Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and Three girls with long braids are playing basketball.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and When the opium agreement with England came to an end, 10,000,000 of stock was still left in Shanghai. Public opinion compelled the Chinese government to buy it and it was publicly burned for two days. Pootung, Opposite Shanghai Two large chimneys have smoke pouring out of them.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Bringing in the grain at the Tingchow Grain Dump. 1921., and Margaret Hart Barbour was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The first members of the new Chinese orchestra. Two women students holding Chinese stringed instruments.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., At the St. Mary's Gate, waiting to go to Shanghai for Community Chorus practice. The Community Chorus of five hundred Chinese voices gives Christmas music at the town hall to audiences of several thousand., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and When the opium agreement with England came to an end, 10,000,000 of stock was still left in Shanghai. Public opinion compelled the Chinese government to buy it and it was publicly burned for two days. Pootung, Opposite Shanghai Several men are standing in a small boat with boxes piled on it.
A Kindergarten in our Mission in Anking, Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., An old woman with a parasol is standing in front of a river., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai at St. John's University from 1916 to 1923.
$700 of opium in each ball. Several Westerners and one Chinese boy are holding balls of opium., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Margaret Hart Barbour, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary in Shanghai from 1916 to 1923., and The great ovens in which the opium was burned.