George IV, wearing a coat and top hat, punches a plainly dressed Caroline in the face on a dirt street in front of buildings; blood gushes from her nose as she falls backwards from the blow. Lady Conyngham, elegantly dressed, stands behind the King and converses with a soldier on the left edge of the design. Another man, dressed as royalty in a fur-lined cape, stands in a doorway on the right, angrily pointing and yelling at a woman; a sign posted next to the doorway advertises "The Life of King Henry VIII." A dog runs in the foreground on the right, its collar reading "John Bull."
Alternative Title:
A Royal example!, or, A Westminster blackguard illusing his wife, Westminster blackguard illusing his wife, and Westminster blackguard ill-using his wife
Title etched below image., Print signed twice; "Marks fect." is etched within bottom center portion of image, and "Marks" is etched beneath lower right corner of image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Watermark (mostly trimmed)., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 62 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Lady Conyngham," "George IV," and "Caroline" identified in pencil at bottom of sheet; a mostly illegible note, with the date "1820" at the end, is written in pencil in lower right.
Pubd. by Benbow, St. Clemends [sic] Church Yard, Starnd [sic]
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Family violence, Mistresses, Soldiers, Doors & doorways, and Dogs
"A street scene at night. An affray between three fashionably dressed men and two watchmen who use bludgeons. They hold between them one young man; the second, in tail-coat and evening pantaloons, attacks a watchman with his cane; the third reclines on the ground, ineffectively flourishing an umbrella. The glass of a street-lamp above their heads has been cracked. The watchmen are determined fellows; one (left), in partly back view, has large letters on the back of his greatcoat: St J. | W, showing that the parish is that of St. James's or St. John's, Westminster. The pavement and cobbled roadway are broad, and behind two streets meet at right angles, receding left and right in perspective; the houses are uniform. There is a full moon."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark: J Whatman Turkey Mill 1821.
Title from item., Plate numbered '224' in lower left corner., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Trades: Flour merchant.
Published 12th May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"A wild affray round a circular gaming-table seen at close range, only the heads and shoulders of those on the nearer side of the table being visible. An angry military officer wearing a cocked hat, with an empty wallet on the table before him, leans forward aiming his pistol at a lean and elderly man whose 'chapeau bras' and long pigtail indicate that he is French. The latter covers a pile of guineas with his hand and aims a pistol at his assailant. Some of the players are falling over in their eagerness to escape. Between the combatants, and on the further side of the table, one man holds a chair above his head, about to smite the officer; a fellow-officer raises a bottle and a candle-stick to strike the Frenchman. All the persons (sixteen) are in violent action, with which their expressions correspond. Some are in flight, others about to intervene. On the table are a triple candle-stick, a dice-box and dice, a sword, a hat containing coins, and a purse."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker's signature from impression in British Museum., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark and printmaker's signature has been mostly erased., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
Publish'd March 1790 by Wm. Holland, Oxford Street
Subject (Topic):
Candlesticks, Fighting, Gambling, Handguns, Men, French, Military uniforms, and British
Satire with two naval officers (one of whom is the Duke of Clarence caricatured, with heavy jowl, protruding lips, and small slanting eye) abusing each other at table, observed by a civilian who winks and holds a finger to the side of his nose. The naval officer on the right says, "Why, they say there is always a fool in every family, & they generally send him to Sea." The Duke of Clarence in the middle responds, " How the Devil came you to put into the Navy, Captain." The civilian to the right, observes, "Britons strike home!!!" On the table are plates of fruit and wine glasses with two carafes one of which is labeled "Goose" and a booklet entitled "An essay on Government by Jordan". Two pictures on the wall in the background illustrate the theme: on the left, the image shows a man (King George) holds the arm of a crying young cadet, a sword between his legs, carries the title "Win them first then wear them." On the right, "On board the London" is an image of two officers fighting while two big sailors smile as they watch
Title etched below image. and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Publd. Augt. 22d, 1827, by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly, London
Subject (Name):
William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837
Subject (Topic):
Crying, Eating & drinking, Fighting, Insults, Military officers, and Pictures
Four scenes in one plate, each with a separate title, each showing a marital or courtship scenes with monkeys and cats and pictures on the walls that amplify the domestic scene
Title from caption below image., Text following imprint: Folios of caricatures lent for evening., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on two sides., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pub. Nov. 26, 1810 by S. W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Cats, Couples, Courtship, Fighting, Spouses, Draperies, Fireplaces, Interiors, and Monkeys
A celebration in a sporting club. In the center of the room before a large table, a man in a hat (with a black eye?) raises a gavel in an attempt to bring order as two members begin a fist-fight and others converse and laugh. One member restrains a woman as she attempts to hit a man on the head with a tankard; the man appears already unconscious and injured. Boxing gloves, tankards and glasses, hats, and a stick are scattered on the floor in the foreground. The room is lighted by the candles in a candelier. On the walls are a clock, two pictures of fighers -- one of Humphrys and the other of Mendoza; a broadside "Rules" (damaged); a broadside entitled "Last dying speech & confession of W[...]st the Boxer" with a picture of a gallows at the head; and, a picture of two men boxing (the pictures amplifying the subject). On the table are several tankards, wine glasses and punch bowl, smoking pipes, a broadsheet torn in two (World Diary), and a book "Rules for boxing"., Title and printmaker from British Museum catalogue., The left portion of the plate was later published as 'Frontispiece' (no date) in Carlton House magazine with the title: The ending of the old year., Sheet trimmed within plate mark, with loss of title, printmaker's signature, and partial loss of imprint., Plate from: The Attic miscellany, v. 1, p. 81., Title added in a contemporary hand on the mount below the image: Odd-Fellows-Lodge., and Mounted to 24 x 32 cm.
Published as the act directs, by Bentley & Co.
Subject (Name):
Topham, Edward, 1751-1820, Mendoza, Daniel, 1764-1836, and Humphries, Richard, d. 1827
A fight on a country lane between gentlemen hunting and a farmer
Title from text below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 29 x 38 cm.
