A sheet with two vignettes. The first, at top, "Rooms of the Committee Sacramento St. betn. Davis & Front," shows building facades on Sacramento Street. Activities include the shoring of a bunker and gathering of ammunition. Men stand ready with cannons on the rooftops. Ship masts are in the harbor in the distance. The second illustration, with caption "Mass meeting endorsing the acts of the Vigilance Committe June 14th" ("Committe" having dropped the final "e"), shows large crowds gathered in the streets of San Francisco
Title from caption at top of sheet., The phrase "Daguer'pe. by Vance" appears in lower left corner, suggesting that at least one of the images, and perhaps both, was drawn from a daguerreotype by early California photographer Robert H. Vance., Unnumbered pages 2-3 blank., and "Constitution and address of the Vigilance Committee ... adopted, May 15th, 1856"--Unnumbered page 4.
Britton and Rey
Subject (Geographic):
San Francisco (Calif.), California, and San Francisco.
Subject: Two vignettes: The first, at top, "Rooms of the Committee Sacramento St. betn. Davis & Front" shows building facades on Sacramento Street. Activities include the shoring of a bunker and gathering of ammunition. Men stand ready with cannons on the rooftops. Ship masts are in the harbor in the distance. The second illustration with caption "Mass Meeting Endorsing the Acts of the Vigilance Committe[e] June 14th" shows large crowds gathered in the streets of San Francisco
BEIN WA Prints 402 Copy 2: Manuscript note at top: "Received Tuesday July 15, 1886.", "Noisy Carier's Book & Stationary Co."--Lower left corner., Pages [2-3] blank., and "Constitution and Address of the Vigilance Committee ... Adopted May 15th, 1856"--Page [4].
Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
California, San Francisco., and San Francisco (Calif.)
Subject: Two vignettes: The first, at top, "Rooms of the Committee Sacramento St. betn. Davis & Front" shows building facades on Sacramento Street. Activities include the shoring of a bunker and gathering of ammunition. Men stand ready with cannons on the rooftops. Ship masts are in the harbor in the distance. The second illustration with caption "Mass Meeting Endorsing the Acts of the Vigilance Committe[e] June 14th" shows large crowds gathered in the streets of San Francisco
BEIN WA Prints 402 Copy 2: Manuscript note at top: "Received Tuesday July 15, 1886.", "Noisy Carier's Book & Stationary Co."--Lower left corner., Pages [2-3] blank., and "Constitution and Address of the Vigilance Committee ... Adopted May 15th, 1856"--Page [4].
Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
California, San Francisco., and San Francisco (Calif.)
Horizontal print has four vignettes of scenes from the assassination. Assassination: depicts the actual crime in the streets of San Francisco. Surrender of the Jail: depicts mob scene as vigilance committee demands the sheriff to hand the prisoner to them. Funeral of Js. King: depicts the large crowds gathered along the street for the funeral procession. Execution: depicts the hanging of James Casey from the Vigilance Committee Rooms. The vignettes flank a central column of text which describes these scenes in detail
Title from caption of text column. and Printed area measures 26.2 x 39.5 cm.
Certificate proper is bordered with ornamental images such as the Eye of Providence at top of sheet, a blonde shield-maiden with serpentine sword in her right hand and a triangular shield with "numquam" inscribed on it in her left; the image of blind justice reclinning below her with blindfold off, scales and sword dropped; next to her a snake biting an apple; on the left side, Hercules, wearing the pelt of the Nemean lion, carrying a club, and standing on the Learnean Hydra; on the right side, Lady Justice standing on a snake; five ovals with military scenes within them; other images of morality, virture, industry, and arts
BEIN WA Prints +451: On sheet 61 x 48 cm. Autograph signatures by Wm. T. Coleman, Isaac Bluxome Jr., Wm. Meyer, and Charles Boune. Handwritten numeral "3461" in space for membership number. Stamped with the 1856 Committee medallion., Title from caption at head of image., At foot of form: Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1856 by Ch. Nahl and C.E. Lang in the clerk's office of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Ca., and Printed area measures 47 x 35 cm.