Ablutions form a large part in the Moslem's day, so we find connected with each mosque a well equipped, heated bath house. The kettles on the rack in the center are for the minor ablutions used before every time of prayer. Showers are to be had in the cupboards to the left. There is always hot water for use. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
A 'Beehive' kumbei peculiar to the Wuchungpao Plain, Ningsia. Although the door of the kumbei may open in any direction, the sepulchre inside will always be placed North and South. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The Bridge across the Tatung River which divides the Provinces of Tsinghai and Kansu north of the Sining River near which this picture was taken. To the right is Kansu, to the left is Tsinghai, Moslem governed territory, which includes the Northern part of Tibet. Such cantilever bridges are common in Tsinghai, Ma Pu-fang having constructed a number of new ones only recently.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The mohammedian camel train leaves San Ying, North of Kuyuan, about noon. Carrying salt to the South they return to Ningsia with grain. This and other villages saw serious fighting with the Communists in the summer of 1936.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The entrance to the most indigenous mosque in China, at Ts'ui Ti P'o, Kansu, on the trail from Lungchow, Shensi to Pingliang. The Moslem inn of the village is on the level below on the loess-terraced hillside.
A typical flour-mill used and controlled by Moslems along the Tibetan border. The wheel on the left is kept in motion by the force of the water striking the blades as in a turbine. Above in the mill the upper stone of the mill does not revolve, as we would expect, but is held stationary by more than twenty suspended ropes. The lower stone revolves and grinds the grain against the one above. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ma Min-hsin was a leader of the Djaharia Order in Chinese Islam. At his grave at Hung Lo Fu, Ningsia pilgrims come from all over China. In this glass-enclosed room in front of the grave prayers are said and the Koran is read. Ma Tsen-wu is now the head of this branch.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The horse bazaar beside one of the many canals in Wuchangpao. Such views are common in this thriving market town. Moslems form the major portion of the population of this center.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Interior of cave mosque at Ts'ui Ti P'o. The mihrab or prayer niche, a few goat skins for worshippers, native oil lamps and a small stove for heat in the winter, with door and small window above make up the mosque, and of which the village was justly proud.