“Vue sur en canal au Travancore. Zicht op een varrt in Travancore.” A man in a canoe is shown on a quiet canal passing two small boats. A bridge is seen in the distance. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Missions der PP. Carmes Déchaussés sur la côte de Malabar (Cochin et Travancore. – Indes Anglaises). Zendingen der PP. Ongeschoeide Karmelicten op de kust van Malabar, (Engelsch Indië). There is no handwriting on the back.
"Pulling junk up rapids at a distance. American Dispensary, Chungking, China." A long team of men are shown bent over as they strain to pull a fishing boat over rapids in a river. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Building a boat." Three men are shown at work constructing a boat along a river. Two men are seen sawing the wood planks for the cabin enclosure that covers part of the flat bottom hull.