"In the foreground John Bull, a drink-blotched 'cit', and George IV tug at a large pair of antlers. The King (right): "I tell you Bull I will wear them--I know they will become me--what am I allways to be disappointed." John wears a large white favour in his hat inscribed 'The Queen'; he says: "I'll be D--n'd if you do wear them yet, however much you may deserve them so it is useless contending G--e." At his feet is a large bludgeon: 'John Bull's Oke'. Behind them, a woman, apparently Mrs. Bull, strikes Majocchi, so that his nose gushes blood, saying: "You're one of the Villians from Cotton Garden" [see British Museum Satires No. 13824, &c.]. He falls backwards, saying: "Non mi Ricordo" [see British Museum Satires No. 13827]. In the middle distance behind John (left), stands a woman arm-in-arm with a sailor, who is next a soldier; she waves her handkerchief, saying; "The Queen for ever"; the other two wave their hats, shouting: "Go it John we'll stand by You." Behind the King (right) stand four witnesses: three villainous-looking fops and a woman; they are 'Inhabitants of Cotton Garden'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 41 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Pubd. by J.L. Marks, 28 Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Majocchi, Theodore, active 1820
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Adultery, Antlers, Pulling, Fighting, Witnesses, Sailors, and Soldiers
"In the foreground John Bull, a drink-blotched 'cit', and George IV tug at a large pair of antlers. The King (right): "I tell you Bull I will wear them--I know they will become me--what am I allways to be disappointed." John wears a large white favour in his hat inscribed 'The Queen'; he says: "I'll be D--n'd if you do wear them yet, however much you may deserve them so it is useless contending G--e." At his feet is a large bludgeon: 'John Bull's Oke'. Behind them, a woman, apparently Mrs. Bull, strikes Majocchi, so that his nose gushes blood, saying: "You're one of the Villians from Cotton Garden" [see British Museum Satires No. 13824, &c.]. He falls backwards, saying: "Non mi Ricordo" [see British Museum Satires No. 13827]. In the middle distance behind John (left), stands a woman arm-in-arm with a sailor, who is next a soldier; she waves her handkerchief, saying; "The Queen for ever"; the other two wave their hats, shouting: "Go it John we'll stand by You." Behind the King (right) stand four witnesses: three villainous-looking fops and a woman; they are 'Inhabitants of Cotton Garden'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with stipple ; sheet 24.4 x 34.6 cm., Printed on wove paper; hand-colored., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 82 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Date "1820" written in ink in lower right corner. Typed extract of six lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Pubd. by J.L. Marks, 28 Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Majocchi, Theodore, active 1820
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Adultery, Antlers, Pulling, Fighting, Witnesses, Sailors, and Soldiers
An angry wife (left) with her hair tied up in a kerchief throws the contents of a chamber pot in her husbands face as she hammers him on the head with a small pick. The rotund husband with breeches untied winces in pain; in his left hand is a large stick. The cat clinges to his leg in terror. On the wall hangs a picture of "Patient Grin[?]".
Title etched below image., Possibly by Woodward. Cf. Labourers in the vineyard!! / Woodward del., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"Scene in a bedroom, meanly furnished except for a four-post curtained bed (left) and a carpeted floor; it is lit by a single candle or rush-light. Lady Eldon (right), a lean and ugly virago, assails the ex-Chancellor with a shovel, holding him by the coat. He tries to escape, shrieking, I cou'dn't in conscience my love, act with them--why, they are all in league with the Devil. Lady Eldon: Conscience, indeed! I'll conscience you! Aye, aye, Sir, you don't know your friends from your foes. I'll make you learn to keep a good place when you've got one; you shan't be idling at home earning nothing. What business is it of your's who's who as long as you have got a good place and are well paid for it. Under the bed is a box of Smuggled Goods. On the wall is a picture: Taking leave of the Court of Conscience. In this Eldon leans from a desk holding a handkerchief towards his eyes, facing a group of standing barristers. On the floor is a book: Rule a Husband and have a Husband [parodying the title of Fletcher's comedy, 'Rule a wife ...]."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
New administration
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Matted to: 31.5 x 46 cm.
Published by E. King, Chancery Lane
Subject (Name):
Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838 and Eldon, Elizabeth, Lady, 1754-1831
"Caricature with a boxing match between George IV whose nose is bloodied by the Duke of Clarence [Duke of York?]."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Battle Royal!
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1990,1109.78., Text below image, following title: This battle was lately fought in St. James's, the quarrel origentated [sic] concerning a poor injured Lady, when to the honour of the British Army, her cause was defended by an officer of distinction! Betting, ten to one on Y-k., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 55 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Lady Conyngham," "Ld. Londonderry," "Geo. 4," and "D. York" identified in ink at bottom of sheet; date "1821" written in lower right corner.
J.L. Marks, 37 Princes Street, Soho
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, and Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Divorce, Mistresses, Fighting, Blood, and Bottles
"The Queen (right) and Mrs. Wood, a stout virago and a lean one, fight, clutching each other's hair. The Queen's large feathered hat is on the floor. A curtain is draped on a pillar (right), and from behind a curtain on the left, Alderman Wood, wearing his furred gown, watches the fray, drooping apprehensively; he says: "He Jests at Scars who never felt a wound!" Mrs. Wood: "I'll teach you to play at Bergami with my Husband indeed--no--no I've read Jane Shore, & knows how things goes on in Courts, & Palace's, in Como's [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13857], Virgin's Waters, Cottages, Pavilions, Yachts, & such like. An Honest Citizen has no business in such bad place's & I'll Tear your Eyes out before you shall make a Bergami of him." The Queen shrieks: "Avaunt ye Termagant I'll stop the Tongue of Slander & Level to the Dust, the proudest Foe that dares suspect my Chastity I'd tear you limb from [sic] tho you be made of Wood." Behind, on a small chimney-piece, is a bust, perhaps that of Lady Craven."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue.
Pub. Sep. 20, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadill [sic]
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Maria, approximately 1770-1848, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron., and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Hats, Columns, Draperies, Robes, Chimneypieces, and Adultery
"The Queen (right) and Mrs. Wood, a stout virago and a lean one, fight, clutching each other's hair. The Queen's large feathered hat is on the floor. A curtain is draped on a pillar (right), and from behind a curtain on the left, Alderman Wood, wearing his furred gown, watches the fray, drooping apprehensively; he says: "He Jests at Scars who never felt a wound!" Mrs. Wood: "I'll teach you to play at Bergami with my Husband indeed--no--no I've read Jane Shore, & knows how things goes on in Courts, & Palace's, in Como's [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13857], Virgin's Waters, Cottages, Pavilions, Yachts, & such like. An Honest Citizen has no business in such bad place's & I'll Tear your Eyes out before you shall make a Bergami of him." The Queen shrieks: "Avaunt ye Termagant I'll stop the Tongue of Slander & Level to the Dust, the proudest Foe that dares suspect my Chastity I'd tear you limb from [sic] tho you be made of Wood." Behind, on a small chimney-piece, is a bust, perhaps that of Lady Craven."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching ; plate mark 24.7 x 35.1 cm, on sheet 25 x 35.4 cm., Printed on laid paper with watermark "G. Pike 1820"; hand-colored., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 87 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Ald. Wood," "Mrs. Wood," and "Q. Caroline" identified in ink below image; date "20 Sep. 1820" written in lower right corner. Typed extract of three lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Pub. Sep. 20, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadill [sic]
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Maria, approximately 1770-1848, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron., and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Hats, Columns, Draperies, Robes, Chimneypieces, and Adultery
V. 4. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The Blue Stocking meeting over a tea table has dissolved into one of furious combat. Five pairs of women beat each other with their fists and tear at each other's hair and clothes. One woman empties a boiling pot of tea over her prostrate foe while another assaults her opponent with the kettle-stand. Cats and dog leap about in dismay at the scene of vicious fighting, trying to escape the cascade of the falling tea setting
Title etched below image., Later state; former plate number "343" has been replaced with a new number, and beginning of imprint statement has been burnished from plate., Date of publication based on complete imprint on earlier state: Pubd. March 1st, 1815, by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside. Cf. No. 12642 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9., Plate numbered "252" in upper right corner of design., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 4., Also issued separately., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on bottom edge., Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 289., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 24.8 x 34.9 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 41.8 cm., and Leaf 32 in volume 4.
By Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Topic):
Intellectual life, Women in England, Fighting, and Clubwomen
V. 4. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The Blue Stocking meeting over a tea table has dissolved into one of furious combat. Five pairs of women beat each other with their fists and tear at each other's hair and clothes. One woman empties a boiling pot of tea over her prostrate foe while another assaults her opponent with the kettle-stand. Cats and dog leap about in dismay at the scene of vicious fighting, trying to escape the cascade of the falling tea setting
Title etched below image., Later state; former plate number "343" has been replaced with a new number, and beginning of imprint statement has been burnished from plate., Date of publication based on complete imprint on earlier state: Pubd. March 1st, 1815, by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside. Cf. No. 12642 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9., Plate numbered "252" in upper right corner of design., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 4., Also issued separately., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on bottom edge., and Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 289.
By Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Topic):
Intellectual life, Women in England, Fighting, and Clubwomen
Capt. Keith struggles as he is attacked by two Indians one of whom has grabbed his rifle while another Indian stands with his tomahawk raised above the Captain's head. The Captain's wife with her child in her arms reaches up towards her husband as she kneels in a row boat. Other Europeans are shown in the background left and on the right, frightened, fleeing, or struggling with a band of Indians
Alternative Title:
Captain Keith and family betrayed and made prisoners by the American Indians
Title etched below image., From a series of plates by the caricaturist William Elmes depicting shipwrecks and maritime disasters, attacks by native Americans and by other indigenous peoples and pirates, ceremonies, punishments and torture: The mariner's marvellous magazine, or, Wonders of the ocean; containing the most remarkable adventures and relations of mariners in various parts of the globe. [London] : Published by Thomas Tegg ..., 1809., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pub. by T. Tegg
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America, Familes, Fighting, Tomahawks, and Warfare
Title from item., Printmaker identified from the original drawing in the Huntington Library., From Laurie and Whittle series of drolls., Three columns of verse below title: Did you ever hear of Captain Wattle, / He was all for love and a little for the bottle ..., Plate numbered '214' in lower left corner., Temporary local subject terms: Furniture: chairs -- Maps: wall-map of England -- Naval uniforms: officer's uniform., and Watermark: 1811.
Published 4th April 1798 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Plate 42. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Scene in a country town with two newly-elected members of parliament (one a representation of George Bubb Doddington, the other visible only as a shadow on a distant wall) carried shoulder-high along the street, led by a blind and ragged fiddler and surrounded by a chaotic and disreputable crowd; two chimney boys sit on the church wall, a dancing-bear interferes with a donkey's load and is about to be clubbed by the driver, the one-legged bear-leader (dressed in sailor's clothes) is engaged in a fight with a man swinging a flail, a rifle slung over a monkey's shoulder discharges to the horror of a black serving woman, a sow and her piglets up-end a woman as they charge across the street, a soldier stripped to the waist for a boxing bout is taking tobacco from a wrapper; to right, dishes of food are being carried into an elegant house where victory is being celebrated."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., State from Paulson., State with the word "NDINTUR" added to the paper hanging from the upper window on the right. with other design enhancements. See Paulson., Fourth and final print in a series: Four prints of an election., Dedication etched below image: To the Honble. George Hay, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c,&c. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient, humble servant, Willm. Hogarth., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 43.6 x 55.8 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Leaf 42 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Bears, Black people, Chimney sweeps, Donkeys, Fighting, Monkeys, Peg legs, Political elections, Riots, Servants, Street musicians, and Swine
Plate 42. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Scene in a country town with two newly-elected members of parliament (one a representation of George Bubb Doddington, the other visible only as a shadow on a distant wall) carried shoulder-high along the street, led by a blind and ragged fiddler and surrounded by a chaotic and disreputable crowd; two chimney boys sit on the church wall, a dancing-bear interferes with a donkey's load and is about to be clubbed by the driver, the one-legged bear-leader (dressed in sailor's clothes) is engaged in a fight with a man swinging a flail, a rifle slung over a monkey's shoulder discharges to the horror of a black serving woman, a sow and her piglets up-end a woman as they charge across the street, a soldier stripped to the waist for a boxing bout is taking tobacco from a wrapper; to right, dishes of food are being carried into an elegant house where victory is being celebrated."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., State from Paulson., State with the word "NDINTUR" added to the paper hanging from the upper window on the right. with other design enhancements. See Paulson., Fourth and final print in a series: Four prints of an election., and Dedication etched below image: To the Honble. George Hay, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c,&c. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient, humble servant, Willm. Hogarth.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Bears, Black people, Chimney sweeps, Donkeys, Fighting, Monkeys, Peg legs, Political elections, Riots, Servants, Street musicians, and Swine
Plate 42. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Scene in a country town with two newly-elected members of parliament (one a representation of George Bubb Doddington, the other visible only as a shadow on a distant wall) carried shoulder-high along the street, led by a blind and ragged fiddler and surrounded by a chaotic and disreputable crowd; two chimney boys sit on the church wall, a dancing-bear interferes with a donkey's load and is about to be clubbed by the driver, the one-legged bear-leader (dressed in sailor's clothes) is engaged in a fight with a man swinging a flail, a rifle slung over a monkey's shoulder discharges to the horror of a black serving woman, a sow and her piglets up-end a woman as they charge across the street, a soldier stripped to the waist for a boxing bout is taking tobacco from a wrapper; to right, dishes of food are being carried into an elegant house where victory is being celebrated."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., State from Paulson., State with the word "NDINTUR" added to the paper hanging from the upper window on the right. with other design enhancements. See Paulson., Fourth and final print in a series: Four prints of an election., Dedication etched below image: To the Honble. George Hay, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c,&c. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient, humble servant, Willm. Hogarth., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: 2nd impression., and On page 177 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 43.4 x 55.5 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Bears, Black people, Chimney sweeps, Donkeys, Fighting, Monkeys, Peg legs, Political elections, Riots, Servants, Street musicians, and Swine
Plate 42. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Scene in a country town with two newly-elected members of parliament (one a representation of George Bubb Doddington, the other visible only as a shadow on a distant wall) carried shoulder-high along the street, led by a blind and ragged fiddler and surrounded by a chaotic and disreputable crowd; two chimney boys sit on the church wall, a dancing-bear interferes with a donkey's load and is about to be clubbed by the driver, the one-legged bear-leader (dressed in sailor's clothes) is engaged in a fight with a man swinging a flail, a rifle slung over a monkey's shoulder discharges to the horror of a black serving woman, a sow and her piglets up-end a woman as they charge across the street, a soldier stripped to the waist for a boxing bout is taking tobacco from a wrapper; to right, dishes of food are being carried into an elegant house where victory is being celebrated."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., State from Paulson., State with the word "NDINTUR" added to the paper hanging from the upper window on the right. with other design enhancements. See Paulson., Fourth and final print in a series: Four prints of an election., Dedication etched below image: To the Honble. George Hay, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c,&c. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient, humble servant, Willm. Hogarth., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark: 431 x 555 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Bears, Black people, Chimney sweeps, Donkeys, Fighting, Monkeys, Peg legs, Political elections, Riots, Servants, Street musicians, and Swine
Plate 42. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Scene in a country town with two newly-elected members of parliament (one a representation of George Bubb Doddington, the other visible only as a shadow on a distant wall) carried shoulder-high along the street, led by a blind and ragged fiddler and surrounded by a chaotic and disreputable crowd; two chimney boys sit on the church wall, a dancing-bear interferes with a donkey's load and is about to be clubbed by the driver, the one-legged bear-leader (dressed in sailor's clothes) is engaged in a fight with a man swinging a flail, a rifle slung over a monkey's shoulder discharges to the horror of a black serving woman, a sow and her piglets up-end a woman as they charge across the street, a soldier stripped to the waist for a boxing bout is taking tobacco from a wrapper; to right, dishes of food are being carried into an elegant house where victory is being celebrated."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., State from Paulson., State with the word "NDINTUR" added to the paper hanging from the upper window on the right. with other design enhancements. See Paulson., Fourth and final print in a series: Four prints of an election., and Dedication etched below image: To the Honble. George Hay, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c,&c. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient, humble servant, Willm. Hogarth.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Bears, Black people, Chimney sweeps, Donkeys, Fighting, Monkeys, Peg legs, Political elections, Riots, Servants, Street musicians, and Swine
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from street address., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Hypochondria.
