Bar scale given in "English miles.", Relief shown by hachures., and Shows cities, military posts, areas of Indian habitation, "Russian Territory," "British Territory," and the United States with California, the Southwest, and Texas as part of Mexico; U.S. boundary coloration does not include "Oregon or Western Territory" and dotted/printed boundary follows the Columbia River.
"Pendleton's Lithography.", From: American Antiquarian Society. Transactions and collections. Vol. 2, 1836, fol. p. 264., Hand colored to show the location of Indian tribes and 11 linguistic families., and Relief shown pictorially.
Map of the gold and quicksilver district of California., Map of the maritime and overland routes to California., and Texas, Oregon, and California
"Compiled from the most recent authorities.", "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1845 by H.N. Burroughs in the clerks office of the district court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania.", Insets: Map of the maritime and overland routes to California -- Map of the gold and quicksilver district of California., Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington., and Shows trails and Indian tribe locations.
Thomas Cowperthwait & Co.,
Subject (Geographic):
California--Maps, Oregon--Maps, Texas--Maps, and West (U.S.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Burroughs, H. N and Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co
Subject (Topic):
Gold mines and mining--California--Maps, Indians of North America--Maps, and Mercury mines and mining--California--Maps
"Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861 by B.M. Smith and A.J. Hill, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Minnesota.", "Lith. by Louis Buechner, Saint Paul, Minnesota.", Inset: Outline map of Dakota Territory., and Shows counties and public lands township grid for eastern portion of Dakota Territory and for parts of Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa, military reservations and outposts, Indian reservations, Indian treaty boundary lines, existing trails and wagon roads, proposed roads, historic routes of exploration, areas of Indian habitation, railroads, cities, and existing and proposed towns.
Louis Buechner
Subject (Geographic):
Dakota Territory--Maps, Iowa--Maps, Minnesota--Maps, and Nebraska--Maps
Subject (Name):
Buechner, Louis and Hill, A. J. (Alfred James), 1823-1895
Subject (Topic):
Cities and towns--Dakota Territory--Maps, Discoveries in geography--Maps, Indian reservations--Dakota Territory--Maps, Indian reservations--Nebraska--Maps, Indians of North America--Maps, and Military bas
"Prepared from the map of Daniel C. Major ... and from Lieut. Col. J.E. Johnston's Map of the southern boundary of Kansas in 1857. [And from] the Map of the Creek country by Lieut. I.C. Woodruff, Topl. Engrs., in 1850-51." and Publication place and date inferred from description in Streeter's The celebrated collection of Americana ..., 575.
Engineer Bureau War Dept.,
Subject (Geographic):
Indian Territory--Maps
Subject (Name):
Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891, Major, Daniel C, United States. War Dept. Engineer Bureau, and Woodruff, I. C
Map of the states and territories from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean
"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1867 by G.W. & C.B. Colton ... ", Also shows locations of Indian tribes., Includes text., Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington., and Relief shown by hachures and spot heights.
G.W. and C.B. Colton,
Subject (Geographic):
Overland Trails--Maps and West (U.S.)--Maps
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America--Maps and Railroads--West (U.S.)--Maps
Map of the states and territories from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean
"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1874 by G.W. & C.B. Colton ... ", Also shows locations of Indian tribes., Includes text., Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington., and Relief shown by hachures and spot heights.
G.W. and C.B. Colton,
Subject (Geographic):
Overland Trails--Maps and West (U.S.)--Maps
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America--Maps and Railroads--West (U.S.)--Maps