1. There is a young man, about eight and twenty or thirty years of age, called, John Thacker, gone Creator: Lambert, John, 1619-1683Whally, Henry, fl. 1651. Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Abstract: Requesting that Thacker "be secured till further order". Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > There is a young man, about eight and twenty or thirty years of age, called, John Thacker, gone from the citty of London, with considerable sums of silver and gold ... : Henry Whally, advocate : to the officer in chief of each troope and company
2. A true coppy of a letter sent from Dvke Hamilton, from Perith in England to Master William Crofts Creator: Hamilton, William Hamilton, 2nd Duke of, 1616-1651.Lambert, John, 1619-1683 Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Description: Letter is dated August 8, 1651. Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Name): Crofts of Saxham, William Crofts, baron, 1611?-1677 Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A true coppy of a letter sent from Dvke Hamilton, from Perith in England to Master William Crofts : expressing the present condition of the Scottish army ...
3. By Major-Generall Lambert : whereas complaints are daily made of the great damage sustained by many Creator: England and Wales. Army.Lambert, John, 1619-1683 Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Abstract: Setting the values of coins at the figures current in March of 1650. Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > By Major-Generall Lambert : whereas complaints are daily made of the great damage sustained by many ... by the differing values of coyn in severall parts of this nation ... Given ... at Edinburgh, the 29. of December 1651
4. Forasmuch, as I am credibly informed, that notwithstanding the laws and ordinances of war Creator: England and Wales. Army.Lambert, John, 1619-1683 Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Abstract: Requesting lists of such deserters. Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Forasmuch, as I am credibly informed, that notwithstanding the laws and ordinances of war ... private souldiers ... continue ... to run from their colours into England ... : given ... at Edinburgh the 27, January 1650 / J. Lambert. To the Major of Colonel
5. By His Excellency : vvereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both Creator: England and Wales. Sovereigns, etc. (1649-1653) Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > By His Excellency : vvereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both Englidh and Scotch, and especially seamen and marriners, do continue to buy of souldiers stolen and plundered corne, cattell, household goods, plate, vvares
6. A declaration of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England : concerning the settlement of Creator: England and Wales. Parliament (1651) Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Description: Countersigned by Henry Scobell, clerk of Parliament. Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Geographic): Scotland --History --1649-1660 Subject (Name): Scobell, Henry, clerk of Parliament Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A declaration of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England : concerning the settlement of Scotland ...
7. Wednesday the 17th of March, 1651 : resolved by the Parliament, that such delinquents as have been Creator: England and Wales. Parliament (1651) Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Description: Countersigned by Hen: Scobell, clerk of Parliament. Commonwealth arms precede title. Publisher: Printed by John Field, printer to the Paliament of England Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Wednesday the 17th of March, 1651 : resolved by the Parliament, that such delinquents as have been admitted to composition, and have paid part of their fines, and elapsed their times for payment in of the residue, be admitted to pay in the residue of thei
8. By the governour of Edinbvrgh, Leith, and Barwick : whereas divers lewd and wicked persons, named Creator: Edinburgh (Scotland). Governor Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Abstract: Imposing penalties on the inhabitants of places where outrages have been committed by the "Mos-Troopers." Publisher: by Evan Tyler Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > By the governour of Edinbvrgh, Leith, and Barwick : whereas divers lewd and wicked persons, named Mos-Troopers, rove up and down the country ... : Given ... at Leith August 25, 1651 ... / G. Fenwick
9. Ioannis Adamsoni Carmen Eucharistikoy, ob eximia beneficia in se a` Deo collata, ac certo Creator: Adamson, John, d. 1653 Published / Created: 1651 Call Number: BrSides By6 1651 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts --1651 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Ioannis Adamsoni Carmen Eucharistikoy, ob eximia beneficia in se a` Deo collata, ac certo conferenda, in Iesv Christo Domino ...