Lith. de Lemercier rue Pierre-Sarrasin, No.2
Subject (Topic):
Illness anxiety disorder, Anger, Fighting, Family members, and Cats
Title from item., Place of publication and date supplied by curator., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Agression; Pugilism.
Title from caption below image., Plate from book: Joe Lisle's play upon words, pub by Thomas McLean, 1828., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
A crude portrayal of a fight on the floor of Congress between Vermont Representative Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold of Connecticut. The row was originally prompted by an insulting reference to Lyon on Griswold's part. The interior of Congress Hall is shown, with the Speaker Jonathan Dayton and Clerk Jonathan W. Condy (both seated), Chaplain Ashbel Green (in profile on the left), and several others looking on, as Griswold, armed with a cane, kicks Lyon, who grasps the former's arm and raises a pair of fireplace tongs to strike him. Below are the verses: "He in a trice struck Lyon thrice / Upon his head, enrag'd sir, / Who seiz'd the tongs to ease his wrongs, / And Griswold thus engag'd, sir."
Title etched above image., Below image in lower right corner: Congress Hall, in Philada., Feb. 15, 1798, S.E. Cor. 6th & Chestnut St., Four lines of verse in two columns below image in center: He in a trice struck Lyon thrice, upon his head, enrag'd sir, who seized the tongs to ease his wrongs, and Griswold thus engag'd, sir., Three of the spectators are identified by numbered references etched on left and top of plate, outside image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: Pictures amplifying subject: cock fight., and Mss. annotation above plate "from Mr. McAllister, 30 August 1859, his father has the plate."
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
United States.
Subject (Name):
Griswold, Roger, 1762-1812, Lyon, Matthew, 1749-1822, Dayton, Jonathan, 1760-1824, Condy, Jonathan Williams, 1770-1828, Green, Ashbel, and Congress Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.),
"Pl. to 'The second part, . . . [ut supra]', see BMSat 10465. Dr. 'Willain' and his wife, three-quarter length and arm-in-arm, gaze up at a Punch and Judy show: Punch, highly delighted, has knocked over his wife, who staggers back. The doctor holds behind him the stick (with a cat's face) which his wife holds in BMSat 10465. From the doctor's coat-pocket dangles the head of a duck which he has bought after watching with his wife the plebeian (and cruel) sport of duck-hunting. The profile head of a spectator, or the showman, gazes at her from the r. margin."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Publication information from British Museum catalogue., One plate from Sayers' verse satire: Foundling Chapel Brawl. Printed by C. Roworth in Bell Yard, Temple bar in 1805., and Mounted to 37 x 34 cm.
An angry wife confronts her husband over an upturned tea table
Title etched below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four lines of verse below title: "Loud she proclaims the thousands which she brought him, He cool retorts 'twas only that which caught him; "The world shall know your conduct brute", she cries, "Sooner the better, sweet" the your replies., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. by Hunt & Pyall, 18 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden
Holding a candlestick, a wife departs from a room, which shows sign of an altercation with a turned over chair and pillow and book on the floow, her back to the viewer turns back looking at her husband
Title from text below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four lines of verse below title: "Fierce and more fierce, the wordy contest grows, Taunts, gibes, and sneers, and every thing but blows; Each to a sperate couch in rage retires, Whence sleep is banished by vexatious fires.", and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"A patient, wrapped in shroud-like draperies, sits (left) in a high-backed arm-chair gazing up and to the left. Two doctors in the foreground fight each other, overturning a round table on which are medicine-phials. A lean doctor (left) flourishes the wig of his fat opponent, whom he clutches by the neck-cloth. The fat doctor (right) siezes the other's pigtail queue."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker identified from the original drawing in the Huntington Library., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Plate numbered '143' in lower left corner., and Temporary local subject terms: Fist-fights -- Medicine bottles -- Walking staves -- Furniture: armchairs.
Published 23th Decr. 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"The adventure of Mambrino's helmet; Quixote on horseback, charging at the barber with his lance, the barber already having dismounted from his donkey and making an escape to right, the basin (mistaken for Mambrino's helmet) lying on the ground; Sancho on the back of his donkey, hailing Quixote from the top of a hill beyond; proposed illustration to 'Don Quixote' (unpublished)"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Adventure of Mambrino's helmet
Title etched below image., Title from Paulson: The adventure of Mambrino's helmet., Text following title: Book 3rd. Ch: 7th., "Vol. I. p. 155"--Lower left, below image. Should be p. 115., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 88 in volume 1. Plate mark 243 x 186 mm.
"The adventure of Mambrino's helmet; Quixote on horseback, charging at the barber with his lance, the barber already having dismounted from his donkey and making an escape to right, the basin (mistaken for Mambrino's helmet) lying on the ground; Sancho on the back of his donkey, hailing Quixote from the top of a hill beyond; proposed illustration to 'Don Quixote' (unpublished)"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Adventure of Mambrino's helmet
Title etched below image., Title from Paulson: The adventure of Mambrino's helmet., Text following title: Book 3rd. Ch: 7th., "Vol. I. p. 155"--Lower left, below image. Should be p. 115., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Title from item., Date derived from dates of World War I., In margin lower left: No. 29., and Subject: American soldier standing above a defeated German.
United States Food Administration and Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co.
Subject (Geographic):
United States.
