1. Deadwood & Delaware Smelting Works, on the B. & M. R. R. Deadwood, S.D Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Deadwood (S.D.)--Pictorial works and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Deadwood & Delaware Smelting Works, on the B. & M. R. R. Deadwood, S.D
2. Deadwood. S. Dak. on the B. & M. R. R Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Deadwood (S.D.)--Pictorial works and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Deadwood. S. Dak. on the B. & M. R. R
3. Devil's Tower, 800 feet high from base, 1,200 feet high above Belle Fourche River, along the B. & M Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Black Hills (S.D. & Wyo.) and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Devil's Tower, 800 feet high from base, 1,200 feet high above Belle Fourche River, along the B. & M. R.R., Wyoming
4. Horseshoe curve, near Custer on B & M R.R., Black Hills, S.D Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Black Hills (S.D. & Wyo.) and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Horseshoe curve, near Custer on B & M R.R., Black Hills, S.D
5. No. 33. Indian Camp, river, etc. beautiful scene. Crow Agency, Mont. on the B. & M. railway Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Crow Agency (Mont.) Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > No. 33. Indian Camp, river, etc. beautiful scene. Crow Agency, Mont. on the B. & M. railway
6. No. 34. Knife Blade or Needle Rock, Elk Canyon on the B. & M. railway Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Description: Manuscript caption and sketch on verso. Subject (Geographic): Crow Agency (Mont.) Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > No. 34. Knife Blade or Needle Rock, Elk Canyon on the B. & M. railway
7. No. 42. Harney's Peak. 8,200 feet, highest point in the Black Hills, near Custer and Hill City, on Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): Black Hills (S.D. & Wyo.) and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > No. 42. Harney's Peak. 8,200 feet, highest point in the Black Hills, near Custer and Hill City, on the B. & M. railway
8. No. 43. Needle Points, Custer Park, on the B & M railway Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Description: Manuscript caption in verso. Subject (Geographic): Deadwood (S.D.)--Pictorial works and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > No. 43. Needle Points, Custer Park, on the B & M railway
9. No. 74. Lead City, S.D. on B. & M. R. R Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Description: Manuscript captions on recto. Subject (Geographic): Deadwood (S.D.)--Pictorial works and South Dakota--Pictorial works. Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > No. 74. Lead City, S.D. on B. & M. R. R
10. Spearfish Canyon on the B. & M. R. R Creator: Locke, H. R Published / Created: 1895-1892 Call Number: WA Photos 127 Collection Title: Photographs of South Dakota and Wyoming Image Count: 2 Subject (Geographic): South Dakota--Pictorial works Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: Deadwood, S.D. : H. R. Locke and Co. or Locke and McBride or Locke and Peterson, 1895-1892 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Spearfish Canyon on the B. & M. R. R
11. Gulch between Deadwood and Lead, Black Hills, S.D Creator: Cross, W. R. (William R.) Published / Created: circa 1890-1907 Call Number: WA Photos 12 Collection Title: [Photographs of Lakota Indians, Oglala Indians, and views in South Dakota and Nebraska]. Container / Volume: Folder 21 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Prints & Photographs Publisher: W. R. Cross Subject (Geographic): Hot Springs (S.D.)--Pictorial works Subject (Name): Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company--Pictorial works Collection Created: [Nebraska and South Dakota], Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Gulch between Deadwood and Lead, Black Hills, S.D