Title below image., Artist's name at lower left., Published: Puck, 16 December 1885. Vol. XVIII. - No. 458., Publisher information from masthead above image., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Keppler & Schwarzmann, New York, Office No. 21-23 Warren St.
Subject (Name):
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892., Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906., Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912., Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893., and Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895.
Subject (Topic):
United States, Politics and government, Rabies, Newspaper editors, and Ocean liners
Title, date, and place of publication from item., In lower margin: U. S. Government Printing Office : 1942 O-485813 ; WH 2., One of a series of WWII posters produced for the U.S. Public Health Service showing the "big lunk" doing all the right healthy things to keep on the job for the war effort., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Federal Security Agency, U. S. Public Health Service and U.S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Dental care, Dentistry, World War,1939-1945, Teeth, Care and hygiene, and United States
Title from item., Following title: From a sketch by our special artist accompanying Major-General McDowell's Command., Published: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 3 August 1861., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Frank Leslie's Publishing House
Subject (Topic):
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861, United States, History, War wounds, Transport of sick and wounded, Soldiers, Ambulances, Battlefields, Dead persons, Explosions, and Horses
Title and date from item., Following title: From a sketch by our special artist accompanying Major-General McClellan's Command., In margin top: August 3, 1865 ; Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper ; 189., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Frank Leslie's Publishing House
Subject (Name):
Garnett, Robert S. 1819-1861. (Robert Selden),
Subject (Topic):
United States, History, War wounds, Death, Soldiers, Battlefields, and Dead persons
Title from item., Place of publication derived from publisher's known location., Date supplied by curator., Published in Harper's Weekly, 13 February 1864., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Hospitals, U.S.A.
Harper & Brothers
Subject (Name):
United States Sanitary Commission.
Subject (Topic):
United States, History, Medicine, Military, Military hospitals, Convalescence, Hospitals, Soldiers, Kitchens, and Medical aspects of war
Woodcut illustration showing Fort Washita in mid-ground; two wagons in lower left; two riders and horses in lower right; with caption below image: Fort Wachita
BEIN BrSide4o Zc41 861fo: On sheet 6.5 x 24.5 cm that has been cut from the top of a larger sheet. and At head of sheet: 286. Harper's Pictorial history of the Civil War. 1861.
A large, muzzled and chained dog representing England, is shown being attacked by several men who represent England's enemies, the countries of the armed neutrality league and its allies -- a Swede, a Dane, a Frenchman with an umbrella, a Spaniard with a cane, a Dutchman holding the dog by the tail, an American with a single feather in his hat, and one woman, Catherine of Russia, holding a caduceus and a sword. In the background, a woman, labeled "Queen of the Sea," stripped to the waist, wearing a crown, and hanging by her wrists from a gallows is being whipped by a man dressed as a naval officer and identified as J. Paul Jones. The print includes legend to numbered figures below title
Title from item. and "De piris is 8 stuijoen."
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Assault and battery, Great Britain, Foreign relations, United States, and History
Title from item., Date and place of publication derived from subject., From "The Civil War in the United States"., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Civil War, U.S.A.; Fortress Monroe, Virginia.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Fort Monroe (Va.).
Subject (Topic):
United States, History, Medicine, Military, War wounds, Forts & fortifications, Soldiers, Railroad cars, and Ambulances
Title and date from item., In margin upper right: 237., Published: The New-York Illustrated News, 12 August 1861., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
The New-York Illustrated News
Subject (Geographic):
United States.
Subject (Topic):
United States, History, Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861, Transport of sick and wounded, Military hospitals, Hospitals, Soldiers, Ambulances, Churches, and Sick persons
Title and date from item., In margin upper left: 144., Published: The New-York Illustrated News, 6 July 1861., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Skeleton as Death.
The New-York Illustrated News
Subject (Topic):
United States, History, Death (Personification)., War wounds, Soldiers, Cannons, Skeletons, and Explosions