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1914-1918, Economic aspects, Food conservation, Food supply, Soldiers, Pickelhaubes, Fighting, and Battlefields
On the left, a man with a beard and wearing a hat holds the coat of a short, bald man in waist coat, shirt, and trousers who is advancing to the right, fists up and ready to fight. In the front on the right is a foppish man holding an open snuff box in his right hand. He advances, pointing his left leg and wearing an expression of extreme alarn, and bowing at the pugilist. Between them but behind stands an older man in enourous boots and with a curious hairdo, who spreads his hands in a gesture of despair. A fifth man, standing in back of the fop, also wears an expression of apprehension
Title etched below image., Date altered in plate. First published August 31st, 1785, by S.W. Fores., and Not in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published August 30st, 1787, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Consequence of invading matrimonial rights & privileges
Title from caption below image., Four lines of verse below title: "These little quarrels often prove to be but new remits of love ...", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
Pubd. by Pyall & Hunt, 18, Tavistock Street
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Couples, Fighting, Fishing, Fishing & hunting gear, and Wigs
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., Caption below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away. Virtue and truth, driv'n to despair, it's rage compells to fly, but cherishes, with hellish care, theft, murder, perjury. Damn'd cup! that on the vitals preys, that liquid fire contains which madness to the heart conveys, and rolls it thro' the veins., Companion print: Beer Street., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 3136., and Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 186.
Published by G.G. & J. Robinson Paternoster Row
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., Companion print: Beer Street., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.8 x 32.1 cm, on sheet 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 75 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize) Box 2
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., Companion print: Beer Street., Sheet trimmed within plate mark to: 38.3 x 31.4 cm., and On page 154 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL Curator.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio Greenberg 75 H67 753
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., Companion print: Beer Street., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 39 x 32.3 cm, on sheet 56 x 45 cm., and Leaf 50 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., Companion print: Beer Street., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.8 x 32.1 cm, on sheet 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 75 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Kinnaird 52K(a) Box 315
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., Companion print: Beer Street., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark: 385 x 320 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Feb. 1, 1751.
Call Number:
Sotheby 67++ Box 315
Collection Title:
Plate 75. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 50. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the streets of the slum Ruins of St. Giles, Westminster, the only business are S. Gripe pawnbroker (left), Kilman Distiller (right) and the undertaker (background right). It is a scene of urban desolation with gin-crazed Londoners -- charity children, mothers and babies, trades people, cripples, etc. -- shown dead or dying, fighting, or stupefied with drink. Notably in the foreground a syphilitic mother sitting on the steps lets her child fall to its death over the railing, towards a flagon labeled "Gin Royal", as she takes a pinch of snuff; below her in the steps, an emaciated, bare-chested ballad-seller sleeps with a glass in one hand and a basket and a jug in the other; the ballad hanging from the basket is entitled 'The downfall of Mdm Gin". His dog looks down at the empty glass. On the right in a crumbling building a barber is shown hanging by his neck; below a crowd is being pushed back towards Kilman Distiller. Mid-ground a woman is being placed in a coffin, her child weeping on the ground beside the coffin. Another child is impaled on a spit and carried along by a cook with a bellows on his head. In the background is the tower of St George's Bloomsbury; in this state, the child's face has been changed so that the face is wizened and the eyes sunken
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Verse below image: Gin cursed fiend with fury fraught, makes human race a prey; it enters by a deadly draught, and steals our life away ..., and Companion print: Beer Street.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Building deterioration, Children, Crowds, Death, Dogs, Fighting, Gin, Intoxication, Occupations, Pawnshops, People with disabilities, Signs (Notices), Slums, Starvation, Suicides, Street vendors, and Undertakers
Title from text above images., Six individual images on one plate; each image has individual title., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pub. Jany. 10, 1824 by Thos. McLean 26 Haymarket
Subject (Topic):
Accidents, Carriages & coaches, Couples, Fighting, and Teachers
Title from text above images., Seven individual images on one plate; each image has an individual title., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J. Whatman 1823.
Pub. Jan. 10, 1824 by Thos. McLean 26 Haymarket
Subject (Topic):
Clowns, Couples, Garbage collecting, Eating & drinking, Fighting, and Poverty
"Plate from a pirated series of Hogarth's Rake's Progress, not based on one of the original prints: Covent Garden with St Paul's church and the buildings at the north-western corner of the piazza; the Rake (here called Ramble) and drunken friends are accosting women passers-by and the watch has arrived to set about them with staves."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., Printmaker and publisher from the Wellcome Collection online catalogue, Wellcome Library no. 38341i., Date of publication from Paulson and the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four columns of verse beneath title: Young Ramble, without witt or dread, Does non a drunken party head ... Uplifted staves, drawn swords oppose, And stabs are well repaid with blows., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), page 90., and Window mounted to 29 x 43 cm.
John Bowles
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England),, England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Intoxication, Rake's progress, Watchmen, and Women
Copy in reverse of the first state of Plate 5 of Hogarth's 'The Rake's Progress' (Paulson 136): Tom and a wealthy old woman are being married in the dilapidated church of St. Marylebone. The bride has only one eye and growths on her forehead; the IHS on the wall behind her serve as a mock halo. In contrast the old woman is attended by a beautiful young woman who has already caught Tom's eye. In the background on the left, the elderly pew opener pushes Sarah Young, carrying Tom's child in her arms, and Sarah's mother; she shakes her keys in their faces to prevent them from entering the church to stop the marriage. Two dogs in the lower left of the image mirror the courtship of Tom and his bride; the courted dog has only one eye. The clergyman is assisted at the altar by a clerk, and a charity-boy kneels at the bride's feet offering a hassock. The Poor Box on the left is covered with a cobweb; there is a crack down the center of the slab with the Commandments on the wall behind the clergyman
Alternative Title:
Rake's progress. Plate 5 and Youth to reimburse his squander'd gold
Title from text engraved above image., "Plate 5"--Lower right below design., Verses below image in three columns, four lines each: The youth to reimburse his squander'd gold, ..., The ornamental borders along the left and right edges are printed from a separate plate (images 25 x 2.8 cm, on plate mark 25.7 x 36.5 cm)., A reissue, with a new publication line and with ornamental borders added, of the fifth of eight prints in a series; all are copies of the first states of Hogarth's plates with new verses in the columns below the image; copies were made with Hogarth's consent in 1735. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), page 90., Original publication line: Published with the consent of Mr. William Hogarth by Tho. Bakewell according to Act of Parliament July 1735., and Ornamental borders partially obscure image on the left and last word on the right.
Publish'd wth. [the] consent of Mrs. Hogarth, by Henry Parker, at No. 82 in Cornhill
Subject (Name):
St. Marylebone Church (Marylebone, London, England)
"Four barristers fight, all having oval shields and using rolled documents as weapons. Brougham, armed with 'Truth', and Denman with 'Justice', vanquish Gifford and Copley (Attorney-and Solicitor-General), one with a shield inscribed 'Pains' and a document inscribed 'Filth', the other with a shield inscribed 'Penalties' and a document inscribed 'Lies'. Below: 'Broomo's and Denny's judgmatical fire, Laid Giffo, with Coppo and Co. in the mire.'"--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
Alternative Title:
Queen's alphabet
Title engraved above image; alternative title engraved at top of plate: The Queen's alphabet., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Variant state, with differences in engraved text above image, of no. 13948 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., Publisher and date of publication from description of variant state in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with probable loss of imprint statement from bottom edge., Frontispiece to: Rosco. Horrida bella. London : G. Humphrey, 1820., Quoted text below title: "Arma virumque cano"., Mounted on page 8 of: George Humphrey shop album., and Mounted with eight sheets of letterpress text, for letters A-H, meant to face the corresponding plates in bound copies of Horrida bella.
