Manuscript on paper of an alchemical compilation, apparently the holograph of the original compiler, not identified. Probably the laboratory notes of a practicing alchemist. Includes lists of Flemish names, apparently identifying fellow practitioners in early alchemy; and laboratory procedures, designed primarily to color metals and to carry out other operations with various substances. Leaves inserted and blank pages filled at later dates
In Latin, with later additions in Latin and German., Watermark: Outstretched hand, the fingerjoints indicated, a four-leafed petal extending from the tip of the third finger, the wrist and cuff of a sleeve also depicted, comparable to Briquet 11423., Script: The original part of the codex (ff. 1-133) written in a very fine, neat, and clear humanistic hand, and using a considerable range of alchemical symbols; the later additions (ff. 134-145) consist of Latin sections written in a neat italic and German passages in flowing cursive, perhaps both by a single German hand of the 18th century., Headings of procedures in red and blue alternating in the original section, and with some capitals stroked red; no color in the additions. No ornament., Though the whole of the manuscript has suffered some marginal water-staining since it was bound, it appears certain that other stains and damage occurred while the separated quires, or groups of them, remained unbound., and Binding: Probably original. Stiff parchment over paper boards, flaps over the fore-edge, probably dating from about 1525, conceivably later, as the manuscript contents do not appear to have been bound at the time of writing in any case; flat spine with modern inscription in brown ink, "Alchemical | Recipes", original blue edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Alchemy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Science, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing unidentified chants and Holy Saturday, lauds
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: the 4-line initial "U" is in blue and red; some of the sketched flourishes outside of the letter have been traced in red and filled with green; inside the letter a floral pattern has been sketched and partially completed; the 2-line initial "O" is red with sketched flourishes only partially completed and filled with green; rubrics in red in the same script as the text; quadrata notation is in black on a 4-line staff in red; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript roll, on parchment, in a single hand, illuminated, containing the "Arma Christi" poem and other prayers, in Dutch, including prayers ascribed to Popes Sixtus IV and Alexander VI. The prayers are preceded by a rubric instructing readers to kneel as they recite the prayers in order to obtain an indulgence
In Dutch., Layout: single column of text., Script: gothic., Decoration: Rubricated. Initials in red or blue. Large miniature at head of roll containing a bust of Christ wearing a crown of thorns, displaying his stigmata, and surrounded by the "arma Christi" (also known as the Instruments of the Passion). On a blue ground in gold frame. One large decorated initial immediately below miniature. Text accompanied by decorated borders on both sides., and Binding: section of leather sewn to top of scroll. Accompanied by seventeenth-century? fabric case with fabric and metal appliqués.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Netherlands
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Passion, Dutch, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Indulgences, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Religious life and customs
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a book of hours (litanies) including a litany that includes the following saints: Gereon and companions, Cosmas, Damian, Fabian, Sebastian, Gervase, Protase, Crispin, Crispinian, Chrysogonus, Leodegarus, Lambert, Christopher, Thomas, Demetrius, Blaise, Livinus, Firminus, Silvester, Gregory, Leo, Hilary, Martin, Nicholas, Augustine, and Ambrose
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera fere bastarda)., and Decoration: each line begins with a 1-line initial "S" in gold on alternating grounds of red and blue; the names of the saints are written on the same line as "Or[a pros nobis]" but are separated from it by line fillers or alternating bands of red and blue decoraed with gold penwork; there is no punctuation.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a book of hours (Office of the Dead).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of gothic script (littera textualis formata), with a larger script for the canticle and Psalm and a smaller script for the chants., and Decoration: the 2-line initial at the beginning of the Psalm and the 1-line initials at the beginning of Psalm verses are in gold on a ground that alternates between red with blue penwork and blue with white penwork; the interior of letters on the red ground are filled with blue and white penwork, and the interiors of those on blue ground are filled with red and blue penwork; 1-line initials at the beginning of chants are in brown; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated rarely with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Illuminated manuscript on parchment of a book of hours, use of Sarum, incomplete. May have been produced for a Scottish patron. Contains 1) Prayers in Latin and Middle Scots, f1r-5v; 2) Hours of the Virgin, use of Sarum, with Hours of the Cross and of the Holy Spirit intermixed, f6r-30r; 3) Prayers, including Seven Joys of the Virgin, O intemerata, and Obsecro te, f30v-42v; 4) Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany, f43r-55v
In Latin; rubrics in Middle Scots., Script: gothic bookhand., Decoration: 5 column-width miniatures, some illuminated; 4-6 line initials with illuminated full borders; 2-line blue initials with red penwork; 1-line initials in alternating red and blue. Rubricated., Layout: single columns of 22 lines., Secundo folio: tuo., Binding: modern limp vellum. Spine title: "Horae ad Usum Sarum" and "MS.", Some annotations in Middle Scots in 15th-century hand., Some full and partial leaves removed throughout., and Bookseller description available.
Manuscript on parchment of a breviary with ferial psalter, various prayers, computistical tables, and a calendar
In Latin., Script: Copied by five hands in Gothica Hybrida Libraria: scribe A (Arnoldus Guetsen) copied ff. 1r-108v and 246r-268v; B copied f. 110r-v; C copied ff. 111r-206v; D copied ff. 207r-244v; and E copied f. 245r., Decoration: red rubrics, underlining and stroking of majuscules. Alternately red and blue versals; plain initials; and flourished initials or litterae duplices with penwork, which often takes the form of foliage. Gold initials with or without penwork are seen on ff. 111r-125v and 134r-141v. Large initials variously in the trompe-l'oeil style, the dentelle type, in gold and colours with borders, the Renaissance style, and the landscape style of the Ghent-Bruges school. See catralog description for further detail., and Binding: 20th century red morocco over wooden boards, sewn on two thiongs; two braided leather and brass clasps attached to the rear cover. Red, blue or green parchment tabs.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Breviaries, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Psalters
Manuscript on parchment of a calendar in Latin, one page for each month, based on luni-solar computistical data
In Latin., Script: Copied in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata using only “box”-a., Decoration: Red rubrics; occasional crossing in red of abbreviations such as “epi”, “mr”, “virg”; occasional yellow heightening of majuscules written in black ink; and “KL”-abbreviations treated as 4-line dentelle initials., and Binding: None.
Manuscript, poorly organized, on paper of Ceremonial for visiting a dying nun and for the burial, which served in a bilingual female community in Belgium (probably southern Flanders), where the priest, the abbess or the prioress was French-speaking. The devotional contains various psalms, litanies, prayers, hymns, and the Athanasian Creed
Script: Copied by four hands: A) writing in Gothica Hybrida Libraria; B) writing in Gothica Semihybrida Libraria/Currens; C) writing in Gothica Cursiva Libraria/Currens; D) writing in a small Gothica Cursiva Currens. A) and B) are the principal hands. Musical notations are found in nota quadrata on 4-line black staves., Decoration: Appears only in red: hadings, underlining, stroking of majuscules, line-fillers, 1-line versals and 1- to 2-line plain initials., Binding: Original Flemish blind-tooled brown calfskin over wooden boards, sewn on three leather thongs. Both covers have frames of triple fillets. Remnants of a brass clasp are fixed to the front board. Red leather tabs preserved. Seems to have been chained at the lower edge of the front board., and In Latin, French and Dutch.