"A half length portrait of Major Topham, directed to the right and wearing a round hat. He frowns disconsolately. Behind him on the wall is a newspaper inscribed 'The Worlb' [sic, i.e. The World], a comb and pair of curling-tongs, and (on a table) an inkstand with pens."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides, resulting in loss of text at beginning and end of imprint. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum.
Pub'd Feby. 10th, 1787, by S.W. Fores at the Caricature Warehouse, No.3 Piccadilly
A dandy shown full-length seated to right, holding a phial to his nose and gazing at his reflection while a hairdresser prepares to attach a looped queue to his wig
Alternative Title:
Lily-white maccaroni and Lily-white macaroni
Title etched below image., Carington Bowles was located at this address between 1766 and 1793; date of 1774 based on other prints in a series on the same topic., Numbered '210' in lower left corner., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Printed for Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Paul's Church Yard, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Braids (Hairdressing), Clothing & dress, Dandies, Hairdressing, Mirrors, and Wigs
Leaf 27. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A lady seated at dressing table is attended by a hairdresser standing behind her on a stool, and arranging ostrich feathers in her towering coiffure. Her maid (?) also with her hair in an inverted pyramid, approaches carrying a basket of fruit and vegetables, several of which already adorn the first woman's hair
Alternative Title:
Preposterous headdress, or, The featherd lady, Featherd lady, and Feathered lady
Title etched below image., State without plate number. Cf. No. 5370 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., On leaf 27., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 35.3 x 25 cm, on sheet 44.4 x 27.5 cm., and Imperfect; sheet mutilated in lower right corner with loss of year from end of imprint statement.
Pub. by MDarly, 39 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Hairstyles, Wigs, Clothing & dress, Dressing tables, Feathers, and Hairdressing
Leaf 27. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A lady seated at dressing table is attended by a hairdresser standing behind her on a stool, and arranging ostrich feathers in her towering coiffure. Her maid (?) also with her hair in an inverted pyramid, approaches carrying a basket of fruit and vegetables, several of which already adorn the first woman's hair
Alternative Title:
Preposterous headdress, or, The featherd lady, Featherd lady, and Feathered lady
Title etched below image., State without plate number. Cf. No. 5370 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., and Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram.
Pub. by MDarly, 39 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Hairstyles, Wigs, Clothing & dress, Dressing tables, Feathers, and Hairdressing
Young woman sitting before a dressing table, her face showing in an oval mirror. There are hairpins strewn about and small boxes with cosmetics on the table
Title etched below image. and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Printed for Robert Sayer, map and printseller, No. 53, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Dressing tables, Wallpapers, Rugs, Hairdressing, Dressing and grooming equipment, and Clothing & dress
A fashionably dressed young woman stands before the mirror on her dressing table, a box of pins in her hand. Standing behind her on her huge bustle or "cork rump", her bespectacled hairdresser arranges her mountainous headdress, consisting of rows of curls on the sides and topped by rows of vegetables with ostrich plumes at the summit. A maid carrying a basket of feathers and vegetables approaches on the right
Title from item.
Publish'd the act directs June 9, 1777, by J. Lockington, Shug Lane, Golden Square
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Hairstyles, Hairdressing, Skirts, Dressing tables, Interiors, Women domestics, and Clothing & dress
"The interior of a barber's shop. The barber, ranting and gesticulating wildly, holds up the open tragedy of Alexander the Great; in his right hand is a pair of tongs. His hair hangs loose and on his head is his barber's basin. He is fashionably dressed, but wears an apron, which, blowing aside in his violent action, displays a large hole in his breeches. A stool, jug, &c, have been overturned, hair-pins lie on the ground, a cat flees in alarm. His little apprentice (left), holding a wig and a tress of hair, looks on with amusement, as do a man and woman (right) who look over a flight of stairs which ascends from the room. The room is a poor one, with plaster coming from the wall, a broken candle on the chimney-piece, over which is a torn print of a tragedy-king reclining on a couch. Two wig-boxes stand on the floor, one inscribed 'Tragedy Wigs', the other 'Comedy Wigs'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Numbered "588" in lower left corner., No. 38 in a bound in a collection of 69 prints with a manuscript title page: A collection of drolleries., and Bound in half red morocco with marbled paper boards and spine title "Facetious" in gold lettering.