G. Humphrey
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, Gifford, Robert Gifford, Baron, 1779-1826, Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron, 1772-1863, and Rosco.
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cheru[...]."
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "8" in upper left corner., Fifteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: Then Hudibras, with face and hand, Made signs for silence which obtained, ... O'th sudden clapp'd his flaming cudgel Like Linstock to the horse's touch-hole., Copy of no. 511 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 89., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: "Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ...", and Numbered "8" in upper right corner.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: "Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ...", Numbered "8" in upper right corner., and On page 35 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.8 x 35.2 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca."
Title engraved below image., After Hogarth., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ..., Copy of no. 511 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., and See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 89.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Printmaker, state, publisher, and date from Paulson. Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ..., and Numbered "8" in upper right corner.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Printmaker, state, publisher, and date from Paulson. Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ..., Numbered "8" in upper right corner., and On page 35 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.7 x 35.3 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
A copy (cropped) of Hogarth's fifth plate: Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher who are wielding clubs; to the left, Ralpho is flanked by a man with a rope (mostly cropped from this image) and another who holds a sword
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished and protected by Trulla and Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "5" in upper left corner., Fifteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: Mean while the other campions Yerst In hurry of the fight disperst ... This stopt their fury, and the Basting Which towards Hudibras was hasting., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, volume 1, nnumber 508, Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 86., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword"-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., and Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case."
Printed and sold by Robert Sayer, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword."-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of series number in upper right corner.
Printed and sold by Philip Overton near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet and I. Cooper in Iames Street Convent Garden
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword"-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case.", and Printed 1768?
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map and printseller, at no. 53 in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword."-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of series number in upper right corner., and On page 32 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.5 x 33.9 cm.
Printed and sold by Philip Overton near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet and I. Cooper in Iames Street Convent Garden
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword"-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case.", and On page 32 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.4 x 34.1 cm.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map and printseller, at no. 53 in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher wielding clubs; to the left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., After Hogarth., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case.", Copy of no. 508 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., and See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 86.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
"An English sailor (left) with clenched fists faces Holland, France, Spain, and America, all but the first appearing "hors de combat". Numbers indicate the names of the 'Four Confederates which are given below the design. (1) America (right), "Yanky Doodle", an Indian brave with a feathered head-dress and girdle, is prone on the ground, his spear beside him; he says "This fall has hurt my Back". (2) France or "Monsieur Louis Baboon" dressed as a French fop with a bag-wig, is vomiting, his hand across his breast, his knees bent; he says, "Dem Jersey Pills have made a me Sick". (3) Spain or "Don Diego", dressed as a Spanish don, is bleeding from one eye, he stands behind America, saying "by St Jago he has almost Blinded me". These three are grouped together on the left, turning away from Jack England. No. 4 or "Mynheer Frog", dressed as a Dutch peasant, is standing with his legs wide apart, his fists clenched, smoking a pipe, he faces Jack, saying "I have almost forgot how to fight". In the background are ships. Beneath the title is engraved: "To Arms you Brave Britons to Arms the Road to Renown Lyes before you.""--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item.
Printed for Jno. Smith, no. 35 Cheapside, Robt. Sayer & Jno. Bennett No. 53 Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Foreign relations, Fighting, Sailors, British, and Clothing & dress
Two men quarrel, one pulling the other's ear and making a fist with the other hand while the other man pulls at his opponent's hat with one hand and with the other pushes his arm
Alternative Title:
Jealousy and revenge
Tiitle from item., Tim Bobbin's Human passions delineated, first published in 1773. Tim Bobbin is the pseudonym of John Collier., Plate numbered '24' published as part of a 1810 edition of Bobbin's Human passions delineated, with an engraved dedication page, a portrait of the artist, and at least 25 individual prints depicting human passions., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"A mêlée of lawyers and witnesses in military action among clouds of dust, directed by Gifford and Copley, who stand in the foreground. Behind Gifford (right) stands a man holding a big book: 'Dutchess of Norfolk's Case'. Beside him are large volumes of 'Law'. P. 12: L, for the lies that were told on the day, The combatants met in the Archer's affray; ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
L, for the lies that were told on the day the combatants met in the archer's affray ...
Title etched below image., Alternative title from letterpress text on facing page of the bound work., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate from: Rosco. Horrida bella. London : G. Humphrey, 1820., Mounted on page 11 of: George Humphrey shop album., and Mounted opposite the sheet of corresponding letterpress text that would have faced the plate in the bound work.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron, 1772-1863, Gifford, Robert Gifford, Baron, 1779-1826, Norfolk, Mary Howard, Duchess of, 1659?-1705., and Rosco.
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Lawyers, Witnesses, Fighting, Books, and Spears
A man beats another man with a walking stick to the amusement of bystanders, who include a fishwife, a milkmaid, a chimney-sweep's boy, etc. A lengthy inscription in a scroll in the upper left corner begins: "Ha ha ha I can't help laughing ..."
Alternative Title:
Laugh and grow fat
Title from item., Trimmed within plate mark., and Printmaker from British Museum catalogue.
"Three outgoing ministers are being knocked off their seats by their successors. The ministers are or have been seated on stones resembling mile-stones, engraved with the title of their office. They are all in profile to the left, facing their successors. Sandwich (centre), on a stone inscribed "First Lo--d of the Adm--ty", is being knocked backwards by Admiral Keppel, his successor, who threatens him with clenched fists, saying, "Strike your false Colours". Sandwich is saying "That broadside has broke my Bowsprit". From his pocket falls a small paper, "List of the navy". Round his waist is a rope with a broken end, the other end of which is still attached to an anchor which lies on the ground beside him, inscribed "Rotten for want of care". Lord North (right), very short and fat, is being knocked backwards by Fox, who has a fox's head. His stone is inscribed "Prime Minis--r"; he says, "O Reynard if I fall I shall burst". Fox says to him, "Buss Constable". By this stone He two bars inscribed "Soap" and a cask inscribed "12 Shilling Small Beer", to indicate the taxes recently proposed by North, see BMSat 5964, &c. To the left Lord Amherst, in general's uniform and wearing spurred top-boots, is seated on the stone inscribed "[Gen]eral of al[l] the Land Forces". Conway stands opposite him, threatening him with his fists and saying, "That Staff shall be mine". Amherst says, "Where's my reserved courage--oh-- its in my breeches". In the foreground (left) sits Britannia, her shield beside her, holding her spear and stretching out an arm towards Keppel. She says Britons strike home."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Tack about is fair play and Lord Sandwich drove from his moorings
Title from item. and Date of publication from British Museum catalogue.
Sold by W. Humphrey no. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792., Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786., Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., and Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Politics and government, Fighting, and Clothing & dress
British tars giving the carmignols a dressing on memorable 1st of June 1794
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark at bottom., Publisher's advertisement following imprint: who has just fitted up his exhibition on an entire novel stile [sic] admittance one shilling., Temporary local subject terms: Reference to sansculottes -- Dogs: bulldog -- Emblems: tricolor cockades., and Watermark.
