Translated title supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from language of text., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Fine Arts Publishing House and Издательство "Изобразительнос искусство".
Subject (Topic):
Alcoholism, Alcoholism and employment, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, Intoxication, Factories, Violence, and Fighting
Two soldiers shown full-length engaged in a fight. The bayonet of the solder on the left is pierced through the chest of the soldier on the right whose sword is drawn over his head and ready to strike
Title devised by curator., Ms. note in pencil on sheet above plate mark: Not in Nichols's book., and Formerly on page 108 in volume 2. Removed from Steevens volume by LWL conservator in 2012.
Publish'd Octr.1, 1791 by W. Birch, Hampstead Heath from a drawing by Hogarth
An expensively decorated room with a gas chandelier of cut glass is filled with a raffish crowd, eating, drinking, and fighting, and flirting. The selling of shell-fish is a 'specious pretence' for 'costly suppers' in a 'den of depravity'. The center figure, a young man assailed by a woman, appears to be Robert Cruikshank. See British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
New Covent Garden Hall
Title, printmaker, and imprint from published state., Plate etched for: Westmacott, C.M. English spy. London : Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825-1826., For published state see: No. 14950 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., and Ms. note in pencil on front: Vol. 1, page 399.
Sherwood Jones & Co.
Subject (Name):
Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856,
Subject (Topic):
Chandeliers, Courtship, Crowds, Eating & drinking, Fighting, Intoxication, and Parties
An illustration for Chapter 6 (not Chapter 5) depicts the scene at the end of Marcella's speech
"Page 312. Don Quixote. Pl. 3."--Above image., Title from original Hogarth print. Added titles from Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 94., and On page 86 in volume 1.
Scene in a crowded room lit by a few guttering candles, 'far exceeding in profligacy and dissipation' anything depicted by R obert Cruikshank in St. Giles. Men and women fight, drink, and smoke. An old soldier fiddles, a woman beats a drum for dancers who are almost hidden but apparently naked. Cruikshank stands on a table, pouring gin from a large tankard inscribed 'R.C' into raised glasses. One prostitute squirts liquid from her mouth at another, a third pulls on her stockings, incidents taken from Hogarth's 'Rake's Progress' (plate iii). 'Blackmantle' watches the fight, smoking a long pipe. On the walls are placards: 'No trust' and 'Pig and Whistle: Rules of the Club." British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Buff Club, at the Pig and Whistle, Avon Street, Bath
Title, printmaker, and imprint from published state., Plate etched for: Westmacott, C.M. English spy. London : Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825-1826., For published state see: No. 15232 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., and Ms. note in pencil on front: Vol. 2, Page 386.
Sherwood & Co.
Subject (Name):
Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856, and Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
The many windowed buildings are on the right, the high curved and spiked wall on the left. A lawyer, who invoked proceedings for gaming offences against former cronies, is being tossed high from a vast blanket, having been lured into the prison. A group of men with racquets is on the left. College=prison. See British Museum catalogue
Title, printmaker, and imprint from published state., Plate etched for: Westmacott, C.M. English spy. London : Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825-1826., For published state see: No. 14952 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., and Ms. note in pencil on front: Vol. 1, page 410.
One man armed with a pistol pushes away another man who stands ready to attack with a raised bludgeon in his right hand. A visibly distressed woman with outstretched arms appears to plead with the combatants as another man restrains her with his arms around her waist
Title devised by cataloger. and Date based on companion drawings for Zeluco executed by F. James and dated 1803.
In an auditorium with seats around the perimeter, a stout college dignitary holding out a piece of paper stands on the right observing a scuffle between students on the left. The only word left on the torn piece of paper is "terrae".
Title from Paulson., Original designed as the Frontispiece to vol. 1 of Nicholas Amhurst's Terra-Filius, or The secret history of the University's of Oxford. London : R. Francklin, 1726., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, 1727., Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 101., On page 47 in volume 1., and Ms. note in Steevens's hand above: Copy.
In an auditorium with seats around the perimeter, a stout college dignitary holding out a piece of paper stands on the right observing a scuffle between students on the left. The only word left on the torn piece of paper is "terrae".
Title, publisher, and date from Paulson., Frontispiece to Vol. 1 of Nicholas Amhurst's Terra-Filius, or The secret history of the University's of Oxford. London : R. Francklin, 1726., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above: Original. Below this print: See Nichols's book, 3d edit. p. 169., and On page 47 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 13.9 x 8.6 cm.