Title from item., Publication place and date inferred from those of the periodical for which this plate was engraved., Temporary local subject terms: Weeping Britannia -- Emblems: thistle -- Emblems: English rose -- Lightning bolts., and Mounted to 28 x 26 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, and Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: East India House -- Declaratory Act., and Watermark.
Pubd. April 24, 1788 by Josa. Baldrey, No. 19 H. Holborn, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Rumbold, Thomas, Sir, 1736-1791, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Portraits, Impeachment, Taxation, Tax assessment, Justice, Donkeys, Stores & shops, Shutters, Lawyers, and Britannia (Symbolic character)
Title etched above image., Publication date in British Museum catalogue: June 21, 1770., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on sides., and Temporary local subject terms: Statues: statue of William Beckford by John Francis Moore, 1772 -- Speeches: reference to Beckford's speech in the House of Commons, November 1766 -- Male dress: alderman's robes.
Upper image depicts a white horse (representing the House of Hanover) removing a mask and treading on papers called "Trade" and "Liberty." A dialog ribbon is coming out of his mouth with the word "Worms" on it [i.e. Treaty of Worms]. He is surrounded by men offering him money and saying such things as "Here's Cole" and "Damn Engl---d." and Lower image depicts Hanover as a nurse sitting on a three-sided stool and changing the diaper of Britannia as a baby. The nurse is saying "Your Besh-t again wares y. Clouts." A stool is nearby with a pot of food on it and a sign saying "Bon pour Nicole."
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Two images, one above text, one below, on broadside 38 x 24 cm., Text consists of two lists showing pay received by, respectively, Hanoverian soldiers, Hessian soldiers and Danish soldiers., Cf. Malcolm, History of caricaturing, 1813, p. 83, pl. XXI, fig. 4., Cf. Lewis, Genesis of Strawberry Hill for three-sided Gothic chair, fig. 35., Temporary local subject terms: Masks: George II -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Lists: pay lists -- Slang: cole, i.e., money -- Furniture: three-sided Gothic chair -- Personifications: Britannia as a baby -- Personifications: Hanover as an old woman -- Money: purses -- Food: rotten baby food., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, 1673?-1743, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, Great Britain., and Hanover, House of.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Armed Forces, and Pay, allowances, etc
Upper image depicts a white horse (representing the House of Hanover) removing a mask and treading on papers called "Trade" and "Liberty." A dialog ribbon is coming out of his mouth with the word "Worms" on it [i.e. Treaty of Worms]. He is surrounded by men offering him money and saying such things as "Here's Cole" and "Damn Engl---d." and Lower image depicts Hanover as a nurse sitting on a three-sided stool and changing the diaper of Britannia as a baby. The nurse is saying "Your Besh-t again wares y. Clouts." A stool is nearby with a pot of food on it and a sign saying "Bon pour Nicole."
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Two images, one above text, one below, on broadside 38 x 24 cm., Text consists of two lists showing pay received by, respectively, Hanoverian soldiers, Hessian soldiers and Danish soldiers., Cf. Malcolm, History of caricaturing, 1813, p. 83, pl. XXI, fig. 4., Cf. Lewis, Genesis of Strawberry Hill for three-sided Gothic chair, fig. 35., Temporary local subject terms: Masks: George II -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Lists: pay lists -- Slang: cole, i.e., money -- Furniture: three-sided Gothic chair -- Personifications: Britannia as a baby -- Personifications: Hanover as an old woman -- Money: purses -- Food: rotten baby food., and Watermark: Fleur-de-lis.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, 1673?-1743, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, Great Britain., and Hanover, House of.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Armed Forces, and Pay, allowances, etc
"An allegorical design. Britannia, holding her shield and a cap of Liberty on a staff, rushes (right to left) with a calm expression to the edge of a cliff, urged on by Wellington and five other Ministers (scarcely characterized). On her right a man snatches the drapery from a small cloud-borne figure of Fortune with her wheel, who is directed towards an oval portrait of Queen Caroline supported by an angel. Fame holds a laurel wreath above the portrait. Below the cliff or rock from which Britannia steps so heedlessly is a patch of ground surrounded by sea. On this stands Burdett, holding out a scroll inscribed 'Magna Char[ta] Liberty of Napoleon' and holding out his left arm to prevent Britannia from falling. Justice stands behind him, holding evenly balanced scales. Four other men stand close behind him, one holding out a scroll inscribed 'Reform', and supporting the arm which holds the scales. A man in shirt-sleeves kneels at Burdett's feet, making a gesture of urgent entreaty. On a rock (right), symbolizing St. Helena but merging with Britannia's cliff, sits a spotted, sub-human Caliban-like creature, who holds a small image of Napoleon, which he is about to cover with an extinguisher. At the base of the rock, but in the background, are two tiny officers in military uniform, seated together at the edge of the sea, directed to the right. In the foreground (left) sits a woman (? France) in classical draperies, holding a sceptre, with a (? Bourbon) crown falling from her head, and with a second (? imperial) crown in her lap. She gazes towards St. Helena. Inset in the title and enclosed within a border inscribed 'Honi soit qui mal y pense': 'Wilson sçut délivrer une Noble victime Burdett, Hobhouse, Holland, sauvez Napoléon, Arrachez-le aux tourmens de l'exécrable Hudson, Vengez l'honneur Anglais flétri par un grand Crime Et sauvez Albion sur le Bord de l'Abême [sic]!!!'."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state
Alternative Title:
Nation and her m-n-t-r's and Nation and her ministers
Title etched below image., Early state, before border and imprint statement added. For a later state with border present and the imprint "Pubd. by Milleville, Hampstead" etched in lower left, see no. 14050 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 10., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 90 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Typed extract of twenty-nine lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
John Milleville?
