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- Published / Created:
- 1720
- Call Number:
- Z88 009
- Image Count:
- 206
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Description:
- Blank versos of intaglio prints not reproduced., Manuscript inscription on front flyleaf verso., Multiple pagination sequences., and Various pieces in prose and verse on the financial transactions of John Law and others, brought together under a general t.p.
- Subject (Name):
- Law, John, 1671-1729 and South Sea Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid ... familien en persoonen van hooge en lage stand zyn geruineerd, en in haar middelen verdorven, en de opregte negotie gestremt, zo in Vrankryk, Engeland als Nederland ... Gedrukt tot waarschouwinge voor de nakomelingen in ’t noodlottige jaar, voor veel zotte en wyze
- Published / Created:
- 1720?]
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 8
- Description:
- BEIN 2006 Folio 21: No. 41 of 63 items bound together. Final leaf laid into sheet measuring 40 x 26 cm., Caption title., and Signature: A⁴.
- Publisher:
- s.n.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Berbice. and Netherlands.
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Inventaris van de effecten, behorende aan de Colonie de Barbice
- Published / Created:
- 1720]
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 8
- Description:
- BEIN 2006 Folio 21: No. 53 of 63 items bound together. Laid into sheets measuring 39 x 25 cm.
- Publisher:
- s.n.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Africa, North. and Netherlands.
- Subject (Topic):
- Pirates and Colonial companies
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Project tot het ruïneeren der Turkze rovers van Algiers, Tunis, Tripoly en Zalée : niet allen tot het beveyligen, maar het doen aangroejen van de navigatie en commercie deeser landen ...
- Published / Created:
- 1720.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 3
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in undentified hand, containing an overview of the terms and conditions for the creation of a merchant trading company by the mayor and vroedschappen of the city of Woerden in the Netherlands. Signing up for the company is announced on October 25th, 1720
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the fifth manuscript in the volume and number 60 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Woerden (Netherlands), Europe, and Netherlands
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Burgermeesteren en vroedschappen der steede Woerden hebben op iterative instantien en wel gegronde ... : manuscript
- Published / Created:
- 1720 October 28.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 3
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in undentified hand, containing a list of changes that the mayor and leaders of the trade company of the city of Veere have made to the current trade company terms and conditions. This includes a change in the terms of payment and of the numbers of directors of the trade company
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the fifth manuscript in the volume and number 43 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Veere (Netherlands), Europe, and Netherlands
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De commissarissen provisioneelyk gecommitteerd tot de saaken van de commercie navigatie, en assurantie compagnie binnen deese stad notificeeren ... : manuscript
- Published / Created:
- 1720.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in undentified hand, containing an overview of the terms and conditions for the subscription to bonds in the city of S' Gravenhage, now The Hague. Includes a description of sums, interests rates, and differences in classes of subscriptions. The date of subscription was advanced from January 6th, 1721 to December 16th, 1720
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the fourth manuscript in the volume and number 28 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- The Hague (Netherlands), Europe, and Netherlands
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Directeuren van de comp[anie] van beleevinge eet opgeregt binnen S' Gravenhage; met voorkennis en aprobatie van de Heeren van de magistraat laten doen een inteekening in obligatien ten lasten vant gemeene land van Holland en Westvriesland en van het comptoir generaal van de unie te verdeelen in twaalf en combinatien te weeten : manuscript
- Published / Created:
- 1720.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 3
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in undentified hand, containing a proposal for the creation of a trade company in the city of Middelburg. After the introduction follow 19 terms and conditions which include the appointment of commissioners and directors, and the assembling of capital to support the company
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the third manuscript in the volume and number 17 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Middelburg (Netherlands), Europe, and Netherlands
- Subject (Name):
- South Sea Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Na dat het voorgaande concept tot het opregten in de stad Middelburg, van eene maatschappy tot het assureren van scheepen soo kwam dit volgende in het ligt : manuscript
- Published / Created:
- 1720.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, containing a proposal for the creation of pooled capital or "een groot samengevoegd kapitaal" in the city of Delft in the year 1720, in imitation of the city of the Rotterdam which had just instituted the same capital in its city. The proposal is followed by a series of sixteen terms of subscription or "conditien." Those who wish to are called to sign up on July 11, 1720 at 9 am in Delft
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the second manuscript in the volume and number 8 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Europe, Netherlands, and Delft (Netherlands)
- Subject (Name):
- South Sea Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Overmits het assureren van scheepen en koopmanschapen soo voor de gevaren van de zee, van die van oorlog als zeeroveryen, noodsakelijk is voor koophandel en zeevaard, en dat men siet in Engeland een maatschappy daar toe opgeregt en self onlangs tot Rotterdam, om door een groot samengevoegd kapitaal, die geene die sig willen assureren volstrektelyk gerust te stellen, ... : manuscript
- Published / Created:
- between July and December, 1720.
- Call Number:
- 2006 Folio 21
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, in unidentified hand, containing different merchantships and subscriptions related to the city of Rotterdam in the year 1720. Page [1] contains a proposal for the creation of pooled capital or "samengevoegd kapitaal" followed by a list of 7 conditions. Page [2] discusses the election of directors of a merchantship or "coopmanschap" followed by a list of terms of subscription or "conditien." Pages [3] and [4] contain decisions made by the merchantship in July regarding the premiums of certain properties in Rotterdam (lasting until December).
- Description:
- In Dutch., Title from heading., Layout: single column of varying length., Binding: quarter bound with vellum and printed paper (heavily damaged) over paper pasteboard., and Volume contains 57 printed and 6 manuscript items bound together under title page: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. This manuscript is the first manuscript in the volume and number 6 of 63 items bound together.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Europe, Netherlands, and Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- Subject (Name):
- South Sea Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Colonial companies, Commercial crimes, Speculation, and Economic conditions
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Nademaal het assureeren van scheepen en coopmanschappen soo voor de gevaren van de zee, van die oorlogh, en pirateryen, nootsakelyk is voor de negotie en zeevaart, en dat men siet in Engeland een maatschappy daar toe opgeregt, om door een groot samengevoegd capitaal, die geene zoo sig willen doen assureeren, volstrektelyk gerust te stellen... : manuscript