1. The woman to the plow and the man to the hen-roost, or, A fine way to cure a cot-quean : the tune Published / Created: [ca.1676] Call Number: BrSides By6 1676 Image Count: 1 Alternative Title: A fine way to cure a cot-quean. Description: Begins: Both men and women listen well ... and BEIN BrSides By6 1676: Imperfect: mutilated. Stamp of Harvard University Library. Publisher: Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray and T. Passinger, Subject (Name): Harvard University.--Library--Stamp Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts--1676 and Marriage--Anecdotes Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The woman to the plow and the man to the hen-roost, or, A fine way to cure a cot-quean : the tune is, I have for all good wives a song ...