Subject (Geographic):
Saint Helena,
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821., Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, Baron, 1786-1869., Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777-1849., Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, Baron, 1773-1840., Lowe, Hudson, Sir, 1769-1844., and La Valette, Antoine-Marie Chamans, comte de, 1769-1830.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Cliffs, Shields, Liberty cap, Angels, Justice, Scales, Military officers, and Crowns
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered '27' in upper right corner., Printseller's announcement within design: Price one shillg. colord., Temporary local subject terms: Welshmen -- Scots -- Fairs -- Germans -- Prussian military officer -- Food -- Sauerkraut -- Sauer kraut -- Crutches -- Sailors -- Russians -- Dutchmen -- Bears -- Reference to Austria -- Musical instruments -- Trumpet -- Habsburg Eagles -- Clowns -- Reference to Spain -- Reference to Westpahlia -- Clowns-pierrot -- Food -- Gingerbread -- Turks -- Drums -- Sausages -- Flags -- Royal Arms., and Mounted to 31 x 44 cm.
Pubd. Octor. 1st, 1807 by Thos. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840, Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1778-1846, and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character) and Britannia (Symbolic character)
V. 4. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A crowded fair-ground, with many seen combining realism with a fantastic survey of the international situation. The are spectators and attractions in the foreground, on the ground-level backed by adjacent and competing platforms, all with performers, placards, and flags On the ground on the extreme left. in front of a notice: 'German Sour Crout with French Sauce', a waiter hurries with a steaming dish towards Germans at a table who are hideously guzzling sauer kraut as in British Museum Satires No. 10170. Behind are the backs of spectators gazing up at a platform, on the extreme left., on which a Russian displays a bear on its hind-legs, padlocked to a post inscribed 'French Influence'. The Russian, holding out a sheaf of papers, blows a trumpet with an attached banner decorated with the Russian eagle. Behind is a back-cloth inscribed: 'Russian Booth - . This day will be presented the Comedy of The Double Dealer [by Congreve] to which will be added a new Burletta called The Bear in Leading Strings - The Music principally French' [see British Museum Satires No. 10750, &c.]. Next are three narrow platforms close together: a zany wearing a conical cap, shouts to the audience below. His placard announces: "Danish Booth - The English Fleet [comic opera by T. Dibdin, 1805] and The Devil to Pay" [opera by Coffey, 1730]. Below the script a naval engagement in depicted. Next, a pierrot, wearing a fool's cap, beats a drum, before a placard: 'Sweedish Booth - Blind Bargain [comedy by Frederick Reynolds, 1805] and Hob in the Well' ['Flora; or, Hob in the Well' by Hippisley, 1730]. A Punch-like man stands in front of the 'Westphalia Booth - Wife and no Wife [unacted farce by Coffey, 1732] with Jerry Sneak [in Foote's 'Mayor of Garratt', 1763] in his Glory'. All three booths fly their national flag, except the last, on which there is a ham inscribed 'Venison', see BMSat 10759. The booths recede in perspective and from left. to r., a pendant to similar booths on the opposite side. Between them, facing the spectator, is the central and largest: 'The Best - Booth in the Fair Iohn Bull and Company - The Englishman's Fire Side, and The Wooden Warn of Old England, Principal Characters by Joh Bull, Paddy Bull, Ben Block &c.' This is surmounted by the Royal Arms and British flag. On the little stage Britannia stands, holding her spear and pointing to a group seated round a punch-bowl: John Bull, a fat 'cit' smoking a long pipe, Erin with her harp, a fat Welshman with a leek in his hat, and a lank Scot in Highland dress; the last three are drinking. The toast is on a paper below the punch-bowl: 'Old England for ever the land Boys we live in'. Beside Britannia is her lion, rampantly supporting her shield. The space under the platform (boarded upat the other booths) is an eating-place: men (in shadow) guzzling hard, while a cook triumphantly brings in a huge sirloin. Above: 'Roast Beef gratis this Booth.' (A plea for national unity as in British Museum Satires No. 10009, &c.) ..."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Printmaker from description of earlier state in the British Museum catalogue., Later state, with altered plate number. For earlier state numbered "27" in upper right, see no. 10763 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., Companion print to: St. Stephens fair., Plate numbered "279" in upper right corner., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 4., "Price one shillg. colord"--Within lower left portion of design., and Leaf 56 in volume 4.
