A coat of arms divided into three portions, two of which are darker than the third. Within the divides are three Xs, two stars, and what appears to be a globe. Above the shield is an arm, clad in armor, holding a sword. At the bottom of the bookplate, beneath the title text, is written "No" and space in which to write.
Subject (Name):
Bedolfe, W. Viner
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Globes, Heraldic bookplates, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Sword
A coat of arms featuring a lion brandishing a weapon in each front paw. At the helm is a large, circular object; at the crest is an armored fist grasping a sword. A flowery garland loops and hangs around two other circular objects. Below is the motto In Utrumque Paratus.
Subject (Name):
Hartigan, William
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Hand, Lion, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Sword
Printed upon green paper, the coat of arms with an or-styled background. At forefront is a lion with a star in the upper left-hand corner. Above, upon a torse, is a clothed right-handed arm grasping a dagger. Below is the motto Virtute et Valoure.
Subject (Name):
Lawlor, William Hilliard
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates,, Lions, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Sword