Manuscript on parchment (scraps, endpieces) of the Canticum canticorum, with glossa ordinaria
In Latin., Script: Text written in large round late caroline minuscule; commentary in a similar, but smaller script with many abbreviations., One unpretentious illuminated initial, f. 1r, 3-line, yellow edged in red, against blue and red ground with yellow filigree, filled with stylized vine-stem ornament, white with green and yellow shading. First word of text in alternating letters, red and brown with yellow touches. Small initials in blue or red. Guide letters for rubricator throughout., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy. Quarter bound in vellum, spine worm-eaten and peeling; blue-grey paper sides. Title in rectangular frame, in ink, on spine: "Cant. Salo. MS".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of Iohannes Halgrinus de Abbatisvilla (d. 1237), Commentum in Cantica Canticorum. With a table of the lemmata commented in art. 1, referring to the original foliation
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in very small Gothica Textualis Libraria, marked by d with a very long ascender, the southern form of tironian et, and occasional lengthening of the ascenders on the top line and the descenders on the bottom line., First pages stained; from about f. 41 the lower outer corners of the leaves are damaged without loss of text., Red underlining of the lemmata. Red captions in the margins. 3-line red plain initial at the beginning of art. 1., and Binding: Limp parchment, consisting of a 17th century document in English, the blank verso of which is at the outer side. Gilt edges.
Manuscript on parchment of Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus, preceded by prologues. With two short prayers
In Latin., Script: Written in hybrida script by a single scribe. Arts. 2-3 added by later hands., For prologues and beginning of each book partial borders constructed of a thin bar, unburnished gold, pink or green with burnished gold balls, terminating in sprays of stylized foliage, green, pink, and blue with gold accents. One large illuminated initial, f. 1r, 13-line, blue with light blue foliage shading against a red and pink ground; foliage serifs in green. 6 smaller illuminated initials, blue, pink, green or gold against blue or pink ground with white or gold filigree and/or gold crosshatching. Numerous pen-and-ink initials, 2-line, alternate in blue with red penwork designs and gold with blue penwork designs. Running titles in red and blue. Headings in red. Initials touched with yellow., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Bohemia. Sewn on three supports, with two half bands near head and tail, fastened to wooden boards. Yellow edges and kermes pink place marks. Covered in brown calf, blind-tooled with floral designs, with a central and four large corner fittings on each board. Spine: supports defined with double fillets; four leafy flower bud tools pointing inward in the two central panels. Two fastenings, the catches on the upper board and the lower one cut in for tawed skin, cream colored straps (only stubs remain). Small pieces of liturgical manuscript (Northern Italy, 14th century) used for front and rear pastedowns. Head and tail of spine and the upper joint very unobtrusively repaired.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Wisdom literature
Manuscript on paper and parchment, composed of three distinct sections. Part I: Gregory the Great, Liber regulae pastoralis. Part II: Gilbert of Hoyland, Sermones in Cantica Canticorum XVIII-XLVIII. Part III: Hugh of St. Victor, Homilia prima in Salomonis Ecclesiasten
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-80): Written by a single scribe in a well formed late caroline calligraphic minuscule. Part II (ff. 81-114): Written by multiple scribes in small highly abbreviated noting hands, above top line. Part III (ff. 115-121): Written by a single scribe in gothic bookhand, above top line. Plain initials, 3- to 2-line, in red. Guide letters., Part I: Decorative initials, 3- to 2-line, in black, with simple pen designs and small "pearls" on the thin parts of the letters, on irregular grounds of pale yellow wash. Initial strokes and plain line-fillers in pale yellow (initial strokes in red on f. 9r presumably added by the rubricator of ff. 1-8). A series of red dots (also a later addition?) outline the ground of initial on f. 18v. Explicit on f. 80r brushed with yellow wash. Part II: Plain monochrome initials, 3- to 2-line, in red or blue. Spaces for rubrics left unfilled; guide letters., and Binding: Between 1800 and 1810, Italy. Half bound in brown calf with bright pink paper sides and edges spattered bluish green. Two green, gold-tooled labels: "Gregorii. M/ Pastoralis/ Manuscrip" and "Saecul XII". Bound in the same distinctive style as Marston MSS 50, 128, 135, 151, 153, 158, 159, and 197, also from the Cistercian abbey of Hautecombe.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, and Sermons, Latin