Pubd. Octor. 1st, 1807, by Thos. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1770-1840, Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1778-1846., and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character) and Britannia (Symbolic character)
"The Prince and Britannia stand on each side of the Coronation Chair as in BMSat 7386. Its Gothic carvings are altered to satyrs' heads. On the back of the Chair is a small money-bag inscribed Virtue. The Prince and Britannia stand as before, but the foot which she places on the step inscribed 'The Voice of the People' is a cloven hoof. The next step, 'Publick Safety', is badly cracked; the other steps are blank. No words come from Britannia's mouth; the Prince says, "I woud do the best to please my People". Liberty and Justice are transformed into Sheridan and Fox. Sheridan, wearing ragged clothes, holds the cap of 'Liberty' on a broom; he puts one hand on the Prince's shoulder while he steals a handkerchief from his coat-pocket. Fox, in place of Justice's sword, holds a bludgeon in the head of which is an eye which drips blood (in the coloured version); he holds up an evenly-balanced pair of scales, formed of two dice-boxes. His eye-bandage is pushed up on his forehead and he says, "I have the Voice of the People in my Eye". 'Commerce' is transformed from a comely young woman into a drunken hag who holds up a glass of gin. The Mayor says, "We have not been taxed this twelvemonth". Pitt, instead of being the colleague of the Furies, attacks them: in his left hand he holds up a large conical extinguisher with which he is about to put out the torch of 'Rebellion'. He says, "I could soon extinguish these Puppet Shew Vapours if properly supported". The Fury holds up two torches, one of 'Rebellion', the other 'Puppet Shew'. He puts his left foot on the prostrate head of 'Envy', who is holding up a fire-brand. The third fury (Falsehood) has disappeared. The British Lion looks from behind Britannia's shield snarling ferociously in defence of Pitt."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Temporary local subject terms: Lord William Gill, 1720-1798: Mayor of London -- Lord Mayors -- Chairs: Satyrs' heads on coronation chair -- Broom as staff of liberty -- Emblems: drunken hag / commerce -- Scales: dice boxes -- Huge candle snuffers -- British lion -- Furies -- Regency crisis., and Mounted to 31 x 47 cm.
Pub. Decr. 29, 1788, by S. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
P- and his reduced household retiring for the summer season and Prince and his reduced household retiring for the summer season
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., Attribution by British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Cradle -- Warming pan -- Gridiron -- Wine raisan -- Hangercoach -- Food -- Coach and horses -- Bellows., and C Patch watermark in center of sheet.
