"Bird's eye view of London; the Tower on the right, old London Bridge in the centre with the Monument to its right, St Paul's beyond, Westminster Abbey in the distance at the left; a reduced copy of a print by Bowles."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Vüe générale de la ville de Londres qui comprend la partie la plus voisine de la Tamise
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Probably a later state, with slight alterations to the plate numbering. For a state with "No. 1" in upper right corner and no number in upper left corner, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1875,0710.4904., Date range for publication from the British Museum online catalogue., Plate reissued by Sayer and Bennett and listed in their 1775 catalogue as part of the series "Twelve views of the city of London and public buildings therein, accurately engraved from the originals taken on the spot", in the section on "Sets of small prints"; see: Sayer and Bennett's enlarged catalogue of new and valuable prints. London : [Sayer and Bennett], 1775, page 86, no. 8., Plate numbered "No. 1" in upper left corner and "1" in upper right corner., Watermark: Curteis & Son 1806., and Leaf 20 in an album of views of London and its vicinity.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map & printseller, at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), Thames River (England),, London Bridge (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Tower of London (London, England),, St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England),, and Westminster Abbey,
Subject (Topic):
Monument, The (London, England), Cathedrals, Bridges, Monuments & memorials, Rivers, Boats, and Sailing ships
"View of Westminster Bridge from the centre of the Thames; a number of small boats in foreground; Westminster Abbey and Hall beyond bridge to the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Vüe du Pont de Westminster du cote du nord
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Date of publication from description of 19th-century reissue by Francis West; see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1875,0508.1462., Plate reissued by Sayer and Bennett and listed in their 1775 catalogue as part of the series "Twelve views of the city of London and public buildings therein, accurately engraved from the originals taken on the spot", in the section on "Sets of small prints"; see: Sayer and Bennett's enlarged catalogue of new and valuable prints. London : [Sayer and Bennett], 1775, page 86, no. 8., Plate numbered "3" in upper right corner., and Leaf 22 in an album of views of London and its vicinity.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map & printseller, at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), Thames River (England),, Westminster Bridge (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey, and Westminster Hall (London, England),
Title from text at top of plate., Date of publication based on printseller's street address. See British Museum online catalogue., Print based on an illustration by William Sherwin to Francis Sandford's The history of the coronation of the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent Monarch, James II (London, 1687). See British Museum online catalogue., Two images on one plate, separated by four columns of text serving as a key to the upper image; upper image shows the coronation, lower image shows the implements used for the coronation., and Sheet numbered "232" in a contemporary hand in upper right corner.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, at No. 53 in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
England, London., and England.
Subject (Name):
James II, King of England, 1633-1701. and Westminster Abbey,
"The coronation of James II; interior of Westminster Abbey, the crowning of the king at bottom centre."--British Museum online catalogue and "One of a series of four prints, all based on the large plates in Sandford's 'History of the Coronation', first published by Bowles as a composite plate in the series 'London Described' (see Adams 29.8). The plate used in Sandford's book had a shorter title, no text in lower margin, and was inscribed 'W Sherwin sculp'."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., Reissue of a plate first published ca. 1723 by John Bowles., Date of publication based on date of the partnership of John Bowles & Son: a partnership that lasted from 1752 to 1764. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Key to the illustration engraved below image., Plate numbered "1" in upper right corner., and Mounted on board to 29.2 x 26.0 cm/
Printed for T. Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, & John Bowles & Son at the Black Horse in Cornhil
Subject (Geographic):
England, London., and England.
