Part [2] has special title page: Officina apothecariorum, seu seplasiariorum, pharmacopolarum, ac juniorum medicorum ..., "Quaestio de vini exhibitione in febribus ab Jacobo Sylvio Ambianate aedita. An in febribus vinum aegrotis tuto dari queat": leaves lv-liiir, 2nd group of paging., Allut xxxviii., and MED,HSL Classics: Leaves 55 and [56] of v. 2 are missing and supplied by photostat.
Yale Med copy imperfect: leaves 99-100 (both blank), 169-188, 204, 231-236 (final two blank) wanting. and Yale Med copy has a later Italian binding. Described by Scott Husby, 2010.
Three hand forged iron spoon with hooked ends, one with spiral shaft. The lengths of the devices vary (between 18 cm. and 20 cm.) as do the spoon dimensions.
An unmarked wooden tray, perhaps of the pill sorting variety—rectangular in shape but with a fish tail cut on one side. There are six concave compartments of the same shape and depth.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A ceramic mortar, with a crack; the pestle appears to be missing. Additionally, there is an E with four green dots above said letter on the underside of the mortar.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.