Title from caption below image., Publisher and publication date from the National Portrait Gallery, number: NPG D41764., and Place of publication from publisher's known place of activity.
Title from caption below image., Publication date from local card catalog record., and Text below title: If it is really a genuine piece of antiquity, it is worth five hundred pounds, but if modern, not more than five pounds.
Title from caption below image., Publication date from local card catalog record., and Caption continues: ... but next time you shoots a bird vot I've brought to my call I'll shoot you into a clay pit, that's all!!
Title from caption below image., Publication date from local card catalog record., and Caption continues: " ... Laws ha' mercy upon us" "No, sure its not nothing at all o' the sort, ve ought to know, seeing as how they calls us clergymen."
Title from caption below image., Publication date from local card catalog record., and Caption continues: ... Plough boy, noa, mother, I hopes I never shall.