Title from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: D,2.3513. Engraved text providing an "Explanation of the emblematical print" is printed on verso: The figure on the right hand represents Infirmity, to whose assistance Medicine comes & points to the remedy inscribed on the Altar of Health. Below explanation on verso is printed a 17-line engraved advertisement: "Lozenges of Steel," a medicine possessed of the most extraordinary powers in the cure of those diseases which are occasion'd by intemperance, excess, and impropitious climate ... are prepared only by Dr. Senate, late of Soho Square, and sold at Mr. Pidding's Medicine Ware-House, No. 76 Oxford Street ... Sheet trimmed within plate mark. Laid in an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.
Collected by P. (or T.) Legge of St. James' Market, with his notes occasionally on the versos of the cards. Acquired by Thomas Babb for the Yale Library from Dawson's; November 1962.
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