Photographs of the Hopi pueblo Oraibi, interiors of Hopi homes, ceremonial dances, and portraits of Hopi and possibly Navajo Indians at Oraibi.
Contemporary coarse woven cloth photo album., Identification of photographer based on postcard image on first page with printed attribution on verso: Made by Simeon Schwemberger, St. Michael's Arizona, and by the fact that the style is similar to photographs identified as Schwemberger's., Individual photographs are 9 x 14 cm. and smaller., Purchased from the William Reese Company on the Walter McClintock Memorial Fund, 1996., and Simeon Schwemberger, 1867-1931, joined the Franciscan order as a lay brother, moving to the mission at St. Michael's, Arizona in 1901. At the mission he began photographing Navajo Indians. After leaving St. Michael's in late 1907 to open a photo gallery in Gallup, New Mexico, he began photographing other Native Americans, including Hopi and Pueblo Indians.
Subject (Geographic):
Oraibi (Ariz.)--Pictorial works.
Subject (Name):
Schwemberger, Simeon.
Subject (Topic):
Hopi Indians--Portraits., Hopi Indians--Rites and ceremonies--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Arizona--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Portraits., Navajo Indians--Pictorial works., and Navajo Indians--Portraits.
Hopi Indians--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Arizona--Pictorial works., Kivas--Arizona--Pictorial works., and Pueblo Indians--Rites and ceremonies--Pictorial works
Hopi Indians--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Arizona--Pictorial works., Indians of North America--Pictorial works., Kivas--Pictorial works., and Pueblo Indians--Rites and ceremonies--Pictorial works