"A broadside satirising the share mania in Paris; with an etching after a French broadside by Humblot showing a street scene in the rue Quinquempoix with a crowd of people holding various papers, in the right foreground some people fighting; with engraved Dutch title, inscriptions, and verses in three columns."--British Museum online catalogue and "During the Mississippi Bubble’s heyday, trading took place on the rue Quincampoix in Paris. This print, from The Great Mirror of Folly, is based on an engraving by Antoine Humblot commemorating the street as a hub of chaos, lust, and criminality, as well as of unprecedented social mixing. The Dutch version includes foreboding rope nooses, along with placards indicating various commercial schemes as well as the emotional states of those investing in them. At right, a man is apprehended by the police, even as he passes a purloined object to his companion; at center, a woman flirts with a man while appearing to steal his wallet. From a window at left, John Law himself eyes the mayhem. The chiming bell above announces a dealer’s intention to sell."--New York Public Library website
Alternative Title:
Regte Afbeelding der Wind Negotie Gehouden in de Straat van Quinquempoix tot Parys
Title engraved in cartouche below image; subtitle in French and Dutch., Translation of the Dutch title in British Museum catalogue: A true picture of the wind trade of the rue Quinquempoix, Paris., According to Van Stolk, there is one state of this plate using Dutch verses. There are, however, other versions of this print with German and French text., and Three columns of verse in Dutch below title: Waar eertÿds 't Grieks Atheen 'vermaard ...
Chez G. Duchange, graveur du Roÿ, rue St. Jacques
Subject (Name):
Law, John, 1671-1729
Subject (Topic):
Economics, Swindlers and swindling, South Sea Bubble, Great Britain, 1720, City & town life, Crowds, Fighting, and People with disabilities
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: "Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ...", and Numbered "8" in upper right corner.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword."-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of series number in upper right corner.
Printed and sold by Philip Overton near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet and I. Cooper in Iames Street Convent Garden
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Printmaker, state, publisher, and date from Paulson. Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ..., and Numbered "8" in upper right corner.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
In an auditorium with seats around the perimeter, a stout college dignitary holding out a piece of paper stands on the right observing a scuffle between students on the left. The only word left on the torn piece of paper is "terrae".
Title, publisher, and date from Paulson., Frontispiece to Vol. 1 of Nicholas Amhurst's Terra-Filius, or The secret history of the University's of Oxford. London : R. Francklin, 1726., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
"Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher, wielding clubs; to left, Ralpho is held by a man with a rope and another with a sword."-- British Museun online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., Date and state from Paulson., Twenty-four lines of verse in four columns, two on either side of the title below image: Meanwhile the other campion, Yerst, in hurry of the fight disperst ... restor'd this fiddle and his case., Numbered "5" in upper right corner., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of series number in upper right corner., and On page 32 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.5 x 33.9 cm.
Printed and sold by Philip Overton near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet and I. Cooper in Iames Street Convent Garden
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Printmaker, state, publisher, and date from Paulson. Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ..., Numbered "8" in upper right corner., and On page 35 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.7 x 35.3 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cherubozca".
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras and Sidrophel., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption below image on either side of title, begins: "Quoth he, this scheme o' th' heav'ns set, discovers how in fight you met ...", Numbered "8" in upper right corner., and On page 35 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.8 x 35.2 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
In an auditorium with seats around the perimeter, a stout college dignitary holding out a piece of paper stands on the right observing a scuffle between students on the left. The only word left on the torn piece of paper is "terrae".
Title, publisher, and date from Paulson., Frontispiece to Vol. 1 of Nicholas Amhurst's Terra-Filius, or The secret history of the University's of Oxford. London : R. Francklin, 1726., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above: Original. Below this print: See Nichols's book, 3d edit. p. 169., and On page 47 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 13.9 x 8.6 cm.
"A room at the Rose Tavern, Drury Lane (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum); to left, Tom, surrounded by prostitutes and clearly drunk, sprawls on a chair with his foot on the table; one young woman embraces him and steals his watch, another spits a stream of gin across the table to the amusement of a young black woman standing in the background, another woman drinks from the punchbowl, another is removing her clothes in order to perform "postures"; to right., a harpist and a door through which enter a man holding a large dish and a candle, and a pregnant ballad singer holding a sheet lettered "Black Joke"; on the walls hang a map of the world to which a young woman holds a candle and framed prints of Roman emperors, all (except that of Nero) damaged."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
O vanity of youthfull blood, so by misuse to poison good! Woman form'd for social love, fairest gift of powers above ...
Title, state, and imprint from Paulson., Added title from first lines of verse engraved below image., Caption in five columns below image., and "Plate 3."--Lower right.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Fighting, Harps, Interiors, Intoxication, Musicians, Rake's progress, Prostitutes, Robberies, Street entertainers, Taverns (Inns), and Vandalism