Manuscript fragment on parchment of Augustine's De trinitate
In Latin., Script: written in a heavily serifed late pregothic bookhand., Decoration: red running head and discolored initial visible., and This fragment is contained in Zi 1764.3 (Joannes de Cuba, Gart der Gesundheit), around which the fragment is used as a wrapper.
Manuscript on parchment (fragments) of Eugippius (c. 500), Excerpta ex operibus sancti Augustini
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in early Carolingian handwriting of the type described by B. Bischoff as "Arn minuscule"., and Binding: twentieth century quarter binding, parchment and purplish decorated paper over pasteboard.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. and Eugippius.
Subject (Topic):
Fathers of the church, Manuscripts, Medieval, Theology, and History
Manuscript fragment on parchment of St. Augustine, In Iohannis Evangelium (Tractus cxxiv), wherein the numbers given to the tractates are one less than those given in the edition (which is perhaps the result of scribal error or perhaps reflective of alternative content within this manuscript).
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule; annotations added by modern hands., and Decoration: 4-line initial "I," in orange with foliate ornamentation, beginning Tractus 36; 2-line initial "A" in a similar style; 1-line initials in brown uncials; rubrics in orange rustic capitals; punctuation consisting of the punctus, punctus elevatus, punctus versus, punctus interrogativus, and the punctus flexus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of selections from Books I and IV of St. Augustine of Hippo's De trinitate
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: crude 6-line initial "D" and 5-line initial "L" in brown and orange-red ink, L terminates in a bird's head; 1-line initials in brown uncials with enlarged minuscule "e" and frequently touched in red on f. 1r; incipits and explicits in brown rustic capitals and the word explicit traced in red; punctuated primarily with punctus; three scribes; scribe one occasionally uses punctus elevatus and punctus versus; contemporary corrections in lighter ink.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing the Office of the Dead with lessons from Augustine, Sermon 173
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of Caroline minuscule, with a smaller script for the chants and a larger one for the lessons; by the same scribe who copied the psalter preserved in Beinecke MS 481.46., and Decoration: 3-line initial on f. 1v in orange that has been filled with crude, brown cross-hatching, perhaps later; 2-line initials at the beginning of lessons are in orange square capitals; 1-line initials are in brown rustic capitals; rubrics written in orange minuscules with rustic capitals; punctuated with punctus in chants and punctus and punctus elevatus within lessons; chants have interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; marginal notation in a contemporary hand on 3r.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. and Catholic Church