On the left, Charles Fox, with one hand in his pocket as if searching for money, holds out with the other what may be a jaw bone of a donkey. He appears to be addressing the voters. To the right, Sam House holds a flag attached to an erect fox's tail, inscribed, "the intripid Fox," and reaches into his left pocket for ribbons for the election favors. A group of men on the right comes celebrating Fox's canvassing; one of them drinks from a tankard inscribed, "Sam House," a reference to House's publick house in Wardour Street where he kept open house for Fox's supporters
Alternative Title:
F-x canvassing and Fox canvassing
Title from item. and Mounted to 30 x 43 cm.
Publish'd as the act directs, March 31, 1784, by H. McPhail, High Holborn N. 68
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain, England, and Westminster
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806. and House, Samuel, -1785.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Political elections, and Clothing & dress
Volume 2, page 81. Etchings by Henry William Bunbury, Esq. and after his designs.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Four men smoking long pipes sit stiffly in upright wooden chairs. One (left) in profile to the right, very obese, is an old military officer with a wooden leg; next is a lean man in back view, next a stout man sits full face, and on the right is a thin man in profile to the left seated beside a rectangular table on which is a glass and a large jug. All have expressions of solemn vacuity. They emit clouds of smoke from mouth or pipe which fill the upper part of the bare room. On the wall (right) is a print of Fox, whole length, declaiming with right arm raised."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 81 in volume 2 of: Etchings by Henry William Bunbury, Esq. and after his designs.
Publish'd May 1st, 1792, by W. Dickinson, engraver, No. 24 Old Bond Street
"Four men smoking long pipes sit stiffly in upright wooden chairs. One (left) in profile to the right, very obese, is an old military officer with a wooden leg; next is a lean man in back view, next a stout man sits full face, and on the right is a thin man in profile to the left seated beside a rectangular table on which is a glass and a large jug. All have expressions of solemn vacuity. They emit clouds of smoke from mouth or pipe which fill the upper part of the bare room. On the wall (right) is a print of Fox, whole length, declaiming with right arm raised."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title from text below image., Reissue, with different imprint statement, of a print originally published 1 May 1792 by W. Dickinson. Cf. No. 8205 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Imprint continues: ... where may be had all Mr. Bunbury & Rowlandsons works., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Smoking clubs -- Military officer -- Wooden legs -- Male costume, 1792 -- Large jugs -- Pictures amplifying subject -- Reference to Charles James Fox, 1749-1806., and Publisher's stamp (partially trimmmed) in lower right corner of sheet: S.W.[F.].
Publishd. March 15th, 1794, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly ...
Charles James Fox, brandishing a whip, is depicted riding the old White Horse of Hanover into a ravine, with the words "Aut Cromwell aut nihil...", a saddle bag labelled "enjoyment" before him, and a basket behind, labelled "hopes and expectations" which contains George III's head on a pike, a crown pierced by a sword, and a torn Magna Carta. Refers to Fox's alleged sympathies with French and Spanish interests
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Printmaker from earlier state. Cf. No. 6239 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5.
George III sleeps on his throne while Fox introduces the Devil to Lord North. On the right Sandwich and Germain, members of the previous administration, are being carried off by a demon through a doorway labelled Pandaemonium, as Mansfield and Bute are hurried in the same direction
Alternative Title:
Warm berth for the old administration
Title from item. and Sheet trimmed.
Pub'd April 2, 1782 by W. Brown
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Devil, Thrones, and Clothing & dress
In a churchyard, tombstones, adorned on top with the heads of prominent politicians, are engraved with epitaphs in their memory
Alternative Title:
Political churchyard
Title from caption etched above image. and Mounted to 30 x 38 cm.
Pub according t [sic] Act by B. Pownall. No. 6 Pallmall
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797., Pitt, William, 1759-1806., Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786., Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806., Wray, Cecil, Sir, 1734-1805., Cavendish, John, Lord, 1732-1796., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816., Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811., Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809., and Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793.
In front of St. James's Palace and with the King watching from a window, the members of the newly elected ministry eagerly pick up loaves of bread and fishes spilled on the ground by a fish-wife frightened by American buffalo in the lower right corner of the image
Alternative Title:
Gambols of the American buffalo in St. James's Street and Amusement for John Bull and his cousin Paddy
Title from item. and From "A dialogue between John Bull and his cousin Paddy, in St. James's Street" in The European magazine, 1783, p. 296.
Published 1st. May 1783, by I. Fielding, Pater-noster Row
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Pitt, Thomas, Baron Camelford, 1737-1793., Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786., Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Cavendish, John, Lord, 1732-1796., Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806., and Saint James's Palace (London, England)
Charles Fox on the left and Lord North on the right, both stripped down to their breeches and shoes, engage in a boxing duel. The text etched above their heads indicates mutual animosity, an unfounded accusation
Title from item., "Second sketch" precedes publication statement., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Published Feby. 9, 1784 as the act directs, by S. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806. and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792.
Charles Fox, lying on the ground with his head next to a cask of wine, drinks the wine pouring from the hole in it. He looks up at the naked figure of Lord North covered only with garlands of grapes and grape leaves and sitting astride the cask. North holds a bunch of grapes in one hand and in the other an open bottle of wine that he pours over Fox
Alternative Title:
Friendly drop
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Mounted to 26 x 33 cm.
Publish'd by E. Hedges, N 92 Cornhill
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., and Dionysus (Greek deity)
Subject (Topic):
Great Britain, Politics and government, Barrels, Wine, Eating & drinking, and Clothing & dress
William Pitt, leaning on a large anchor, holds his left hand over the diminutive figures of Charles Fox and Lord North who are shown as 'nobodies,' with their heads resting on top of their breeches. From a cloud over Pitt's irradiated head extends a hand holding a star on a ribbon signifying a "reward of virtue." Above Fox's and North's heads, a grouping of oriental-looking "air castles on an improved plan" floats on another cloud, as a reminder of the defeat of Fox's East India bill
Alternative Title:
Political nobodies
Title from item. and Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark.
Published 20th March 1784, by G. Humphrey, No. 48 Long Acre, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Anchors, and Clothing & dress