Pub'd as the act directs, for the proprietor, by J. Carter, Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and On page 296 in volume 3. Sheet: 7.1 x 10.3 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and Mounted to 31 x 33 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
"A ship, apparently bearing 'Aeneas' (George II) is tossed on a stormy sea. On the shore at right, 'Dido' (the figure of Britannia), points and smiles, above the inscription, "She, while [the] outragious winds [the] deep deform, Smiles on [the] tumult, & enjoys [the] storm". In the sea Neptune near the shore looks at the ship in displeasure. Above in the sky are three Winds, as three young boys, one blowing, one farting, the last kicking a hat."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., Formerly attributed to Hogarth, now thought to be by Van der Gucht. See British Museum online catalogue., Questionable attribution in Paulson's 2nd edition., Lettered below image: Tanta haec mulier potuit suadere malorum., Latin motto below image translated: So much evil can a woman induce., Verse etched in lower right of image: She, while [the] outragious winds [the] deep deform, Smiles on [the] tumult, & enjoys [the] storm., Also a note in Steevens's hand discussing the three prints on this page pasted down at top of page., and On page 89 in volume 1.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760., Dido,, Aeneas (Legendary character),, and Neptune (Roman deity),
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Britannia (Symbolic character), Sailing ships, and British
April 26, 1745, publish'd according to act of Parliament.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on Admirals Thomas Mathews and Richard Lestock and other officers who had been engaged in the fight off Toulon, and who subsequently became subjects of a Court Martial. A street scene, on the left a portico, from which a goup of persons is led by the figure of Britannia towards a dockyard; with letterpress inscriptions, verses in four columns
Title from item., Four columns of verse below image begins: Shall British glory rise again, and wipe the degen'rate stain ..., Later state, with publisher's name burnished from plate. Cf. No. 2682 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: portico of the Admiralty's Building -- Admiralty: satire on admiralty inscribed on portico -- British Lion -- Personifications: Justice -- Trade -- Symbols: Hand of Providence -- Lightning bolts -- Reference to the Battle of Toulon, 1744 -- Reference to the War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748 -- Court martial -- Emblems: laurel wreath -- Balance -- Weapons: sticks as cudgels -- Architectural details: busts -- Naval uniforms -- Gates: dockyard at Deptford -- Reference to Bremen and Verden., and Watermark: countermark IV.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Torrington, George Byng, Viscount, 1663-1733, Blake, Robert, 1599-1657, Mathews, Thomas, 1676-1751, Lestock, Richard, 1679?-1746, and Norris, John, Sir, 1660?-1749
Title etched at top of image., A letter in form of a rebus., The following words in the title are represented by images: Lord Bute by a boot, 'be' in 'between' by a bee, Jockey by a figure of a jockey, 'Cloud' in 'McCloud' by clouds, Britannia by a figure of Britannia., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Mounted to 35 x 26 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792 and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Three columns of verse below image begins: In an---t days Sr Robt Carr ..., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to William Pitt the Elder -- Executioner's axe -- Emblems: Thistle (Scotland) -- Emblems: Jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Ghosts., and Watermark: Strasburg lily.
Printed & sold at Darly's in Cranbourn Ally, as the act directs Js. P.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Three columns of verse below image begins: In an---t days Sr Robt Carr ..., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to William Pitt the Elder -- Executioner's axe -- Emblems: Thistle (Scotland) -- Emblems: Jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Ghosts., 1 print : etching ; sheet 20 x 25 cm., and On laid paper, sheet trimmed within plate mark, mounted to 32 x 48 cm.
Printed & sold at Darly's in Cranbourn Ally, as the act directs Js. P.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645
"Caricature with Britannia and her lion, with the help of 'A Nation's Love', protecting Queen Caroline from the attacks of her accusers in Parliament."--British Museum online catalogue and Portrays Princess Charlotte defending her mother against attacks by George IV and his ministers
Title etched below image., With large manuscript lettering "Oh my mother, my mother" in ink above image; impression at the British Museum (registration no.: 1983,0305.31) has the same phrase written in the same place., "Argus" was an early pseudonym of Charles Williams; however, three other prints signed "Argus" from 1820 have been attributed in the British Museum catalogue to William Heath (as have others from this time period with S.W. Fores's address spelled "Picadilli" in imprint). See page 799 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 10., Possible artist's device follows the "Argus" signature in lower right: A cross above a circle divided into quarters., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Watermark: Weatherley & Lane 1818., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 70 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Caroline," "Eldon," "Londondery [sic]," "Sidmouth," "Liverpool," and "Geo. IV" identified in ink below image; date "23 Aug. 1820" written in lower right corner.
Pub. Aug. 23, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadilli [sic]
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Great Britain, 1796-1817, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, and Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821.
Subject (Topic):
Divorce, Britannia (Symbolic character), Lions, Shields, Spears, and Politicians
Satire: Britannia, whose spear is broken in her hand, sits on a monumental statue which is placed on a pedestal of "Rotten Stone"; she says: "My leaness my leaness, wo untio me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously, yea the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. ..." At the foot of the monument lies the British Lion, dreadfully emaciated, wounded by three daggers, and breathing his last. Near him are the personifications Truth, Rapine, Envy, Ingratitude, and Infidelity -- representations of the powers of Europe
Title from item., Plate numbered '22' in upper right corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four lines of verse below image: See here a monument of shame / Indelible the Horrid Name / Shame on your Actions, Cursed Tricks / To the latest Time -- O! fifty-six.", and Plate prepared for: England's remembrancer, or, A humorous, sarcastical, and political collection of characters and caricaturas ... London, 1759.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Europe
Subject (Topic):
Foreign relations, Britannia (Symbolic character), Allegories, and National emblems