"The 'Election-Troops', headed by Major Topham, advance towards the barred gate of the 'Treasury', behind which stands Pitt, holding a large key. He says, "I know nothing of you my Friends, Lord H------d pays all the expences himself - Hush! Hush! go to the back-Door in Great George Street under the Rose!" Topham holds out to Pitt a paper inscribed 'For Puffs & Squibs and for abusing opposition', in his right hand is a newspaper. 'The World' (see BMSat 7210, &c). Behind him is a dwarfish and ragged newsboy holding his horn, on his cap is the word 'Star' above a star. Under his arm is a copy of 'The Star' newspaper, in his right hand a paper inscribed 'For changing Sides; for hiring of Ballad Singers & Grub Street Writers. . .' . Next him is a publican holding a paper inscribed 'For Eating & Drink[ing] for Jack Ass Boys'. Behind these, three of the Foot Guards march together, each holding a paper inscribed 'For the attack in Bow Street' (see BMSat 7352); one holds a bayonet dripping with blood. Across the front of their caps is the word 'Hood'. A ragged and dwarfish cobbler holding a pair of shoes holds out a paper inscribed 'Far Voting 3 times'; he walks next two ballad-singers, one, fat, ragged, and pregnant, holds in her right hand a paper inscribed 'For Singing Ballads at 5 Skill pr Day . .', in her left hand is a sheaf of broadsides inscribed 'A begging we will go --- --- A new Song'. The woman next her holds a similar account; her hat is inscribed 'Hood'. On the extreme left is a sailor with a bludgeon who holds out a paper: 'For kicking up a Riot'. Next him is a burly and grinning negro (cf. BMSat 7367). Between these two and the cobbler a bearded Jew holds up in both hands a paper inscribed 'For Perjury & procuring Jew Voters'. Behind are the heads of the rest of the crowd; most wear election favours in their hats with the word 'Hood'."--British Museum online catalogue.
"Price 1 s. 6.", Temporary local subject terms: Edward Thomas -- Reference to Horace Walpole -- Elections -- Military uniform of foot guards -- Naval uniform of sailors -- Negroes: Sailor with election favor in hat -- Newspapers: The World -- The Star., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Westminster (London, England)--Politics and government.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Gillray, James, 1756-1815, artist., Great Britain.--Parliament--Elections, 1788., Great Britain.--Treasury., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., and Topham, Edward,--1751-1820--Caricatures and cartoons.
"[Left image] One of two designs on the same plate, see BMSat 6864. A cobbler (left) preaches in a bare, raftered room with a casement window. He stands behind a reading-desk on which is a large, open book, leaning forward, pointing, gesticulating, and shouting. The heads of his congregation, old men and women, are below and on the right. The title is from Burke's book, 'A Philosophical Enquiry into the origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful' (1756). [Right image] A companion design to BMSat 6863 on the same plate. A scene in the House of Commons showing the corner of the clerks' table (left), the benches on the right crowded with members, and part of the gallery above, with two persons looking over. The new member stands, knees bent, hat in his left hand, right hand extended; his attitude and expression convey the impression of a halting and embarrassed speech. He is in full dress, with sword and bag-wig. The members listen with expressions of contemptuous amusement or boredom."--British Museum online catalogue, description of later state with similar composition.
Alternative Title:
Essay on the sublime and beautiful and The maiden speech.
Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, page 165., Proof before letters. For later state with title and publication line, see nos. 6863 and 6864 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Title, printmaker, and publication information from lettered state., and Two images on one plate that are individually titled on lettered state.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burke, Edmund,--1729-1797.--Philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful., Cornell, Thos., active 1780-1792, publisher., and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Casement windows., Desks., Public speaking. , and Shoemakers.