A view from Richmond of the Twickenham bank of the Thames, showing (left to right) Pope's villa, Lady Ferrers' summer house, Cross Deep, and Dr. Batty's house (later Poulett Lodge).
Alternative Title:
Pope's villa, Twickenham
Title and date assigned by curator., Unsigned; attributed to Augustin Heckel., and Previously attributed to Johann Heinrich Mü̈ntz (1727-1798) and inscribed on the wash line mount 'J H Muntz / Pope's Villa Twickenham'. Also on the mount in lower right corner is the ownership stamp 'Scipio' (Henry Scipio Reitlinger).
Subject (Geographic):
Twickenham (London, England) and Thames River (England),
Title devised by curator., Devised title and artist attribution based on Horace Walpole's notes on facing leaf: This book belonged to Mr. Pope, and the drawing is by him. Horace Walpole, 1766. It is a view of Twickenham Church from his own garden., Date of production based on artist's death date., and Drawn on front flyleaf in volume 1 of Alexander Pope's copy of: Homeri opera quae extant omnia. Amstelaedami : Ex officina Wetsteniana, MDCCVII [1707].
Illustration of Canto IV, II, 121 ff.: Sir Plume dispatched by Belinda demands her stolen lock of hair from the Baron
Title from Paulson., Attribution to Hogarth deemed "questionable" by Paulson., Ms. note above in Steevens's hand: Original., Ms. note in pencil top of sheet: See Nichol's Book, 3d edit, p. 493., Ms. note in pencil at bottom: Sold at Gulston's auction for £33.0.0., and On page 7 in volume 1.
Illustration of Canto IV, II, 121 ff.: Sir Plume dispatched by Belinda demands her stolen lock of hair from the Baron
Title etched below image and above eight lines of verse., Date based on Samuel Ireland's copies., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 244., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above print: Saml. Ireland's copy., and On page 7 in volume 1.
Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of William Kent (center) holding a artist's palette and paint brush, Raphael (left). and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo, right), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding. See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title and date from earlier version in Paulson., Later reduced copy., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. any body that comes in his way. C. not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), p. 35., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1873., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), no. 277., and On page 54 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to:
"Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of K-n-t (i.e. William Kent), Raphael Urb. and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. Any body that comes in his way. C. Not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", The 'pe' in Pope is superscript. The 'E' above Kent's bust appears above his pen., "Price 6d."--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On page 54 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 23.1 x 16.2 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. and Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744,
Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of William Kent (center) holding a artist's palette and paint brush, Raphael (left). and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo, right), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding. See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Reduced copy after Hogarth, not Hogarth., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. any body that comes in his way. C. not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", "Price 6d"--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), no. 277., In Steevens's hand at top of page (referring to 3 prints): See Mr. Nichols's Book, 3d edit. p. 28.175 / Three different originals of Burlington gate., and On page 54 in volume 1.
"Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of K-n-t (i.e. William Kent), Raphael Urb. and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. Any body that comes in his way. C. Not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", The 'pe' in Pope is superscript. The 'E' above Kent's bust appears above his pen., "Price 6d."--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and With contemporary ms. note on verso: "Pope whitewashing Ld. Burlingon & bespattering the Duke of Chandos. Vide Pope's Essay on taste."
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. and Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744,
Portrait head of Alexander Pope in profile to right; in a circle
Alternative Title:
Amicitiae causa
Title devised by cataloger., Date of publication from British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1850,0810.37., and Mounted on page 74 of William Bawtree's extra-illustrated copy of Horace Walpole's: A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See A.T. Hazen's Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 11.
The famous author Alexander Pope is depicted in three-quarter length. He is seated at a desk in a leather armchair. He turns his glance to his proper left. His right arm supports his wigged head. His elbow rests on a volume with an eligible title on the spine. In his left hand holds some leaves of manuscript. He wears a brown coat with ruffled shirt sleeves and cravat. On the desk is a silver ink well with quill and some scattered papers
Title from 2005 Christie's appraisal. and Inscription in upper left of image: Alexr. Pope.