Subject (Name):
James II, King of England, 1633-1701 and Westminster Abbey,
"View of the west front of Westminster Abbey with St Margaret's on the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Perspective view of Westminster Abbey and St. Margarets Church, Vüe de L'Abbaye de Westminster et L Eglise de St. Margurite, and Vüe de L'Abbaye de Westminster et L'Eglise de St. Margurite
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Later state, with imprint burnished from plate. For an earlier state with the imprint "London, Printed for Robt. Sayer at the Golden Buck facing Fetter Lane, Fleet Street", see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1880,1113.2547., Plate reissued by Sayer and Bennett and listed in their 1775 catalogue as part of the series "Twelve perspective views of the principal churches, streets, and squares in the cities of London and Westminster", in the section on "Sets of small prints"; see: Sayer and Bennett's enlarged catalogue of new and valuable prints. London : [Sayer and Bennett], 1775, pages 87, no. 10., Plate numbered "2" in upper right corner., Watermark: Charles Ball 1817., and Leaf 33 in an album of views of London and its vicinity.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey, and St. Margaret’s Church (Westminster, London, England),
Page 169. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"View of the west front of Westminster Abbey with St Margaret's on the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Perspective view of Westminster Abbey and St. Margarets Church, Vüe de L'Abbaye de Westminster et L Eglise de St. Margurite, and Vüe de L'Abbaye de Westminster et L'Eglise de St. Margurite
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate reissued by Sayer and Bennett and listed in their 1775 catalogue as part of the series "Twelve perspective views of the principal churches, streets, and squares in the cities of London and Westminster", in the section on "Sets of small prints"; see: Sayer and Bennett's enlarged catalogue of new and valuable prints. London : [Sayer and Bennett], 1775, pages 87, no. 10., Mounted to 26 x 32 cm., and Mounted on page 169 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for Robt. Sayer at the Golden Buck facing Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey, and St. Margaret’s Church (Westminster, London, England),
"View of the gardens fronting Somerset House, with the River Thames on the left, Westminster Abbey and Bridge in the distance on the left, and Somerset House and gardens on the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Vüe de Jarden Royal de Somerset, du cote de la riviere
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Later state; remnants of burnished imprint visible at bottom of plate., Plate reissued by Sayer and Bennett and listed in their 1775 catalogue as part of the series "Twelve perspective views of the principal churches, streets, and squares in the cities of London and Westminster", in the section on "Sets of small prints"; see: Sayer and Bennett's enlarged catalogue of new and valuable prints. London : [Sayer and Bennett], 1775, pages 87, no. 10., Plate numbered "12" in upper right corner., Watermark: 1817., Leaf 43 in an album of views of London and its vicinity., and Pencil annotation below plate line, in a later hand: Old Somerset House.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), Thames River (England),, Westminster Bridge (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Somerset House (London, England), and Westminster Abbey,
Subject (Topic):
Gardens, Rivers, Castles & palaces, Bridges, and Boats
"Interior of Westminster Abbey, prior to the coronation procession of James II entering."--British Museum online catalogue and "One of series of four prints based on illustrations to Sandford's book, first published by John Bowles as a composite plate in the series 'London Described' (see Adams 29.8). The plate used in Sandford's book had a shorter title, no text in lower margin, and was inscribed 'S Moore delin et sculp'."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., Reissue of a plate first published ca. 1723 by John Bowles., Publisher from imprint statements on the first and fourth plates of the series. Date of publication based on partnership of "John Bowles & Son", from 1752 to 1764. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Key to the illustration engraved below image., Plate numbered "3" in upper right corner., and Mounted on board to sheet 29.2 x 26.0 cm.
T. Bowles and John Bowles & Son
Subject (Geographic):
England, London., and England.
Subject (Name):
James II, King of England, 1633-1701 and Westminster Abbey,
Scott, Edmund, approximately 1746-1810, printmaker
Published / Created:
[1 June 1779]
Call Number:
Folio 75 L847 750
Collection Title:
Leaf 63. London and its environs about 1750.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"View in Green Park as it appeared in 1735, looking towards Westminster Abbey, only one of its towers completed, with Buckingham House before it became a royal residence at mid-distance on the right; a cow being milked in foreground to right."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate from: The Antiquarian repertory. London : Printed for the proprietors and sold by F. Blyth [etc.], 1775-1784, v. 3., Mounted to 24 x 37 cm., Leaf 63 in an album of views of London and its vicinity., and Pencil annotation on mounting sheet, in a later hand: Before the towers of West. Abbey were finished.
Published 1st June 1779 by Richd. Godfrey, No. 120 Long Acre
Subject (Geographic):
London (England) and Green Park (London, England),
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace (London, England),
"Westminster from the river; view of Westminster abbey taken from mid-stream, with the Parliament on the left the Hall and Westminster stairs in the centre; boats in the foreground."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched at top of plate., Initial letters of printmaker's name in signature form a monogram., Restrike (probably retouched) of a print originally published in 1647 as part of a series of eight. See Adams., Approximate publication date from Adams, who notes that printsellers such as Laurie & Whittle were selling impressions on wove paper of the prints in this series at the turn of the 19th century. Decades earlier, the publishers Sayer and Bennett had offered impressions "on very good paper" in their 1775 catalogue, writing that the original plates had been "carefully cleaned" (that is, the worn lines had likely been re-engraved)., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with some loss of image from right and left sides., Mounted to 20.5 x 27.2 cm., and Mounted before page 175 in volume 4 part 1 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Thames River (England), and London (England)
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey,, Westminster Hall (London, England),, and Westminster Palace (London, England),