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1. Homiliae (Expositios super Mattheum) (fragment).
- Creator:
- Remigius, of Auxerre, ca. 841-908
- Published / Created:
- [between 1090 and 1110].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.14
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Remigius of Auxerre's Homiliae (Expositio super Mattheum).
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2-line initial "E" is a red uncial highlighted with yellow; 1-line initials are a mixture of brown uncials, rustic capitals, and enlarged minuscule forms, usually filled with yellow; the rubric is written in red minuscule; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus, some of the last altered from the punctus by a corrector; hyphenation in the same ink as the text.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliae (Expositios super Mattheum) (fragment).
2. Sermons (Alan of Farfa, Homiliary?) (fragment).
- Creator:
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Published / Created:
- [between 800 and 833].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.3
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Pseudo-Augustinian Sermons, possibly from an Alan of Farfa Homiliary
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule, which Bischoff has dated to the first third of the ninth century., and Decoration: the homily begins with a 7-line decorated initial "F" outlined in brown and filled with orange, dark orange, ochre, and olive green; 1-line initials in brown uncials; rubric written in red uncials; punctuated with the punctus and punctus versus; a leaf has been drawn in red in the space between the columns on the verso.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Sermons (Alan of Farfa, Homiliary?) (fragment).
3. Homiliary (fragment).
- Creator:
- Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799?, author
- Published / Created:
- [between 1100 and 1110].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.16
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Paul the Deacon's Homiliary
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 7-line initial "L" is in red, the horizontal stroke decorated with two round balls; 1-line initials are brown uncials; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text, but in a larger module; punctuated with the punctus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliary (fragment).
4. Homiliary (fragment).
- Creator:
- Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799?, author
- Published / Created:
- [between 1140 and 1160].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.17
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Paul the Deacon's Homiliary
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: on fol. 1r there is a fine 7-line decorated initial "E" in yellow filled with red geometric penwork on a ground of blue, green, and dark red, with four vine stems originating from the lower bar of the "E"; a guide letter appears in the margin opposite the decorated initial; 1-line initials are black uncials; rubrics written in red uncials; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation and accents were added by a later hand.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliary (fragment).
5. Homiliarium, pars hiemalis
- Creator:
- Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799?
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 900]
- Call Number:
- Marston MS 151
- Image Count:
- 137
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (thick, worn, repaired) of a Homiliary with sermons by various authors, spanning the liturgical year
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Written by several scribes in well formed early caroline minuscule., Headings in majuscules, some in red rustic capitals (e.g., f. 11r); many omitted. A modern hand has often added names of authors. Plain 2-line initials in red or black., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy. Half bound in brown calf with bright pink paper sides and red edges. There are three blackish green, gold-tooled labels on the spine: "Homeliae Usq./ Ad Domi. Post Natale/ Manuscr. Saecul. IX". Bound by the binder of Marston MSS 50, 125, 128, 135, 153, 158, 159 and 197, all of Hautecombe provenance.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799? and Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Homiliaries, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliarium, pars hiemalis
6. Homiliae xl in evangelia (fragment).
- Creator:
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Published / Created:
- [between 1100 and 1150].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.9
- Image Count:
- 16
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Gregory the Great's Homiliae xl in evangelia
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: At the beginning of Homily 4 (fol. 2r) there is a 3-line initial "C" sketched, but not completed, in brown ink with foliate decoration; it may be a later addition; 1-line initials are brown uncials; the rubrics for Homily 4 and its lesson are written in red minuscule mixed with uncial forms, with red line-filler; there are no initials or rubrics for the beginning of each lesson; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text; accents were added by a later hand; on fol. 2v there are three interlinear Latin glosses in a fifteenth-century hand; other fifteenth-century hands have added marginal notations and figures of heads on fols. 7v-8r.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliae xl in evangelia (fragment).
7. Homiliae xl in evangelia (fragment).
- Creator:
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Published / Created:
- [between 1100 and 1150].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 484.11
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Gregory the Great's Homiliae xl in evangelia
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 1-line initials are brown uncials; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliae xl in evangelia (fragment).
8. Homily II.10 (from a Homiliary) (fragment).
- Creator:
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 635-735
- Published / Created:
- [between 950 and 1000]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 481.13
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Venerable Bede, Homily II.10.110-15; 124-30; 138-44; and 153-58. Note that the folio has been cut vertically into two pieces with a corresponding column (A and B) to each piece
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule; corrections added in darker ink by a contemporary hand., Decoration: 1-line initials in brown rustic capitals or uncials; punctuation consisting of the punctus, punctus elevatus, punctus versus, and punctus interrogativus., and Former call numbers: Beinecke MS 482.7 (column B of the folio).
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 635-735. and Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homily II.10 (from a Homiliary) (fragment).
9. Homiliary (fragment).
- Creator:
- Alan, of Farfa, d. 769
- Published / Created:
- [between 1140 and 1160].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.52
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of a homiliary containing homilies by Alan of Farfa
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in brown rustic capitals; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus; hyphenation and accents have been added by a later hand.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Homiliaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Homiliary (fragment).