Autograph manuscript, on paper, containing a collection of texts on medicine and surgery. Includes: an index (front flyleaf recto), an unidentified medical text: A malis curis et a falsis (front flleaf verso), "Mens hominis discedendo alitur" (f. 1), a text on surgery: dicatur primo quid est chirurgia (ff. 2r-3v), Descriptions in Latin and Itailan of illnesses and presriptions for their cure (ff. 4r-71v), treatise on the science of medicine (ff. 72r-80r), index, prescriptions, and other notes (ff. 81-105).
Alternative Title:
Medical notebook ; in his autograph (Italian and Latin)
In Latin and Italian., Title devised by cataloger., Script: italic cursive., Layout: single column of around 20 lines., Binding: bound in a fourteenth-century vellum sheet of music (missal or antiphonary)., Author signs on f. 70 and ff. 72-80., and Dated on f. 37: September 1596, and f. 83: January 15th, 1604.
Subject (Topic):
Surgery, Manuscripts, Medical, Medicine, Practice, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval
Manuscript, on paper, containing a collection of medical treatises and recipes. Includes: medical recipes and charms (ff. 1-57), gynaecological treatise (ff. 60-71), catalogue of plants and their medical properties (ff. 73-99), and an astrological treatise (ff. 103-114).
Alternative Title:
Medical recipes and charms : followed by a gynaecological treatise, catalog of plants and their medical properties, and an astrological essay ; in English, with the astrology text (leaves 103-114) including Latin headings
In English with Latin headings., Title devised by cataloger., Script: secretary hand., Layout: single column of around 30 lines., Binding: bound in contemporary vellum. Severely damaged., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Gynecology, Manuscripts, Medical, Medicine, Practice, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval