Belgium Catholicum seu decem provinciae Germaniae inferioris and Carte des Pais Bas catholiques où des X provinces de l'Allegmagne inférieure, etc. dessinée au juste selon les exactes observations astronomiques et opérations géometriques des Messur. Cass
"Avec privil. Imperial" above neat line., Includes 8 bar scales., Includes coats-of-arms of ten provinces., Relief shown pictorially., and Watermark. Manuscript number in upper right corner: 262[?]. From the Karpinski-von Wieser Map Collection.
Edentibus Homannianis heredib.,
Subject (Geographic):
Belgium--Maps--Early works to 1800. and Luxembourg--Maps--Early works to 1800.
Subject (Name):
Cassini, César-François, 1714-1784, Homann Erben (Firm), and Snellius, Willebrord, 1580-1626
"Cum privilegio S.C.M.", Appeared in Homann's Atlas Novus Terrarum., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., Variant with portrait of George I in armour in the cartouche, Plymouth, England spelled correctly, and Delft, Netherlands misspelled "Dolft.", and Watermark. Manuscript number in upper right corner. From the Karpinski-von Wieser Map Collection.
[Johann Baptist Homann]
Subject (Geographic):
British Isles--Maps--Early works to 1800. and Europe--British Isles
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. Atlas novus terrarum
Appears in Homann's Atlas geographicus major ... Normibergae : Curantibus Homannianis heredibus, 1759., Copy 1: Ms. no. on verso: 107. Stamp on verso: Yale, Horace Brown, 1900S. Neat line measures 47.6 x 57.5 on sheet 52 x 62 cm., and Includes notes, ill. of sh
[Homann Erben?,
Subject (Geographic):
New Spain--Maps--Early works to 1800 and North America--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. Atlas geographicus major
Appears in Homann's Atlas geographicus major ... Normibergae : Curantibus Homannianis heredibus, 1759., Includes notes, ill. of ships in battle, and of Europeans and Native Americans, and four bar scales., Ms. annotations. Ms. no. on verso: 207 III 59. Sheet measures 53.6 x 64.9 cm. Franklin Collection no. 131 1737-2., Relief shown pictorially., Some references suggest earlier possible imprint date., and This edition is at least the second state, as Ludoviciana has replaced Florida as the name of the Louisiana territory.
[Homann Erben?,
Subject (Geographic):
New Spain--Maps--Early works to 1800 and North America--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. Atlas geographicus major
Appears in Homann's Atlas geographicus major ... Normibergae : Curantibus Homannianis heredibus, 1759., Copy 2: Watermark. Manuscript number on verso, "28." Sheet measures 53 x 61 cm. Cross Collection no. 237., Includes notes, ill. of ships in battle, and of Europeans and Native Americans, and four bar scales., Relief shown pictorially., Some references suggest earlier possible imprint date., and This edition is at least the second state, as Ludoviciana has replaced Florida as the name of the Louisiana territory.
[Homann Erben?,
Subject (Geographic):
New Spain--Maps--Early works to 1800. and North America--Maps--Early works to 1800.
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. Atlas geographicus major.
Copy 2: Hand col. Mounted on linen. Sheet measures 52.1 x 59.8 cm., Includes notes and ill., Relief shown pictorially., and Some references suggest earlier possible imprint date.
[Homann Erben?,
Subject (Geographic):
New Spain--Maps--Early works to 1800 and North America--Maps--Early works to 1800
Carte nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar
"Avec privil. Caes.", Includes ill., Mounted on linen. Ms. no. on recto: 143. Stamp on verso: Karpinski-von Wieser Map Collection., and Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings.
Mr. Weidler ... aux depens des Heritiers du feu M. le Docteur Homann, geographe,
Subject (Geographic):
Andalusia (Spain)--Maps--Early works to 1800 and Gibraltar, Strait of--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm), Schneider, R. A, and Weidler, Johann Friedrich, 1691-1755
In Latin and French., Includes inset of the Straights of Magellin., Mounted on linen. Sheet measures 53.1 x 62.4 cm., Prime meridian: Ferro., and Relief shown pictorially.
Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus, Norib,
Subject (Geographic):
South America--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Techo, Nicolás del, 1611-1685
In Latin and French., Includes inset of the Straights of Magellin., Prime meridian: Ferro., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 50.6 x 58.7 cm. Blue tab pasted on left verso, with stamp "Printed in Germany."
Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus, Norib,
Subject (Geographic):
South America--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm) and Techo, Nicolás del, 1611-1685
Tabula ex novissimus ad mentem de L'Islii, inprimis vero celeberrimi geographi Dni. I.M. Hasii, Prof. Vitemb. delineata a. 1737
"Cum privil. S.C.M. Grat.", Bar scales given in "milliaria Germanica," "milliaria Turcica," and "mill. Italica.", Relief shown pictorially., and Variant: without privilege statement in cartouche. Sheet measures 52.5 x 60.4 cm.
[Homann Erben,
Subject (Geographic):
Balkan Peninsula--Maps--Early works to 1800, Egypt--Maps--Early works to 1800, Libya--Maps--Early works to 1800, and Middle East--Maps--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742 and Homann Erben (Firm)
"Cum privil. S.C.M. nec non S.R.M. Polon. et Elect. Sax. A. 1737.", Includes text and ornamental cartouche with Africans, Europeans, flora, fauna, etc., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 52 x 62 cm.
Cartouche lacks privilege., Includes text and ornamental cartouche with Africans, Europeans, flora, fauna, etc., Relief shown pictorially., and Sheet measures 52 x 60 cm. Ms. no. on recto: 58 [?].
France Benedictine, ou carte generale des abbayes, & prieurez conventuels de l'Ordre de S. Benoit, tant d'hommes, que de filles, au jour a Norimberg, a 1738
Bottom left shows St. Maurice offering a book of prayers to Theodebert I, King of France who answers: "Plura Maurus precibus quam Nos Armis.", Imperfect: torn along bottom fold, with no loss of text. Watermark. Manuscript number in right corner: 19. From the Karpinski-von Wieser Map Collection., Includes note and legend., and Relief shown pictorially.
Recude[n]tibus Homan[n]ian. Heredib
Subject (Geographic):
France--Maps--Early works to 1800.
Subject (Name):
Homann Erben (Firm)
Subject (Topic):
Benedictine monasteries--France--Maps--Early works to 1800., Benedictine nuns--France--Maps--Early works to 1800., Convents, and Convents--France--Maps--Early works to 1800.
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Imperii Russici et Tatariae universae tam majoris et Asiaticae, quam minoris et Europaeae tabula
"Cum privil. S.C.M. nec non R.M. Pol. et E. Sax.", Bar scale about 38 German miles to a centimeter., Decorated title cartouche depicts two hunters with rifles, a bear, and dog., Imperfect: edges frayed, torn along fold, with no loss of text. No. 33 of 42 maps bound together., In lower left margin: Notati etiam in hac mappa extant limites inter Russiam et Tatariam minorem post pacem recentissime a[nn]o 1739 initam., Includes dedicatory cartouche to Anna, Empress of Russia in upper left corner., Prime meridian: Paris., Relief shown pictorially., and Sea of Korea referred to as "Mare Orientale Minus."
Impensis Homannianorum Heredum
Subject (Geographic):
China--Maps--Early works to 1800., India--Maps--Early works to 1800., Japan--Maps--Early works to 1800., Korea--Maps--Early works to 1800., Russia--Maps--Early works to 1800., and Tibet (China)--Maps--Early works to 1800.
Subject (Name):
Anna,--Empress of Russia,--1693-1740., Homann Erben (Firm), and Schneider, R. A., engraver.
Mappe-monde qui représente les deux hemisphères savoir celui de l'orient et celui de l'occident, tirée des quatre cartes générales de feu M. le profess. Hasius, Planiglobii terrestris mappa vniversalis, and Schul-Atlas von zwantzig General- und Special-Lan
Appears in Homann heirs' Schul-atlas von zwantzig general-und special-land karten ... Cf. Phillips, no. 293., Imperfect: torn along fold, with no loss of text. Shee, Map colored to show distribution of religions., and Title in Latin and French; legend in German.
Homann Erben],
Subject (Name):
Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742 and Homann Erben (Firm)
Subject (Topic):
Religion--Maps--Early works to 1800 and World maps--Early works to 1800