Pub. June 25, 1794, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Howe, Richard Howe, Earl, 1726-1799
Subject (Topic):
First of June, Battle of the, 1794, Sansculottes, Fighting, Sailors, and British
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.4 x 46.6 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 20 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 4
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., and Formerly on page 118 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL conservator.
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 4
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.5 x 46.3 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 20 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 38.4 x 46.6 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 20 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., and After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London.
Plate 20. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays
Alternative Title:
Marriage a-la-mode. Plate 5
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., After the painting "The Bagnio" in the National Gallery, London., Ms. note, and On page 119 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 38.1 x 46.1 cm.
In a bedroom of The Bagnio, the mortally-wounded Earl leans on a table, the countess kneeling before him with clasped hands. Behind her on the right Silvertongue escapes through the window. On the left the watchmen stand in the doorway with startled expressions. The floor is strewn with clothing including a hooped petticoat, masks, the countess's shoes and her stays. The painting above the door, the mural on the back wall, and the portrait near the window illustrate the theme
Title engraved below image., The engraver's initials 'R.F. Ravenet' are a mistake for 'S.F.' or Simon François., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Leaf 67. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Two burly women, almost naked above the waist, fight vigorously, surrounded by a yelling crowd. The scene is an irregular space surrounded by old-fashioned houses, and crowded with spectators, eager or disgusted. In the foreground (left) an apple-woman's barrow is upset and she sprawls across it to grab the head of a little boy who is collecting apples. Among the crowd are a porter carrying a trunk on his knot, and a woman with a basket of vegetables on her head. Adjacent houses have inscriptions: 'British Gin', 'Licensed Lottery Office Tickets Shares', and (with the sign of three balls) 'Mony Lent on Pledges Gripp Licensed Pawn Brokers'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Being a compulsory spectator and auditor of a brawling and scratching match ...
Title etched below image., Six lines of text below title: Being a compulsory spectator and auditor of a brawling and scratching match, between two drunken drabs in consequence of the sudden influx of company by whom you are hemmed in an hundred yards deep ..., Restrike. For original issue of the plate, see no. 10825 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 124., and On leaf 67 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Field & Tuer
Subject (Topic):
City & town life, Fighting, Intoxication, Crowds, Porters, and Street vendors
Reversed copy of the first print in the Hogarth's series "Four Times of the Day. The setting is a morning in Covent Garden; in the center of the image, a middle-aged woman walks from the right towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the right foreground. To the right, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Alternative Title:
Title engraved below image., Date from Paulson: Publish'd 23d June 1740., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Matted to 380 x 280 mm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., and 1 print : engraving on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 490 x 396 mm, on sheet 523 x 424 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image. and State from Paulson.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., and Found loose in Heath volume.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
An old woman, the prude, is standing near a crowd of people huddled around a bonfire in Covent Garden. She is crossing Covent Garden Piazza, disapproving of the amorous scenes outside the notorious Tom King's Coffee House. The print shows the morning and is part of a series representing the progress of the day
Title engraved below image., Signed bottom left hand corner: Designed by Wm. Hogarth. Signed bottom right hand corner: Engraved by T. Cook., After Hogarth. Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 146., Plate also issued in a collection entitled Hogarth restored, first published by G.G. & J. Robinson in 1802., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2357., and Watermark: 1794 J. Whatman.
Published August the 1st, 1797, by G.G. & J. Robinson, Pater-noster Row, London
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Kissing, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., 1 print : engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 48.9 x 39.7 cm, on sheet 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 22 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., 1 print : engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 48.9 x 39.7 cm, on sheet 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 22 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
Plate 22. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 22. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., 1 print : engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 49.2 x 39.9 cm, on sheet 56 x 45 cm., and Leaf 22 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State and series from Paulson. First plate in the series: Four times a day and Strolling actresses dressing in a barn., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Kissing, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
The first print in the series "Four Times of the Day" is a scene in Covent Garden. In the center, a middle-aged woman walks from the left towards St. Paul's church; the clock on the tower showing 6:55. She is followed by a servant boy carrying her prayer book under his arm as he tries to warm his hands in his pocket and jacket. St. Paul's is partially hidden behind a tavern identified by a sign reading "Tom King's Coffee House." There is a fight in the doorway, one man losing his wig as it flies out the door. In front of the tavern is a fire where two couples embrace as two women warm themselves, the one reaching out to beg of the well-dressed woman; two large baskets with vegetables sit behind the women, with carrots and mushrooms in the left foreground. To the left, in the middle distance, a small crowd, including two small boys with school bags on their backs, surrounds a man holding a placard advertising a remedy known as Dr. Rock's.
Title engraved below image., State and series from Paulson. First plate in the series: Four times a day and Strolling actresses dressing in a barn., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand below print: ”See Nichols's book, 3d edit. p. 248.", and On page 90 in volume 1. Plate mark 488 x 395 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Covent Garden (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, Children, City & town life, Couples, Crowds, Fighting, Food vendors, Kissing, Prostitutes, Quacks, Servants, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), and Women
"Grimaldi as clown fighting with a grotesque figure composed out of vegetables."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Two lines of text below title: In the popular pantomime of Harlequin & Asmodeus, now performing at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden ...
Pub. Feb. 8th, 1811 by R. Ackermann No. 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Grimaldi, Joseph, 1779-1837.
Subject (Topic):
Actors, British, Clowns, Fighting, and Theatrical productions
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of imprint., Imprint from impression in the Yale Center of British Art., Plate from: Adventures of Roderick Random in Smollett's Works., Placement directions in upper right corner of plate: v. 1, p. 58., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 20 x 27 cm.
Title etched below image., Plate from: Bridges, T. A burlesque translation of Homer. London, 1797?, Manuscript annotation citing illustration as being from book xii, page 205 in unidentified edition., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., No. 59 in a bound in a collection of 69 prints with a manuscript title page: A collection of drolleries., and Bound in half red morocco with marbled paper boards and spine title "Facetious" in gold lettering.
"A fight between two robbers, one of them a woman, and three armed runners on the road by a milestone marked as 11 miles from St Giles's Pound."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Other prints in the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls were executed by either Isaac Cruikshank or Richard Newton., One line of text directly below title: A burlesque parody on that tender song call'd Love & Glory. Written & sung by Gaby Grim., Twelve lines of verse arranged in three columns above imprint statement: Young Bobby was as blythe a youth, As ever grac'd an attic story ..., Plate numbered '449' in the lower left corner., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Publish'd Decr. 12, 1806, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
A satire against Wray for his proposals to abolish Chelsea Hospital and to tax maidservants and for his desertion of Fox, for which he was called Judas. In the center of the image Sir Cecil Wray is cudgeled by two Chelsea pensioners as another man approaches on crutches from the right. A maidservant on the left is preparing to strike him with her mop as she shouts: "I'll souse him, a dog, tax maid servants, ha!" A fourth pensioner cheers the others on from the background where he sits waving his hat and crutch, his wooden leg having been broken off to use on Wray. All of the pensioners have lost limbs or eyes
Alternative Title:
Plumpers for Sir Judas, Chealsea pensioners revenge, and Chelsea pensioners revenge
Title from text below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and For further information, consult library staff.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Wray, Cecil, Sir, 1734-1805 and Chelsea Hospital for Women (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, People with disabilities, Servants, and Taxation
An older man, representing Rev. Madan, is attacked by two women, one of them pulling on his coat and indicating a crying boy standing next to her, the other grasping his wig with her left hand and ready to strike him with a small stool she is holding in her right. Her right foot is propped on a volume entitled "Thelyphthora," his treatise advocating polygamy. Behind her, a third woman is picking his pocket. On the left two women are engaged in a fight; on the right a couple is kissing behind a screen on which is displayed an image of a duel, above it is an image of a prisoner in chains and next to it a body hanging from the gibbet
Alternative Title:
Polygamy displayed and Doctor Madman restored to his senses
Title from item. and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Publish'd 1st Decr. 1780 by the author
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Madan, Martin, 1726-1790.
