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1. [Commonplace book]
- Published / Created:
- [late 17th century]
- Call Number:
- Osborn b115
- Image Count:
- 91
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Dos-a-dos are several dozen primarily cooking recipes, for such dishes as barley broth, cherry wine, and lemon cream; as well as instructions on fishing. At the beginning of the manuscript are recipes for making ink and treating chilblains. and Manuscript, in a single secretary hand, of a collection of several dozen satirical poems and, dos-a-dos, several dozen household recipes. The poetry is mainly political, anti-Catholic, and academic, and includes works of Henry Denne of Trinity College and Joshua Barnes, as well as such titles as On a papist's ghost; On the queen being with child; The man of honour; England's triumph at sea in Sept. 1691; and The prologue to the music speech spoken in the Theatre July 8, 1693, being the time of the act, by Mr Smith of University College. Other items include an epitaph on Thomas Shadwell and a list of anagrams on the word "Parliament."
- Description:
- Armorial bookplate inside front cover., Binding: full calf; gilt decoration., Marbled endpapers., and The compiler was evidently a member of Cambridge University.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain --Intellectual life --17th century and Great Britain --Politics and government --1603-1714
- Subject (Name):
- Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712 and Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692
- Subject (Topic):
- Anti-Catholicism --England, Cooking, English, English poetry --17th century, Fishing --England, Latin poetry, Political poetry, English, Traditional medicine --Great Britain --Formulae, receipts, prescriptions, and Verse satire, English --17th century
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Commonplace book]
2. Songs and verses upon several occasions, [ca. 1680?].
- Creator:
- Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, 1647-1680
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1680?]
- Call Number:
- Osborn b105
- Image Count:
- 7
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on paper, in a single hand, of about 59 satirical poems and songs by John Wilmot Earl of Rochester, John Oldham, John Dryden, Aphra Behn, and others. Poems include Rochester's Satyr Against Man, Upon Nothing, and Tunbridge Wells; Dryden's MacFlecknoe; Shadwell's Upon A Late Fallen Poet; and George Etherege's Ephelia to Bajazet. The volume also contains a number of satirical songs, such as A New Ballad To the Tune of Chivey Chace and A New Ballad to an Old Tune Call'd Sage Leafe.
- Description:
- Binding: full sheep., Film: MS vault microfilms 53., For information on the source of acquisition, consult the appropriate curator., Inscribed on title page: "Hansen.", and Pages 35-44, 63-66, 77-86, 115-132, 153-158, 161-184 and 195-212 have been cut out.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain--Social life and customs--17th century
- Subject (Name):
- Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689, Dryden, John, 1631-1700, Etherege, George, Sir, 1635?-1691, Oldham, John, 1653-1683, Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of,--1647-1680, and Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692
- Subject (Topic):
- Ballads, English--17th century, English poetry--17th century, Satirical verse, English, and Women authors
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Songs and verses upon several occasions, [ca. 1680?].