Printed for & sold by Carrington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard, London
A scene in a barber's shop in which the centre figure is a man seated, full-face, swathed in a sheet, while a boy (left) applies tongs to his hair, which a man (right) is combing. In the foreground (left) a customer is seated, clasping his bald head with a concerned expression as he reads a newspaper "Morning post" dated Nov. 3, 1807. Behind him, two men, their hair freshly curled, stand in profile to the left before a looking-glass (left) adjusting their cravats. Beside them is a barber's block with a large, dressed wig. On the extreme right a barber shaves a man whose face is lathered; a low table to his left contains other shaving equipment. Next, a stout man wearing top-boots, standing full-face, turning his head upwards and in profile to the left, stanches a cut on his cheek with a towel. A boy stands beside him holding a barber's basin. In the centre foreground two dogs tug at a bag-wig. A barber's block has been overturned (right). Wigs and wig-boxes decorate the back wall
Title from print based on this design: "The barbers shop" published by J. Jones on 12 May 1785 "from an original drawing by H. Bunbury Esqr. in the possession of Sr. Joshua Reynolds, to whom this plate is inscribed by his much obliged & most humble servant, John Jones.", Date of this drawing based on the date of the newspaper in the image., and Light crease down part of middle. Tear on the left hand side, and over all slight discoloration, scuffs. Light pencil drawing on verso.
Subject (Topic):
Barbers, Barbershops, Dogs, Hairdressing, Hairstyles, Shaving, Shaving equipment, and Wigs
A scene in a barber's shop in which the centre figure is a man seated, full-face, swathed in a sheet, while a boy (left) applies tongs to his hair, which a man (right) is combing. In the foreground (left) a customer is seated, clasping his bald head with a concerned expression as he reads a newspaper "Morning post" dated Nov. 3, 1807. Behind him, two men, their hair freshly curled, stand in profile to the left before a looking-glass (left) adjusting their cravats. Beside them is a barber's block with a large, dressed wig. On the extreme right a barber shaves a man whose face is lathered; a low table to his left contains other shaving equipment. Next, a stout man wearing top-boots, standing full-face, turning his head upwards and in profile to the left, stanches a cut on his cheek with a towel. A boy stands beside him holding a barber's basin. In the centre foreground two dogs tug at a bag-wig. A barber's block has been overturned (right). Wigs and wig-boxes decorate the back wall
Title from print based on this design: "The barbers shop" published by J. Jones on 12 May 1785 "from an original drawing by H. Bunbury Esqr. in the possession of Sr. Joshua Reynolds, to whom this plate is inscribed by his much obliged & most humble servant, John Jones.", Date of this drawing based on the date of the newspaper in the image., and Light crease down part of middle. Tear on the left hand side, and over all slight discoloration, scuffs. Light pencil drawing on verso.
Subject (Topic):
Barbers, Barbershops, Dogs, Hairdressing, Hairstyles, Shaving, Shaving equipment, and Wigs
A view of the interior of busy French barracks shows a more domestic atmosphere than military although weapons and other gear adorn the walls and lay scattered on the floor. The scene includes a woman nursing a baby (right) as another child plays at her feet. Beside her another woman holds up a mirror so that an officer can admire his reflection from both the front and back. A third woman (left) cuts an officers toe nails as a barber dresses his long queue; another officer has his hair powdered. In the background a man in his night shirt sits on the side of his bed as he stretches his arms and yawns
Title from engraving based on this drawing, published by S.W. Fores 12 August 1791. and For further information, consult library staff.
Plate lettered in the top center 'D': Reverse copies of the upper bodies of eight figures in the fourth plate of Hogarth's Marriage a la Mode. Each of the figures is numbered: 1. the countess; 2. Silvertongue; 3. the hairdresser; 4. the black servant; 5. and 6. the two men immediately to the right of the countess; 7. the man with his hair in paper; 8. the singer
Title from British Museum catalogue., "It is one of a series of illustrative fragments from Hogarth's works ... prepared for "Manuel contenatn diverses Connoissances curieuses et utile pour l'année 1786." See British Museum catalogue., Illustrations to: Lichtenberg's Göttinger Taschen Kalender., and Numbered '4' in upper right corner above border.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Couples, Eating & drinking, Hairdressing, Singers, and Marriage
"A lady sits full-face behind a dressing-table, an open book in her hand, while a hairdresser (left) curls her hair with tongs; a cloud of smoke shows that her hair is burning, her expression shows that it is painful. She wears a dressing-gown. Beside her (right) stands another woman, her mouth open as if singing. The hairdresser stands legs astride with an expression of fierce determination. Two combs are stuck in his hair. The two side-flaps of the small folding dressing-table are open, and the small mirror stands in the centre. On the table are toilet boxes and a tress of hair. Above the design is etched a quote from George, Lord Lyttleton's Song: "Alas! by some degree of woe We every bliss must gain, The heart can ne'er a transport know, That never felt a pain."'--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Alas by some degree of woe, we every bliss must gain
Title from British Museum catalogue. and Artist identified as C.M. Fanshawe in the British Museum catalogue.
Publish'd by Js. Bretherton
Subject (Topic):
Barbers, Dressing tables, Hairdressing, and Hairstyles
Title supplied by curator, and printed in Latin, French, and German below image., Printmaker supplied by curator., Date derived from printmaker's date of death, Place of publication derived from printmaker's country of residence., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber shops, interior; Barber surgeons and surgery.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Monkeys, Barbers, Surgeons, Teeth, Extraction, Phlebotomy, Wounds & injuries, Crutches, Hairdressing, and Medical offices