular, tinted drawings in brown pen with red, yellow, blue and green washes. Folios 15r-24v decorated with unframed maps and illustrations drawn in brown pen, and tinted green, brown and red. Most illustrations unlabeled., Some leaves repaired; the manuscript shows signs of heavy use., and Binding: 16th-17th centuries. Resewn on three vegetable fiber supports. Rounded spine. Covered in black/brown sheepskin over wooden boards with corner tongues. Blind-tooled with five line fillets forming diamonds. There are traces of four bosses on each board and two clasp-and-catch fastenings, the catches on the lower board. Fastenings and bosses are wanting. Concentric circles are scratched in the center of the lower board. Rebacked.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1436.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Italian poetry, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Early maps, and Navigation
Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of 1) Iohannes de Sacrobosco, Algorismus. 2) Thebit ben Chorat, De recta imaginatione sphaerae. 3) Iohannes de Sacrobosco, De sphaera. 4) Iohannes Campanus of Novara (ascr.), Tractatus quadrantis. 5) Iohannes de Sacrobosco, Compotus. 6) Gerardus Sablonetanus (ascr.), Theorica planetarum (also attributed to other authors). 7) Alfraganus, Liber differentiarum, tr. John of Seville
In Latin., Script: Copied by a single scribe writing Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria. Numerous and often extensive marginal notes by various 13th and 14th century hands, mostly in small rapid cursive handwriting, some in Italian Gothica Hybrida Libraria., Red paragraph marks and 2-3-line plain initials with guide-letters; on f. 1r a larger flourished littera duplex inbrown and red; the other artt. open with larger plain initials. Numerous pointing hands. Pen-and-ink drawings and diagrams throughout., and Binding: Early, heavy wooden boards recovered with new brown sheepskin. Spine with three raised bands and gold-tooled inscription: "TRACTATUS ASTRONOMICI. MS A.D. 1281".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astronomy, Medieval, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Mathematics, Medieval
Manuscript on paper. Includes notes on arithmetic and accounting for merchandise; a romance of Tristan; list of spices; astronomical and astrological information; charms and prayers; recipes; extracts in Venetian; and poems
In Italian and Latin., Watermarks: similar to Briquet Fruit 7372-76, Briquet Cheval 3564, and Briquet Fruit 7341., Script: Written by a single scribe in a neat notarial hand, through f. 67v. Notes added by various hands of 14th-15th centuries., Drawings of ships, towers and merchants in ink, with added yellow, brown, green, red and blue; many diagrams. Crude 2- and 1-line initials in red, with guide-letters for rubricator showing beneath; headings in red., Repair of f. 1 with later paper; some loss of text. Repairs at outer edges on this and other folios do not affect text., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Rigid vellum case with paste paper back endleaf and pastedowns. Central fold of each bifolium has been reinforced with a strip of parchment.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Venice (Italy)
Subject (Topic):
Accounting, Arithmetic, Astrology, Astronomy, Medieval, Formulas, recipes, etc, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Italian literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, Merchants, Prayers, Tristan (Legendary character), and Economic conditions
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of this unique English prose version of the twelfth-century Latin treatise Secretum secretorum, itself a translation of the Kitab sirr al-asrar. In addition to this text, the volume also includes a short astrological text in Middle English, headed "secreta." The opening leaf is not present; the introduction by the translator praises Sir Miles Stapleton as his patron
Alternative Title:
Secretum secretorum
In Middle English and Latin., Several verses and aphorisms in a sixteenth?-century cursive hand on blank leaves and in margins., Layout: single columns of 21-23 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: numerous initials in gold or in blue with contrasting penwork., and Binding: fifteenth-century blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; remains of clasps.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Johannes, de Caritate.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astronomy, Astronomy, Medieval, Education of princes, English prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medicine, and Medicine, Medieval
Manuscript, on vellum, incomplete, in a single hand, of John Lydgate's and Benedict Burgh's Middle English verse translation of the twelfth-century Latin treatise Secretum Secretorum, itself a translation of the Kitab sirr al-asrar. In addition to this text, the volume also contains several prose pieces in Middle English and Latin, including one with illustrated diagrams and a Latin tract on the interpretation of dreams
In Middle English and Latin., Several medical recipes added on blank leaves and portions of leaves in a sixteenth-century? cursive hand., Signature of John Bowen? in a seventeenth-century hand. Signature of Thomas Bowen in a seventeenth-century hand., Layout: various single-column., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: 15 illuminated borders; other decorated initials, some gilt., and Binding: disbound, but with some original sewing intact; modern case.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astronomy, Astronomy, Medieval, Education of princes, English prose literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medicine, and Medicine, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of La Sfera, by either Gregorio Dati (1362-1435), or Leonardo Dati O.P. (1360-1425).
In Latin., Script: copied by a single hand in Southern Gothica Semitextualis Libraria; the first majuscule of each strophe written between the double bounding lines. The four books open with a 3-line red plain initial with or without interior reserved shapes., and Manuscript on paper of La Sfera, by either Gregorio Dati (1362-1435), or Leonardo Dati O.P. (1360-1425). A contemporary hand has numbered the Books in the following way: Book I (f. 1r): “Terzo”; Book II (f. 7r): “Quarto”; Book III (f. 13r): “Primo”; Book IV (f. 19r): “Secondo”.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1436. and Dati, Leonardo, d. 1425.
Manuscript on paper of Iohannes de Sacrobosco (1000-1210), Tractatus de sphaera
In Latin., Watermark: two crossed arrows, similar to Briquet 6269-6275, especially to Briquet 6271 (attested 1462). The whole group and its variants are attested in Northeastern Italy 1448-1495., Script: copied by one hand in Humanistica Cursiva Libraria/Currens, widely spaced. The first letter after an initial is in Capitalis., 2-line plain initials alternately in red and blue at the beginning of the subdivisions of the text. They are placed almost entirely in the margin and are missing ff. 17v, 28r and 33r. Guide letters, written in the space reserved for the initials, are equally often missing. On f. 1r the Prologue opens with a 4-line foliate initial in red, green and blue with two flowers on a gold background and floral extensions in the inner margin, in Lombard style; in the lower margin of the same page a painted double-headed imperial eagle in black, its two heads with a golden crown and on its chest an oval shield with the coat of arms or, three bends azure., and Binding: original Italian, undecorated blue-stained leather over beech boards. Sewn on three double leather thongs. Remnants of three clasps attached to the front board (one at the upper, one at the lower and one at the right-hand side); thin brass engraved catches on the rear cover, decorated with a floweret and the Gothic majuscule “S”. The parchment pastedowns are now detached from the boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medieval, Geometry, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Petrarch, Trionfi (ff. 1r-47r), and Dati, Sfera (48r-76r).
In Latin., Script: copied by two hands both writing Humanistica Cursiva: A, ff. 1r-47r (art. 1); B, ff. 48r-76r (art. 2), in a smaller handwriting., Decoration: In art. 1, space reserved for, but unfilled with, headings between all trionfi; but each trionfo opens with a 3-line blue plain capital. Space similarly reserved for, but unfilled with, headings in art. 2; but also 2- or 3-line blue capitals., and Binding: contemporary, blind-tolled calfskin over wooden boards, sewn on three double thongs. Both covers decorated with a frame and lozenge design. The remains of two brass clasps extant on the front cover.