Man with growth on the right side of his chin. Similar to Portrait No. 9.
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Man seated. Large growth on the left side of his back
Alternative Title:
Case No. 3438
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Fifteenth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital for the years 1847-1848, Chinese Repository, 1850, p. 270: No. 30563, Feb 19th 1849, Malignant fungoid tumor. Lí AkÍ, aged 54, of the district of Shunteh, had a tumor situated in the lumbar region and adhering to the spinuous processes. It was of thirteen years growth and fourteen inches in circumference. Though ulcerated and of fungoid appearance, it was not suspected of a malignant nature. The original tumor was removed; a second operation was performed, removing every trace of the disease, when in parts contiguous and before apparently healthy, it soon returned with increased malignity.”, and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Eighth Report, Chinese Repository, vol. 7, 1838-1839, p. 99-102: No. 5119, April 11th, 1838. Large tumor. Woo Kinshing, aged 49, a fisherman from Shihszetow, near the Bogue, ten years since had a small tumor, just below the clavicle on the left side. It had now attained a great magnitude resembling in figure a tenor viol. Superiorly it extended over the shoulder to the spine of the scapula and from the acromion process to the trachea, and from the axilla to the sternum, and as low as the breast, carrying that gland down before it. The circumference at the base was three feet three inches! (...) It was very vascular, especially the upper portion of it, which was in an inflamed and an ulcerated state, and the principal vein that returned the blood of the tumor -- near the clavicle -- when distended with blood from a pressure upon it, was apparently half an inch diameter. There was a deep longitudinal fissure, and ulcers at several points, from which there was a constant discharge, of blood, lymph and pus. The weight of it had become extremely burdensome, and several times a day the patient experienced severe paroxysms of pain, causing him to groan aloud, at which times he had laid the tumor upon the floor, and reclined himself upon it. In this position he spent the principal part of his time day and night. His countenance and furrowed brow expressed unequivocally the calamity he suffered. His friends were much delighted on being told that it probably could be removed with safety but the old man (49?!), had been too long accustomed to expressions of suffering to yield to those of joy, and in his feeble condition was less sanguine probably in the feasibility to separating him from his old companion. He desired to return to his family for a few days previous to residing in the hospital (...). On the 23rd of April he returned. Having undergone half a month’s preparatory treatment, on the 2nd of May, assisted as usual in cases of magnitude, by Messrs Cox and Jardine, and several other friends, the operation was performed. (...) He soon revived and the tumor was immediately after laid upon the floor (...) The tumor consisted of an almost cartilaginous mass, and at points it was firmly united by a tendinous band, nearly ossified in some places, and was of a very white color. And it was estimated by the best judges that the loss of blood was about two pounds. On the 19th of June the old gentleman was discharged in perfect health, forming a great contrast with his former emaciated appearance., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Cancer, Chest, Tumors, and Sick persons
Title, date, and publisher from verso item., Text on verso: I made this for all the women whose lives have been saved by breast cancer screenings ; Inspiration: The American Cancer Society has fought to provide millions of cervical and breast cancer screenings to women who couldn't afford them ; Buy artist wrapping paper and prints at ; American Cancer Society -- The Official Sponsor of Birthdays; Copyright 2010 Kari Moden used with permission; Copyright 2010 American Cancer Society, Inc., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.