Subject (Topic):
Clergy, Polygamy, Fighting, Children, Couples, and Clothing & dress
"A low platform covered with roses extends almost across the design; from this bed new Ministers advancing from the left are ejecting the old. Roses are scattered on the floor. The central figure is the tall and handsome Castlereagh, author of the phrase, see British Museum satires No. 10558, &c. With a taut two-stringed bow in his left hand, a quiver on his shoulders, he strides across Grenville who is on his back on the bed, and takes 'Candle End[s] & Cheese Paring[s]' from a bag with which Windham tries to make off (see British Museum Satires No. 9735). He says: "I'd have you to know I've two strings to my Bow!! Down, Down, Down, Derry Down!!" [See British Museum satires No. 10426.] Behind him, Portland threatens Grenville (in his peer's robe) with a big block of 'Portland Stone' [see British Museum Satires No. 10718, &c.]. In front of Windham Rose steps forward from the bed to grasp a large rose on the floor: 'Treasurership of the Navy.' This Sheridan, in his Harlequin's suit (see British Museum Satires No. 9916), is crawling towards, saying, "Just got into my first Nap - how - Unfortunate - come Sir fat touch that however." Rose holds up a pair of bellows inscribed 'Sing old Rose & burn the Bellows'. Eldon, in Chancellor's wig and gown, strides from the bed on to the prostrate Erskine, seizing the Purse of the Great Seal, whose cord is still round the latter's arm. He raises the mace to strike the ex-Chancellor, whose wig has fallen off. Erskine says: "Be quiet I'll retire"; he holds a money-bag inscribed '4,000 Pr Anm' [see British Museum Satires No. 10714]. Lauderdale, wearing a plaid, is behind him on the ground. On the extreme left Canning, standing on the bed, holds up a massive club inscribed 'Bon Mots & Repartee by G C--g'; he stoops over Howick pointing at the 'Catholic Bill', which the latter holds. Howick steps from the bed, angrily looking up at Canning (his especial enemy, cf. British Museum Satires No. 10972), but, unlike his colleagues, not devoid of dignity. On the ground between Howick and Sheridan is Petty in his gown, one hand on his 'Budget', a small bag, the other on a sheaf of papers inscribed 'Ways & Means'. He says: "Bless me I wish I was safe in College I'd never have anything more to do with Taxes" [an allusion to his youth, and to the fact that he was M.P. for Cambridge]. In the background (right) are Moira in his cocked hat and Lord Temple who makes off rapidly."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Retaking the bed of roses by storm!!
Title etched below image., Attribution to Charles Williams and approximate date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with partial loss of title from bottom edge., and Mounted on linen and formerly sewn in an album, with only the holes remaining on the left edge.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Rose, George, 1744-1818, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Canning, George, 1770-1827, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, and Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Beds, Roses, Draperies, and Fighting
A porter is shown beating Captain Crawford with a stick. Behind the pair is Miss Hay of Mountblairy and Crawford's sister who wields her own stick. An imaginary incident based on Captain Crawford's 1784 threat against the printmaker
Alternative Title:
Cudgeller caught
Title etched below image., Place and date of imprint conjectured from that of book., Probably from: A series of original portraits and caricature etchings by the late John Kay (1877)., Numbered in lower left of plate: 47., and Restrike of no 6691 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6.
A porter is shown beating Captain Crawford with a stick. Behind the pair is Miss Hay of Mountblairy and Crawford's sister who wields her own stick. An imaginary incident based on Captain Crawford's 1784 threat against the printmaker
Alternative Title:
Cudgeller caught
Title from item., Restrike probably from: Kay, J. Series of original portraits and caricature etchings by the late John Kay. Ediburgh: Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder, 1837-1838., Place and date of imprint conjectured from that of book., and Restrike of no. 6691 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5.
Title below image., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from printmaker's place of residence., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Aggression and violence, Jealousy, Women, and Fighting
"A broadside satirising the share mania in Paris; with an etching after a French broadside by Humblot showing a street scene in the rue Quinquempoix with a crowd of people holding various papers, in the right foreground some people fighting; with engraved Dutch title, inscriptions, and verses in three columns."--British Museum online catalogue and "During the Mississippi Bubble’s heyday, trading took place on the rue Quincampoix in Paris. This print, from The Great Mirror of Folly, is based on an engraving by Antoine Humblot commemorating the street as a hub of chaos, lust, and criminality, as well as of unprecedented social mixing. The Dutch version includes foreboding rope nooses, along with placards indicating various commercial schemes as well as the emotional states of those investing in them. At right, a man is apprehended by the police, even as he passes a purloined object to his companion; at center, a woman flirts with a man while appearing to steal his wallet. From a window at left, John Law himself eyes the mayhem. The chiming bell above announces a dealer’s intention to sell."--New York Public Library website
Alternative Title:
Regte Afbeelding der Wind Negotie Gehouden in de Straat van Quinquempoix tot Parys
Title engraved in cartouche below image; subtitle in French and Dutch., Translation of the Dutch title in British Museum catalogue: A true picture of the wind trade of the rue Quinquempoix, Paris., According to Van Stolk, there is one state of this plate using Dutch verses. There are, however, other versions of this print with German and French text., and Three columns of verse in Dutch below title: Waar eertÿds 't Grieks Atheen 'vermaard ...
Chez G. Duchange, graveur du Roÿ, rue St. Jacques
Subject (Name):
Law, John, 1671-1729
Subject (Topic):
Economics, Swindlers and swindling, South Sea Bubble, Great Britain, 1720, City & town life, Crowds, Fighting, and People with disabilities
On the back wall of a tavern(?) is drawn "Royal Game of the Goose" and underneath four men sit at a table with glasses and large punch bowl, smoking pipes.. The table and bowl are falling on a large man who has fallen from his chair. A woman (servant) on the right reacts with alarm at the contents of the bowl spilling on the falling man; another man behind her looks on in amusement
Title engraved below image., Numbered '146' in lower right of plate., One of the series of Laurie & Whittle drolls., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published 24th Jany. 1795 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Games, Pipes (Smoking), Smoking, Tables, and Taverns (Inns)
Title from item., No. '254' in Laurie & Whittle Drolls series., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Chandois Street.
Published 8th Jany., 1801, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London