A shield with a counter charged nebuly border; half gules, half or. The field or gules party per pale, with a large rampant lion at center. At the helm is a very faint knight's helmet; at the crest, atop a torse, is an embattlement with a demi lion brandishing a sword aloft. Leafing and grasses surround the helm and the crest, in addition to the title text beneath the image. At the top, upon a banner, is the motto Fortis et Fidus.
Subject (Name):
Middleton, Peter
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates,, Castle, Lion, Physicians, Shield, and Shields
In the foreground, above a banner with the title text imprinted upon it, are two books, a stethoscope, and a corked bottle. In the background is the silhouette of a bridge spanning a body of water, a castle, and a large, steepled building rising above a city.
A statue of Athena with Canterbury 1891 written on the base. Beneath this are several attributes, including a portrait of a bearded man, a design upon a scroll, a globe, and several books. In the background, beyond a tree and shrubbery, is a tower surrounded by a flock of birds. In the upper right-hand corner, upon a shield-like shape, are the initials WEC.
Subject (Name):
Coulden, W. E.
Subject (Topic):
Armorial bookplates, Books, Buildings, Castle, Nature, Portraits, Shield, and Woman
A shield on which are three left hands, facing palm up. Above the shield are two images—to the left, a swan; to the right, a tower with a battlement. Beneath the shield is the motto Mature.